driver cart pmat error for geometry optimization of large system

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I am attempting a geometry optimization of a slab consisting of 170 gold atoms. Towards the beginning of the run, I get the following error:

                           NWChem Geometry Optimization

                  geometry optimization for a 170-atom gold slab

 maximum gradient threshold         (gmax) =   0.004500
 rms gradient threshold             (grms) =   0.003000
 maximum cartesian step threshold   (xmax) =   0.018000
 rms cartesian step threshold       (xrms) =   0.012000
 fixed trust radius                (trust) =   0.300000
 maximum step size to saddle      (sadstp) =   0.100000
 energy precision                  (eprec) =   5.0D-06
 maximum number of steps          (nptopt) =  100
 initial hessian option           (inhess) =    0
 line search option               (linopt) =    0
 hessian update option            (modupd) =    1
 saddle point option              (modsad) =    0
 initial eigen-mode to follow     (moddir) =    0
 initial variable to follow       (vardir) =    0
 follow first negative mode     (firstneg) =    T
 apply conjugacy                    (opcg) =    F
 source of zmatrix                         =

          Energy Minimization

 driver_cart_pmat: memory for pmat            37454400
  current input line :
   268: task dft optimize
 There is an error related to the specified geometry
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

Any information on this error and how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated.

Forum Regular
You ran out of memory trying to allocate an array. In this particular case, you need more stack/heap memory (

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem