Install Issues on Windows 10

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I am using the MINGW suite, MSYS as per instructions. All installed OK, including Python.
Extracted all files in build 6.8
I did the "exports" and then on to:
% cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src

% make nwchem_config

% make FC=gfortran DEPEND_CC=gcc

The error occurs because there is no file named nwchem_config.
Its not in src or anywhere in the install set.

Any advice appreciated. This is my first time to install NWCHEM and not too familiar with unix.

Forum Vet
Please report the complete output you got from the second command (make nwchem_config)

Forum Vet
Please report
1) the complete output you got from the second command (make nwchem_config)
2) output of the commands
ls -lrt $NWCHEM_TOP/src/config
ls -lrt $NWCHEM_TOP/src/

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the make command results in 'No rule to make nwchem_config'. Stop.
the ls command lists the file contents. At the end there is a nwconfig.h along with NWCHEM_CONFIG.
Attempting to make the latter results in a 'no rule' error.

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UPDATE on Install
Fixed one issue- make not started in c:\nwchem-6.8\src. I changed to this directory and ran:
'make NWCHEM_CONFIG'. First time it said to set NWCHEM_MODULES to all. I did. Ran again. One line said 'cat:c:nwchem-6.8/src/tools/build/config.h: No such file or directory
This is accurate as there is no directory 'build' under tools.  ?
No other obvious errors but I cant tell if the program was created. There seems to be no executable.

Forum Vet
My suggestion is to either make more complete and detailed but report or have a look at the updated documentation on Windows 10 installation at
Please have a look at the suggested list of env. variables.

Clicked A Few Times
OK. I started over completely. Not using MINGW but installed the WSL for windows, used Unbutu distribution. All updates, upgrades and package install seemed to go ok.
I followed the instructions under ' NWChem 6.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) ', Did all the exports and can see the NWCHEM_TOP reflects to C:\nwchem-6.8, my directory.
Running just export verifies this as does changing back and forth from root to $NWCHEM_TOP
In spite of this, attempting to make fails.
Used: "sudo make nwchem_config NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"
It indicates NWCHEM_TOP is not defined [congfig.h line 33].
I also tried to make 64_to_32.Same error lookin go NWCHEM_TOP

Any ideas? Is there anything specific to WSL?

Forum Vet
You might to install the NWChem package that ships from Ubuntu
Try the following

sudo apt-cache search nwchem
sudo apt install nwchem
dpkg-query -l nwchem
dpkg-query -L nwchem

Clicked A Few Times
OK so far. Steps 1 and were fine. Step 3 (lower case) produced errors. Step 4 (Upper case) showed a long directory listing.
Here is output from step 3:
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
+++-==============-============-============-================================================= ii nwchem 6.6+r27746-2 amd64 High-performance computational chemistry software

Forum Vet
Quote:Hockswender Feb 28th 8:07 am
OK so far. Steps 1 and were fine. Step 3 (lower case) produced errors. Step 4 (Upper case) showed a long directory listing.
Here is output from step 3:
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
+++-==============-============-============-================================================= ii nwchem 6.6+r27746-2 amd64 High-performance computational chemistry software

This is not an error. It is the expected behavior

Please analyze the first line of the output of the command at step 4 (dpkg-query -L nwchem) and you will see where NWChem has been installed, most likely in /usr/bin

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The install did not seem to go properly.
line 1 ./
line 2 /usr
line 3 /usr/share
line 4 /usr/share/doc/
 and so forth.
Nothing to make or instructions to do so.
Note that on Windows, usr/bin is many layers deep into c:\Users\Tim\AppData\LocalPackages...

Is it possible to direct the Nwchem install to go into c:\nwchem-6.8 ?

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Is the NWCHEM package you had me download already compiled?
If so, how can I run the examples?

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UPDATE on Install etc.
HI, I assumed a yes answer to above. I moved the example files to c:\nwchem-6.8 and ran:
nwchem /mnt/c/nwchem-6.8/h2o_core.nw
Run aborted with error 911, said 'could not open a file in permanent directory:' and
'could not open a file in scratch directory:"
then MPI died
note that my bash shell prompt is "$"

Forum Vet
What is you current working directory? In other words, what is the output of the command


Can you create a file in this directory? You can test it by using the command

touch test.file

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UPDATE on Install
pwd = /usr this is the usr under the Ubuntu folder way under c:\User\Tim\AppData etc.
permission denied on touch

I am the only user and thought I was admin or root for all

I ran with "sudo nwchem /mnt/c/nwchem-6.8/h2o_core.nw"
and it executed perfectly.

The results seem to be buried under this directory as well.
Can I direct the output to go to a specific directory?
e.g. c:\mwchem_out

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UPDATE on Install etc.
It seems that the out files will go into whatever directory from which I start nwchem.
Are there any negatives to this where a restart or further processing will be problematic?

Finally ( i hope), what tools can be used to visualize the output?
I am interested in both the structure and the spectra, particularly proton NMR amd IR.

Thanks much for your patince in this.

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