Number of electrons from Molden

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where D is the density matrix obtained using the MO coefficients in the .molden file and S is the overlap matrix read from the nwchem output. However, the above expression does not evaluate to the number of electrons. I'm getting 3.71 electrons against 4.

Am I missing anything?


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I got some clue towards what might be the issue. The ordering of the d,f and g functions in molden is quite different from that of nwchem. I wrote a small parser and performed the required mapping to ensure that the nwchem and molden basis match. This gave quite an improvement in integral of the density. But I'm still getting 1e-3 error in the integral of density when compared to the number of electrons. Are the MO coefficients written onto the molden file inaccurate or not properly normalized?

Any input will be of immense help.


Forum Vet
Please report
1) version of NWChem used (6.8 contains bugs in the Molden interface, see, the upcoming maintenance release 6.8.1 will contain the bug fixes)
2) full input file used

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Hi Edoapra,

I'm using version 6.8.

Below is the input file I used. What I observed is that the molden interface is having problems when dealing with basis that has d or higher orbitals.

start CH2
title "CH2 in pc-3 basis set"

geometry units au
symmetry c1
C 0 0 0
H 0 0 2.0955171492021
H 2.05055774410624 0 -0.43174652346195

* library pc-3 file /opt/nwchem/data/libraries/

task dft energy

#vectors heat.movecs
molden_norm janpa

xc slater 1.0 perdew81 1.0
iterations 100
convergence density 1.0e-4
grid xfine
mult 1
print "basis labels" "ao overlap" "convergence"

task dft property
print "total time" "ma stats"


Forum Vet
As mentioned in
nwchem 6.8 contains bugs in the molden feature of task property (bugs fixed in the upcoming 6.8.1 release)
As mentioned in the URL above, a workaround for 6.8 is to use "molden" keyword in dft section and perform just a dft energy task.
This means for your input
 xc slater  perdew81  

set molden:do_norm_janpa t

task dft energy

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Thanks Edoapra. I'll try the workaround and let you know.

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Hi Edoapra.,

I tried to use "molden" in the dft section and used the resulting molden. However, it didn't improve my answer. I suspect that this might be due the inaccurate overlap matrix. The overlap matrix that I'm getting from nwchem prints only upto 5 decimal digits. I'm using "print ao overlap" in my dft section. Is there a way to increase the accuracy of the overlap matrix that's printed?

If you feel that the overlap matrix is not the issue, then I'm back to getting the correct molden file.


Forum Vet
Sorry for not having read your initial posting.
Since you are using NWCHems overlap matrix, you should stick to NWChem's normalization by using

set molden:do_norm_nwchem t

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Hi Edoapra,

I used "set molden:do_norm_nwchem t". But I still don't get normalized molecular orbitals (MOs) when I use the NWChem overlap matrix and Molden output. I have permuted the Molden molecular orbital data to match NWChem's ordering of d,f and g functions.


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