Gets Around

In the latest versions NWChem in the src\solvation\cosmo_def_radii.F file appeared:

         if(.not.geom_tag_to_element(aname, symb, elem, atn)) 
     +     call errquit('cosmo def radii:cannot resolve tag'
     +                  //aname, 0,0)

This entry does not allow working with dummy points (X) in COSMO.
I deleted this entry. It seems to me that the program works correctly.
Could you fix it?

Forum Vet
Could you please post this to the github issue NWChem channel at

Please provide an input file showing the problem

Thanks, Edo

Forum Vet
I have tried the calculations with and without an entity X based on the input provided on Github using NWCHEM6.8 unchanged on both Ubuntu17.10 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.3(compiled on 10.13.2), and all can finish with results having definitely negligible differences.
I have put the log files on your GitHub topic.

Forum Vet
I was told on Github that the input provided there missed group cosmo.
When it is added, the error can be reproduced with the entity X.

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