Multithreading in NWChem

Just Got Here
Hi All!

In the latest user documentation, it says that running the 'nwchem' command does sequential execution:

However, when running the nwchem command, I'm noticing that multiple processes (multiple PIDs) are being spawned from a single command. Does this mean that multithreading is enabled by default? See screenshot:

If so, then is there any benefit to running nwchem on a single node (my desktop computer) with MPI or TCGMSG?


Gets Around
Yes, you should launch NWChem with mpirun/mpiexec if you want to use more than one core per node. I do not understand your screenshot, because "./nwchem" should not launch multiple processes.

To the topic in the subject, NWChem is threaded in a few modules, such as NWPW, semidirect CCSD(T) and TCE.

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem