TCE CCSD(T) fail when MCDRAM is cache mode

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I attempt to benchmark the performance difference of CCSD calculations on KNL system with different MCDRAM modes:

I compiled 2 copies of NWChem 6.8 on our KNL system; the compilation environment are identical except that one copy has USE_FASTMEM=T and the other one export USE_FASTMEM=F:

I managed to complete a (H2O)4 CCSD(T)/cc-pvqz (TCE) calculation for the copy using USE_FASTMEM=T on the nodes with MCDRAM in flat mode, while another copy ( USE_FASTMEM=F) fail on the nodes which have MCDRAM in cache mode.

Can anyone advice how to fix this problem? Thanks!

 number of tasks:        11984
1 ga offset 1570646329 size_xx_perproc 1570646329mx 4
2 ga offset 3141292658 size_xx_perproc 1570646329mx 4
3 ga offset 4711938987 size_xx_perproc 1570646331mx 4
Cpu & wall time / sec 481.0 516.7
T1-number-of-tasks 13

t1 file size = 7040
t1 file name = ./rubbish.w4.t1
t1 file handle = -998
T2-number-of-boxes 260
get-block-ind1 2
get-block-ind1 2
get-block-ind1 2
get-block-ind1 2
current input line :
current input line :
current input line :

Gets Around
I don't fully understand this report, but you should be able to use the USE_FASTMEM=T binary for cache mode because the Intel Fortran compiler should fall back on DDR when MCDRAM is not found (because it is invisible due to cache mode).

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