NWChem 6.8: bug in molden file when symmetry is used

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The MO coefficients in molden file are strange when symmetry being used. Here is an example.

START test

geometry noautosym
 H    0.  0.  0.
 F    0.  0.  0.9

 * library sto-3g

 molden_norm none

task scf property

The first two MOs are
Sym=        a    
Ene=  -0.25898543844685E+02
Spin=       Alpha
Occup=       2.0000000000
     1   -0.005993889698
     2    0.994676106956
     3    0.022824839578
     4    0.000000000000
     5   -0.000000000000
     6   -0.003095809943
Sym=        a    
Ene=  -0.14767774631301E+01
Spin=       Alpha
Occup=       2.0000000000
     1    0.161947318061
     2   -0.248503645921
     3    0.931329944253
     4   -0.000000000000
     5    0.000000000000
     6   -0.095431004489

Without the keyword noautosym, the first two MOs become to
Sym=        a1   
Ene=  -0.25898543844696E+02
Spin=       Alpha
Occup=       2.0000000000
     1   -0.030974786933
     2    5.140214791101
     3    0.117952544737
     4   -0.000000000000
     5    0.000000000000
     6   -0.015998301304
Sym=        a1   
Ene=  -0.14767774631389E+01
Spin=       Alpha
Occup=       2.0000000000
     1    0.094485712235
     2   -2.413986185317
     3    0.411453221166
     4    0.000000000000
     5   -0.000000000000
     6   -0.040417603365

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