Why can't I post?

Clicked A Few Times
I have a question about NWChem compilation that I've been trying for the last 10 minutes or so to post to the "Compiling NWChem" forum, but every time I try to submit or preview my post I get an error that says

The specified URL cannot be found

Am I severely forum-impaired, or is there something wrong here?

P.S.: This post appears to have worked fine, obviously.

Forum Vet
Please try a simple text post in the "Compiling NWChem" forum. We have seen that copy and past of certain characters creates issues. Could you also send the post to me as you wanted to do it, so I can try?


Bert (bert.dejong@pnnl.gov).

[QUOTE=Cjolley Oct 13th 4:45 am]I have a question about NWChem compilation that I've been trying for the last 10 minutes or so to post to the "Compiling NWChem" forum, but every time I try to submit or preview my post I get an error that says 

The specified URL cannot be found

Am I severely forum-impaired, or is there something wrong here?

P.S.: This post appears to have worked fine, obviously.

Clicked A Few Times
Double hyphens?
It looks like the forum software really doesn't like double hyphens. For example, I can type:

- -

and things work fine. If I try to remove the space between the hyphens above, however, I can't preview or submit the post.

Just Got Here
Crazy charges on hydrogens
Hi everyone,

I am obtaining negative charges for hydrogen in hydrocarbons. I am using HF/6-31g level of theory and RESP calculation. I am new to NWchem and do not know what to observe to find the problem.

Here is my input

geometry units an
C 1.086 0.186 -0.990
C -0.392 0.220 -1.412
C -1.283 0.696 -0.253
C -1.086 -0.186 0.990
C 0.392 -0.220 1.412
C 1.283 -0.696 0.253
H 1.434 1.224 -0.769
H 1.714 -0.196 -1.832
H -0.711 -0.801 -1.731
H -0.521 0.893 -2.295
H -1.032 1.755 -0.002
H -2.356 0.681 -0.566
H -1.714 0.196 1.832
H -1.434 -1.224 0.769
H 0.711 0.801 1.731
H 0.521 -0.893 2.295
H 1.032 -1.755 0.002
H 2.356 -0.681 0.566

* library 6-31g

print none
uhf; singlet

print low
maxiter 15

task scf optimize

restrain hyperbolic

task esp

Forum Vet
This website will be shutdown soon. The new NWChem website is available at https://nwchemgit.github.io/

Therefore, the forums will cease to operate, too.

The NWChem forum is now hosted at google groups.

The group is open to registered members.

We invite NWChem users to register to the nwchem-forum google group.

Please do mention your real name as display name during the registration process.

The group can be accessed from the following link

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> General Topics