crystal optimize

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Dear developers and users,
May I use the dft moudle to optimize crystal model?
How to write the inputfile?
I tried, but outputfile show me the following error:
nwdft: Problem with system type 0
current input line :
85: task dft optimize
There is an error in the input file
For more information see the NWChem manual at

This is my inputfile:
start 01

          • Enter the geometry using fractional coordinates ****
geometry units au center noautosym noautoz print
 system crystal
lat_a 16.2465
lat_b 16.2465
lat_c 20
alpha 90.0d0
beta 90.0d0
gamma 120.0d0
O 0.0666758 0.0333306 0.500008
O 0.0666758 0.233331 0.500008
O 0.0666758 0.433331 0.500008
O 0.0666758 0.633331 0.500008
O 0.0666758 0.833331 0.500008
O 0.266676 0.0333306 0.500008
O 0.266676 0.233331 0.500008
O 0.266676 0.433331 0.500008
O 0.266676 0.633331 0.500008
O 0.266676 0.833331 0.500008
O 0.466676 0.0333306 0.500008
O 0.466676 0.233331 0.500008
O 0.466676 0.433331 0.500008
O 0.466676 0.633331 0.500008
O 0.466676 0.833331 0.500008
O 0.666676 0.0333306 0.500008
O 0.666676 0.233331 0.500008
O 0.666676 0.433331 0.500008
O 0.666676 0.633331 0.500008
O 0.666676 0.833331 0.500008
O 0.866676 0.0333306 0.500008
O 0.866676 0.233331 0.500008
O 0.866676 0.433331 0.500008
O 0.866676 0.633331 0.500008
O 0.866676 0.833331 0.500008
Zn 0.133329 0.166665 0.500013
Zn 0.133329 0.366665 0.500013
Zn 0.133329 0.566665 0.500013
Zn 0.133329 0.766665 0.500013
Zn 0.133329 0.966665 0.500013
Zn 0.333329 0.166665 0.500013
Zn 0.333329 0.366665 0.500013
Zn 0.333329 0.566665 0.500013
Zn 0.333329 0.766665 0.500013
Zn 0.333329 0.966665 0.500013
Zn 0.533329 0.166665 0.500013
Zn 0.533329 0.366665 0.500013
Zn 0.533329 0.566665 0.500013
Zn 0.533329 0.766665 0.500013
Zn 0.533329 0.966665 0.500013
Zn 0.733329 0.166665 0.500013
Zn 0.733329 0.366665 0.500013
Zn 0.733329 0.566665 0.500013
Zn 0.733329 0.766665 0.500013
Zn 0.733329 0.966665 0.500013
Zn 0.933329 0.166665 0.500013
Zn 0.933329 0.366665 0.500013
Zn 0.933329 0.566665 0.500013
Zn 0.933329 0.766665 0.500013
Zn 0.933329 0.966665 0.500013

O library 6-311g**
Zn library lanl2tz
Zn library lanl2tz
xc pbe0

 maxiter 500
xyz rs

task dft optimize


Forum Regular
No. The DFT module uses Gaussian basis sets for finite systems. It cannot handle the periodic boundary conditions of a crystal.

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