Raman plot point number

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Iv'e been doing some Raman freq calculations and noticed that the plot has a constant number of points, regardless of freq range. is there a possibility to add a keyword to control it for each run? currently i had to edit the Raman.F file and recompile in order to change it.

Thank you in advance,

Forum Regular
If you want to do this yourself, then you could follow these steps to add the functionality that you are looking for.

In the raman_scattering subroutine of the raman.F file, add
#include "mafdecls.fh"
to the list of other included header files. Then comment out the line
parameter (numpts  = 1000)
Finally, add the lines
     if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'raman:numpts',mt_int,1,numpts))
& numpts=1000
After recompiling/linking the code, you should be able to control the number of points in the plot by adding
set raman:numpts <integer>
to your input file. If you don't have the set directive in your input, then it will default to 1000, which is what it is currently hardcoded as.

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Hi Sean,

Thanks for the solution!
Do you think this could be integrated into future versions? since at narrow line width a low number of points makes the plot unreliable, this might be affecting more people.

Thanks again!

edit: I may have spoken too soon, after making these changes, nwchem does not compile.
It seems
#include "mafdecls.fh"
was already present in the code, so adding it will cause nwchem to not compile, but even when removing the redundant line, I could not get it to compile.

any suggestions?

Forum Regular
You may have to run make realclean and then rebuild.

This change has been incorporated into the development build (Thanks, Edo), so it will be in future versions of the code.

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great, I'll try that, thanks

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new documentation

I see this new feature was added to version 6.8, but you should probably add it to the documentation.


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