Problem in running AlCl3 molecule with symmetry tag.

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Dear users,

      I am trying to run AlCl3 molecule with CAM-B3LYP functional. My input file look like this- 
start AlCl3
geometry units angstroms
# symmetry D2h
Al .000000 .000000 .000000
Cl .000000 2.069041 .000000
Cl 1.791842 -1.034520 .000000
Cl -1.791842 -1.034520 .000000

* library 6-311++G(3df,3pd)
xc xcamb88 1.00 lyp 0.81 vwn_5 0.19 hfexch 1.00
cam 0.33 cam_alpha 0.19 cam_beta 0.46
maxiter 1000
mult 1
task dft energy
charge 0

I have taken mp2 optimize geometry from here .

This input file runs without any problem. Now If I add the line symmetry D2h in the geometry unit it is not running and in the output it gives something like this- Odd number of electrons.Please specify a restricted open-shell or open-shell calculation.

Can anyone please tell me how can I overcome this probllem.

with regards,
Bikash Patra.

Forum Vet
d2h or d3h?
This geometry of this molecule has D3h symmetry ... why are you trying to force it to have D2h symmetry?

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Sorry, that is a mistake.
But now If I add symmetry D3h then also the same case happens.

Forum Vet
Those might be the geometries you are looking for
geometry alcl3_d3h noautoz
symmetry d3h
 Al                   -0.00000000    -0.00000000     0.00000000
 Cl                    1.46303278     1.46303278     0.00000000
 Cl                   -1.99853994     0.53550716     0.00000000
 Cl                    0.53550716    -1.99853994     0.00000000
geometry alcl3_d3
symmetry d3
 Al                   -0.00000000    -0.00000000     0.00000000
 Cl                    1.46303278     1.46303278     0.00000000
 Cl                   -1.99853994     0.53550716     0.00000000
 Cl                    0.53550716    -1.99853994     0.00000000

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Thank you Sir. Now it is working.

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