Analysis runs but after a while "Pneb w diag: ZHEEV failed" error

Just Got Here
Dear all,

I keep encountering a problem for my analysis. The optimization runs and after a while (for example after some optimization steps) I get this error:

= energy calculation =

          ======== bundled Grassmann lmbfgs iteration ========
     >>>  ITERATION STARTED AT Thu May 25 12:32:28 2017  <<<
    iter.           Energy         DeltaE       DeltaRho 
 Pneb_w_diag: ZHEEV failed                  96
  current input line : 
 This error has not yet been assigned to a category
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section: 
 No section for this category                                                   
4:4:Pneb_w_diag: ZHEEV failed:: 96
(rank:4 pid:90845):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-4/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
 Pneb_w_diag: ZHEEV failed                  96
  current input line : 
 This error has not yet been assigned to a category
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section: 
 No section for this category                 

This is my input and it runs fine:

title "mmt dry geometry optimize"
start mmtdry

memory 20480 mb
permanent_dir /lustre/work/chme412/kkoocheki/PPL/perm
scratch_dir /lustre/work/chme412/kkoocheki/PPL/scr

geometry units angstroms center noautosym noautoz print
 system crystal
   lat_a 5.18d0
   lat_b 8.98d0
   lat_c 10.00d0
   alpha 90.0d0
   beta 90.0d0
   gamma 90.0d0
symmetry group P1
Al	0.8753	0.3330	0.3321
Mg	0.8753	0.6670	0.3321
Al	0.3753	0.8330	0.3321
Fe	0.3753	0.1670	0.3321
Si	0.5588	0.3290	0.0645
Si	0.5588	0.6710	0.0645
Si	0.6919	0.8290	0.5999
Si	0.6919	0.1710	0.5999
Si	0.0588	0.8290	0.0645
Si	0.0588	0.1710	0.0645
Si	0.1919	0.3290	0.5999
Si	0.1919	0.6710	0.5999
O	0.5134	0.5000	0.0149
O	0.8280	0.7280	0.0000
O	0.8280	0.2720	0.0000
O	0.4954	0.0000	0.2280
O	0.5682	0.6910	0.2231
O	0.5722	0.3090	0.2231
O	0.7373	0.0000	0.6494
O	0.4227	0.2280	0.6642
O	0.4227	0.7720	0.6642
O	0.7553	0.5000	0.4362
O	0.6824	0.1910	0.4412
O	0.6784	0.8090	0.4412
O	0.0134	0.0000	0.0149
O	0.3280	0.2280	0.0000
O	0.3280	0.7720	0.0000
O	0.9954	0.5000	0.2280
O	0.0682	0.1910	0.2231
O	0.0722	0.8090	0.2231
O	0.2373	0.5000	0.6494
O	0.9227	0.7280	0.6642
O	0.9227	0.2720	0.6642
O	0.2553	0.0000	0.4362
O	0.1824	0.6910	0.4412
O	0.1784	0.3090	0.4412
Na	0.6893	0.5000	0.8300

set nwpw:cif_filename mmtdry
set includestress    .true.   # option tells driver to optimize the unit cell
set nwpw:zero_forces .true.   # option zeros the forces on the atoms--> only lattice parameters optimized
 XC b3lyp-grimme2
 mult 1
 ewald_rcut 3.0
 ewald_ncut 9
 monkhorst-pack 2 2 2
 cutoff 40.0
task pspw energy
driver; clear; maxiter 200; xyz mmtdry; end; task band optimize ignore

and it happens for other input files too.

any ideas?

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