Problem when computing giao shieldings

Just Got Here
Dear all,
I have been trying to compute chemical shifts using NWChem 6.6 and I found the following problem.
If I compute shieldings for every nuclei in the molecule everything runs fine, however if shieldings are computed for only a few nuclei the computed shieldings are wrong after the first skipped nuclei. I guess that this is a trivial error regarding the indexes of the nuclei. I will appreciate any help with this issue.
Thanks in advance

Just Got Here
Thanks in advance

Forum Vet
Could you provide the input file(s) you are using?

Just Got Here
Quote:Edoapra Feb 24th 9:33 am
Could you provide the input file(s) you are using?

Here it goes.

start ludartin-gmmx_out-dft
title ludartin-gmmx_out-dft
geometry units angstrom
C 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
C 1.541000 0.000000 0.000000
C 2.138900 1.415000 0.000000
C 2.013900 2.118500 -1.343900
C 0.611700 2.617600 -1.667700
C -0.340600 1.474400 -2.025300
C -0.821600 0.641600 -0.858500
C -0.477500 -0.840300 1.180900
C 0.736700 -1.281400 1.932200
C 1.954600 -0.787400 1.233300
O 1.540200 -0.236100 2.494900
O 3.560900 1.392900 0.230200
C 4.110500 2.526400 -0.291800
C 3.090200 3.138500 -1.164100
C 3.201900 4.386800 -1.621300
O 5.242700 2.925100 -0.100400
C -2.327300 0.561800 -0.757100
C 3.219200 -1.568400 1.262300
H 0.691400 -2.240800 2.419000
H 1.889300 -0.562300 -0.876300
H 1.692000 2.005100 0.814500
H 2.352500 1.450400 -2.149500
H 0.660500 3.285100 -2.537200
H 0.204600 3.212300 -0.840000
H -1.209800 1.926400 -2.521800
H 0.111500 0.814200 -2.776400
H -1.129600 -0.260100 1.841700
H -1.017600 -1.721000 0.816900
H 2.444900 4.835300 -2.254500
H 4.066600 4.998200 -1.375900
H -2.744500 0.155400 -1.684900
H -2.745000 1.561500 -0.596800
H -2.678000 -0.074000 0.059700
H 3.255600 -2.268000 0.421200
H 3.311600 -2.151800 2.184900
H 4.092000 -0.913200 1.199300
basis "ao basis" print
  • library 6-31G*
xc b3lyp
do_cosmo_smd false
solvent chcl3
shielding 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
task dft property

Forum Vet
Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce your failure. Could you pleas upload the two output files to a public website?

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