Singularity in Pulay matrix - what does this error means ?

Gets Around

I'm trying to perform a DFT calculation but it is not converging. Can you please tell me what is wrong here.
The code I'm using is:
title 'energy'
start dimer
geometry units angstrom
  #symmetry c1
  N -8.062 1.363 3.105;H -8.891 1.584 3.159;N -13.919 2.967 8.462;C -13.035 3.498 9.280
basis "ao basis"
  * library 6-311+g*
   bqN library N 6-311+g*
  bqH library H 6-311+g*
  bqO library O 6-311+g*
  bqC library C 6-311+g*
  xc m06-2x
  grid fine
  mult 2
  #convergence energy 1e-8
  iterations 10000
  mon first 1 2 
  mon second 3 4
  mult 2
task dft energy

After 5000 steps it keep saying "Singularity in Pulay matrix. Error and Fock matrices removed." during the convergence. But never finishes successfully.
   convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
 ---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- ---------  ------
 d= 0,ls=0.0          1               NaN       NaN  5.34D-02               0.6
 d= 0,ls=0.0          2    -46.6163595845       NaN  7.44D-02               0.8
 d= 0,ls=0.0,diis     3-788843.7114149755 -7.89D+05  2.17D+00  2.58D+15     1.1
                                                     9.09D-02  1.41D+01
  Singularity in Pulay matrix. Error and Fock matrices removed. 
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     4    -79.3380516151  7.89D+05  2.17D+00  4.16D+00     1.4
                                                     1.16D-01  7.04D+00
  Singularity in Pulay matrix. Error and Fock matrices removed. 
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     5******************  1.57D+07  1.20D-01  2.09D+01     1.6
                                                     1.09D+00  1.41D+17
  Singularity in Pulay matrix. Error and Fock matrices removed. 
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     6   -110.4162220371 -1.57D+07  1.25D-01  1.01D+01     1.9
                                                     1.10D+00  5.31D+00
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     7   3668.9152020524  3.78D+03  5.89D-04  2.56D+06     2.1

Little bit suggestions on the issue would be highly appreciated.

Forum Regular
That exact input ran to completion without any problems for me. My guess is that you have a problem with your build, especially considering that you start with NaN for the energy.

Gets Around
Alright. What do suggest I should watch out for ? Can I check anyway if the build is fine ?

Forum Regular
I would first suggest running some of the calculations in the QA directory and compare against the provided results to verify if the build is indeed faulty

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