About the PBE0 optimization! Why cannot it continue? Is there any error in the input file?

Clicked A Few Times
restart Pd26
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd 0.0000000 0.0000000 -2.3898578
Pd -2.3559749 1.3484216 -2.2197693
Pd -2.3559749 -1.3484216 -2.2197693
Pd 0.0102201 -2.7145449 -2.2197693
Pd 2.3457548 -1.3661234 -2.2197693
Pd 2.3457548 1.3661234 -2.2197693
Pd 0.0102201 2.7145449 -2.2197693
Pd -1.5538225 0.0000000 0.0000000
Pd -1.6177914 -2.8020968 0.0000000
Pd 0.7769112 -1.3456498 0.0000000
Pd 0.7769112 1.3456498 0.0000000
Pd -1.6177914 2.8020968 0.0000000
Pd -3.8963130 1.3540399 0.0000000
Pd -3.8963130 -1.3540399 0.0000000
Pd 3.1207894 -2.6972861 0.0000000
Pd 3.1207894 2.6972861 0.0000000
Pd 3.2355827 0.0000000 0.0000000
Pd 0.7755236 -4.0513260 0.0000000
Pd 0.7755236 4.0513260 0.0000000
Pd 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.3898578
Pd -2.3559749 1.3484216 2.2197693
Pd -2.3559749 -1.3484216 2.2197693
Pd 0.0102201 -2.7145449 2.2197693
Pd 2.3457548 -1.3661234 2.2197693
Pd 2.3457548 1.3661234 2.2197693
Pd 0.0102201 2.7145449 2.2197693

BASIS "ao basis" PRINT
Pd S
   208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
22.8525000 -0.0409280 0.0098180 -0.0417810
14.2986000 0.1922850 -0.0528760 0.1593620
5.4880100 -0.6501040 0.2035110 -0.5231230
1.3253200 0.8565530 -0.3639350 1.4917730
0.5989570 0.4438760 -0.2582190 -0.7916960
0.1209830 0.0178500 0.5704320 -1.5172540
Pd S
     0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd P
    14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
7.1390600 -0.2040770 0.0546710 0.1098650
1.8300700 0.5137680 -0.1661610 -0.3664000
0.8583350 0.4942400 -0.1858420 -0.3473160
0.3772750 0.1402910 0.0731610 0.4820340
0.1256960 0.0051570 0.5861720 0.7096400
Pd P
     0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd D
    19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
10.5848000 -0.0184110 0.0218380
2.4561900 0.2633960 -0.3691550
1.0352900 0.4524480 -0.4309590
0.4020080 0.3758330 0.3749650
Pd D
     0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd F
     1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2 1.0000000 0.0000000
Pd S
2 12.79882500 240.26278900
2 5.80052800 34.72996100
Pd P
2 11.87469700 56.74692900
2 11.47433500 113.44441700
2 5.51599900 9.34563900
2 5.24804300 18.34544700
Pd D
2 8.50221200 28.59555400
2 7.98332400 43.45392100
2 3.10762800 1.85228600
2 2.47673400 1.40676500
Pd F
2 9.67957100 -10.98725500
2 9.69134900 -14.62619000

grid xfine
convergence energy 1e-8
xc PBE0
mult 2

task dft optimize


This input file end like this

Symmetry analysis of molecular orbitals - initial beta

!! scf_movecs_sym_adapt:    6 vectors were symmetry contaminated

 Symmetry fudging
Numbering of irreducible representations:

1 a1' 2 a1" 3 a2' 4 a2" 5 e'
6 e"

Orbital symmetries:

1 a1' 2 e' 3 e' 4 a2" 5 a1'
6 a1' 7 a2" 8 e' 9 e' 10 e"
11 e" 12 e' 13 e' 14 e" 15 e"
16 a2' 17 a1" 18 a1' 19 e' 20 e'
21 e' 22 e' 23 a1' 24 a2' 25 e'
26 e' 27 a2" 28 e" 29 e" 30 e'
31 e' 32 a2' 33 a1' 34 e' 35 e'
36 e" 37 e" 38 e' 39 e' 40 a1'
41 a2" 42 a2" 43 a1' 44 e" 45 e"
46 e' 47 e' 48 a2" 49 a1' 50 e"
51 e" 52 e' 53 e' 54 a2' 55 e"
56 e" 57 e' 58 e' 59 a1" 60 a2"
61 e" 62 e" 63 e' 64 e' 65 a1'
66 e" 67 e" 68 e' 69 e' 70 a2'
71 a1" 72 e' 73 e' 74 e" 75 e"
76 a2' 77 a1" 78 e' 79 e' 80 a2'
81 a2" 82 e" 83 e" 84 a1' 85 e'
86 e' 87 a1' 88 e' 89 e' 90 e'
91 e' 92 a2' 93 a1' 94 a2" 95 e'
96 e' 97 e" 98 e" 99 e" 100 e"
101 a1" 102 e' 103 e' 104 a2' 105 a1'
106 a1' 107 a2" 108 a1' 109 e' 110 e'
111 e" 112 e" 113 e' 114 e' 115 a2"
116 e' 117 e' 118 e" 119 e" 120 e'
121 e' 122 a1' 123 a1" 124 e" 125 e"
126 a2' 127 e' 128 e' 129 a1' 130 a2"
131 a1' 132 e' 133 e' 134 e" 135 e"
136 a1' 137 e' 138 e' 139 a2" 140 e"
141 e" 142 e' 143 e' 144 e" 145 e"
146 a1" 147 a2" 148 a2" 149 a1' 150 a2"
151 e' 152 e' 153 e" 154 e" 155 a1'
156 e' 157 e' 158 e' 159 e' 160 a2'
161 e" 162 e" 163 e" 164 e" 165 e'
166 e' 167 e" 168 e" 169 a1' 170 a1'
171 e" 172 e" 173 e' 174 e' 175 e'
176 e' 177 a1" 178 e' 179 e' 180 a2"
181 e" 182 e" 183 a2' 184 e' 185 e'
186 a2' 187 a1" 188 e" 189 e" 190 e'
191 e' 192 a2" 193 e" 194 e" 195 a1'
196 a2' 197 e' 198 e' 199 e' 200 e'
201 a2" 202 a2' 203 e' 204 e' 205 a1"
206 e" 207 e" 208 a2' 209 e' 210 e'
211 e' 212 e' 213 a1' 214 a2" 215 e"
216 e" 217 e" 218 e" 219 e" 220 e"
221 a2' 222 a1" 223 a1' 224 e' 225 e'
226 a1" 227 e" 228 e" 229 e" 230 e"
231 e' 232 e' 233 a1" 234 a2' 235 a1'
236 e' 237 e' 238 a2" 239 a1' 240 e"
241 e" 242 e' 243 e' 244 a1' 245 e'

Time after variat. SCF: 14.9
Time prior to 1st pass: 15.0

Integral file          = ./Pd26.aoints.00
Record size in doubles = 65536 No. of integs per rec = 32766
Max. records in memory = 0 Max. records in file = 78045
No. of bits per label = 16 No. of bits per value = 64

#quartets = 1.026D+08 #integrals = 1.268D+10 #direct =  0.0% #cached =100.0%

File balance: exchanges= 36 moved= 19613 time= 527.2

Grid_pts file          = ./Pd26.gridpts.00
Record size in doubles = 12289 No. of grid_pts per rec = 3070
Max. records in memory = 35 Max. recs in file = 406101

!! scf_movecs_sym_adapt:    2 vectors were symmetry contaminated

 Symmetry fudging

!! scf_movecs_sym_adapt:    2 vectors were symmetry contaminated

 Symmetry fudging
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: alpha = 2.92D-04
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: beta = 2.94D-04

          Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
Heap Space remaining (MW): 12.63 12630692
Stack Space remaining (MW): 13.10 13096732

  convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 1 -3314.4892199417 -1.67D+04 1.06D+01 3.33D+00 1218.2
1.06D+01 3.31D+00
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: alpha = 2.30D-04
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: beta = 2.32D-04
d= 0,ls=0.5,diis 2 -3311.5652864119 2.92D+00 2.38D+00 7.40D+00 1551.9
2.38D+00 7.37D+00
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: alpha = 2.22D-04
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: beta = 2.24D-04
d= 0,ls=0.5,diis 3 -3313.4703326942 -1.91D+00 8.55D-01 1.23D+00 1639.0
8.59D-01 1.22D+00
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: alpha = 2.18D-04
Warning: spatial symmetry breaking: beta = 2.19D-04
d= 0,ls=0.5,diis 4 -3313.7841825794 -3.14D-01 4.76D-01 7.87D-01 1728.1
4.79D-01 7.82D-01

Forum Regular
Try turning off symmetry for the wave function. Add

sym off
adapt off

to your dft input block

Forum Vet
I would use the following input
start Pd26
memory stack 1200 mb heap 200 mb global 600 mb noverify
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000   -2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd   -1.5538225    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914   -2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112   -1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112    1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914    2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130    1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130   -1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894   -2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894    2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.2355827    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236   -4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236    4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000    2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449    2.2197693 

BASIS "ao basis" spherical PRINT
Pd    S
    208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
     22.8525000             -0.0409280              0.0098180             -0.0417810        
     14.2986000              0.1922850             -0.0528760              0.1593620        
      5.4880100             -0.6501040              0.2035110             -0.5231230        
      1.3253200              0.8565530             -0.3639350              1.4917730        
      0.5989570              0.4438760             -0.2582190             -0.7916960        
      0.1209830              0.0178500              0.5704320             -1.5172540        
Pd    S
      0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd    P
     14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
      7.1390600             -0.2040770              0.0546710              0.1098650        
      1.8300700              0.5137680             -0.1661610             -0.3664000        
      0.8583350              0.4942400             -0.1858420             -0.3473160        
      0.3772750              0.1402910              0.0731610              0.4820340        
      0.1256960              0.0051570              0.5861720              0.7096400        
Pd    P
      0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd    D
     19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
     10.5848000             -0.0184110              0.0218380        
      2.4561900              0.2633960             -0.3691550        
      1.0352900              0.4524480             -0.4309590        
      0.4020080              0.3758330              0.3749650        
Pd    D
      0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd    F
      1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2      1.0000000              0.0000000        
Pd S
2     12.79882500           240.26278900       
2      5.80052800            34.72996100       
Pd P
2     11.87469700            56.74692900       
2     11.47433500           113.44441700       
2      5.51599900             9.34563900       
2      5.24804300            18.34544700       
Pd D
2      8.50221200            28.59555400       
2      7.98332400            43.45392100       
2      3.10762800             1.85228600       
2      2.47673400             1.40676500       
Pd F
2      9.67957100           -10.98725500       
2      9.69134900           -14.62619000       

#grid xfine
 xc PBE0
 mult 2
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

set quickguess t
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
3ks. I will try it ASAP.

Quote:Sean Nov 8th 6:45 am
Try turning off symmetry for the wave function. Add

sym off
adapt off

to your dft input block

Clicked A Few Times
3ks very much. I will test it ASAP.
Quote:Edoapra Nov 8th 11:41 am
I would use the following input
start Pd26
memory stack 1200 mb heap 200 mb global 600 mb noverify
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000   -2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd   -1.5538225    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914   -2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112   -1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112    1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914    2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130    1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130   -1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894   -2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894    2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.2355827    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236   -4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236    4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000    2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449    2.2197693 

BASIS "ao basis" spherical PRINT
Pd    S
    208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
     22.8525000             -0.0409280              0.0098180             -0.0417810        
     14.2986000              0.1922850             -0.0528760              0.1593620        
      5.4880100             -0.6501040              0.2035110             -0.5231230        
      1.3253200              0.8565530             -0.3639350              1.4917730        
      0.5989570              0.4438760             -0.2582190             -0.7916960        
      0.1209830              0.0178500              0.5704320             -1.5172540        
Pd    S
      0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd    P
     14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
      7.1390600             -0.2040770              0.0546710              0.1098650        
      1.8300700              0.5137680             -0.1661610             -0.3664000        
      0.8583350              0.4942400             -0.1858420             -0.3473160        
      0.3772750              0.1402910              0.0731610              0.4820340        
      0.1256960              0.0051570              0.5861720              0.7096400        
Pd    P
      0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd    D
     19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
     10.5848000             -0.0184110              0.0218380        
      2.4561900              0.2633960             -0.3691550        
      1.0352900              0.4524480             -0.4309590        
      0.4020080              0.3758330              0.3749650        
Pd    D
      0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd    F
      1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2      1.0000000              0.0000000        
Pd S
2     12.79882500           240.26278900       
2      5.80052800            34.72996100       
Pd P
2     11.87469700            56.74692900       
2     11.47433500           113.44441700       
2      5.51599900             9.34563900       
2      5.24804300            18.34544700       
Pd D
2      8.50221200            28.59555400       
2      7.98332400            43.45392100       
2      3.10762800             1.85228600       
2      2.47673400             1.40676500       
Pd F
2      9.67957100           -10.98725500       
2      9.69134900           -14.62619000       

#grid xfine
 xc PBE0
 mult 2
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

set quickguess t
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
The calculation failed! From small basis to biggerï¼?increase the Iter? Disable NR or LEVEl?
With this input, the calculation still cannot converge.
And the
 General Information
SCF calculation type: DFT
Wavefunction type: spin polarized.
No. of atoms  : 26
No. of electrons : 469
Alpha electrons : 235
Beta electrons : 234
Charge  : -1
Spin multiplicity: 2
Use of symmetry is: off; symmetry adaption is: off
Maximum number of iterations: 30
This is a Direct SCF calculation.
AO basis - number of functions: 1144
number of shells: 312
Convergence on energy requested: 5.00D-06
Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
Convergence on gradient requested: 5.00D-04

XC Information
PBE0 Method XC Functional
Hartree-Fock (Exact) Exchange 0.250
PerdewBurkeErnzerhof Exchange Functional 0.750
Perdew 1991 LDA Correlation Functional 1.000 local
PerdewBurkeErnz. Correlation Functional 1.000 non-local

Grid Information
Grid used for XC integration: medium
Radial quadrature: Mura-Knowles
Angular quadrature: Lebedev.
Tag B.-S. Rad. Rad. Pts. Rad. Cut. Ang. Pts.
--- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Pd 1.40 123 20.0 590
Grid pruning is: on
Number of quadrature shells: 3198
Spatial weights used: Erf1

Convergence Information
Convergence aids based upon iterative change in
total energy or number of iterations.
Levelshifting, if invoked, occurs when the
HOMO/LUMO gap drops below (HL_TOL): 1.00D-02
DIIS, if invoked, will attempt to extrapolate
using up to (NFOCK): 10 stored Fock matrices.

                   Damping(45%)  Levelshifting(0.5)       DIIS
--------------- ------------------- ---------------
dE on: 0.10+100 ASAP start
dE off: 0.10D-03 30 iters 30 iters

         Smearing applied: 0.10D-02 (hartree)

Screening Tolerance Information
Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-10
AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc: 12
CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc: 20
XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc: 20
Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

WARNING : Found 2 linear dependencies
S eigenvalue threshold: 1.00000E-05
Smallest S eigenvalue : 7.82575E-06
Largest S eigenvalue : 7.82584E-06

!! The overlap matrix has   2 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
7.83D-06 7.83D-06

Loading old vectors from job with title :


  Time after variat. SCF:     20.4
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= 0.00000 T*S= -1.33E-03 nel(1)= 235.00 nel(2)= 234.00

  Time prior to 1st pass:     21.4

Grid_pts file          = /home/Else/Nwchem/Pd26.gridpts.00
Record size in doubles = 12289 No. of grid_pts per rec = 3070
Max. records in memory = 44 Max. recs in file = 469895

sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.08851 T*S= -6.83E-04 nel(1)=  235.40 nel(2)=  233.60

          Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
Heap Space remaining (MW): 12.52 12520096
Stack Space remaining (MW): 26.20 26201604

  convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d=45,ls=0.0,diis 1 -3314.7794668305 -1.67D+04 6.34D-03 7.14D-02 6272.6
6.80D-03 7.85D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995063300
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09599 T*S= -8.97E-04 nel(1)= 234.79 nel(2)= 234.21

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     2  -3311.2061628053  3.57D+00  3.73D-03  7.23D+00 12445.9
4.22D-03 7.27D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995413709
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09413 T*S= -4.70E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     3  -3314.0465104009 -2.84D+00  2.25D-03  1.76D+00 18534.1
2.62D-03 1.80D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995614652
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09156 T*S= -3.05E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     4  -3314.8891373908 -8.43D-01  1.14D-03  4.53D-01 24709.6
1.16D-03 4.57D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995701027
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09135 T*S= -2.96E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     5  -3315.0788637613 -1.90D-01  7.72D-04  2.39D-01 30898.0
5.31D-04 2.33D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995737090
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09117 T*S= -1.14E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     6  -3315.1384882936 -5.96D-02  3.60D-04  1.98D-01 37133.9
2.38D-04 1.91D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995753172
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09138 T*S= -1.07E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     7  -3315.1606293553 -2.21D-02  1.10D-04  1.91D-01 43369.0
1.19D-04 1.85D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995760006
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09079 T*S= -5.53E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     8  -3315.1689176635 -8.29D-03  2.36D-04  1.90D-01 49621.2
1.94D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759697
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09262 T*S= -1.81E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     9  -3315.1714747116 -2.56D-03  4.19D-04  1.96D-01 55720.5
2.78D-04 1.90D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995764542
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09256 T*S= -2.84E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    10  -3315.1762217964 -4.75D-03  6.57D-04  1.90D-01 61815.5
2.41D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995769012
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.03753 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    11  -3315.1786492606 -2.43D-03  5.04D-03  1.90D-01 68007.9
5.47D-03 1.83D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.05638 T*S= -1.90E-13 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    12  -3315.0448469378  1.34D-01  2.36D-03  2.29D-01 74175.6
2.46D-03 2.24D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06537 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    13  -3315.0610699993 -1.62D-02  1.41D-03  2.76D-01 80427.9
1.52D-03 2.77D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07038 T*S= -6.96E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    14  -3315.1969932261 -1.36D-01  2.64D-03  4.86D-02 86675.6
2.52D-03 4.78D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995731170
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07260 T*S= -3.16E-04 nel(1)= 234.05 nel(2)= 234.95

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    15  -3315.2096610132 -1.27D-02  9.40D-04  2.22D-02 92925.9
1.08D-03 2.18D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995741249
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07240 T*S= -5.29E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    16  -3315.2324696963 -2.28D-02  8.71D-04  8.01D-03 99178.2
5.84D-04 8.05D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995787582
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06791 T*S= -9.91E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    17  -3315.2411622526 -8.69D-03  6.74D-04  1.32D-02105275.1
5.82D-04 1.37D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995756285
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07048 T*S= -3.14E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    18  -3315.2392043561  1.96D-03  3.49D-04  3.16D-02111377.1
2.97D-04 3.15D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759568
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06589 T*S= -9.91E-15 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    19  -3315.2532937849 -1.41D-02  2.30D-03  7.56D-03117617.4
2.35D-03 7.39D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07255 T*S= -2.31E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    20  -3315.2434289601  9.86D-03  1.32D-03  2.53D-03123803.3
1.31D-03 2.53D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761068
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07359 T*S= -2.16E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    21  -3315.2481544452 -4.73D-03  6.23D-04  1.62D-03130059.8
5.90D-04 1.57D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995771967
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07327 T*S= -6.78E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    22  -3315.2540897782 -5.94D-03  9.02D-04  1.57D-03136175.1
2.94D-04 1.43D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774382
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07320 T*S= -2.93E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    23  -3315.2572491664 -3.16D-03  5.62D-04  3.99D-03142360.0
1.39D-04 3.61D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995772819
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07258 T*S= -3.02E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    24  -3315.2595050146 -2.26D-03  4.51D-04  6.18D-03148609.2
8.94D-05 5.72D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774142
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07249 T*S= -4.97E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    25  -3315.2605083734 -1.00D-03  1.55D-04  4.35D-03154706.0
6.68D-05 4.00D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995776343
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07221 T*S= -2.46E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    26  -3315.2612793729 -7.71D-04  2.18D-04  3.92D-03160814.5
9.75D-05 3.55D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995770667
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07186 T*S= -1.05E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    27  -3315.2619016340 -6.22D-04  2.90D-04  4.35D-03166998.6
8.67D-05 3.79D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761283
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07128 T*S= -2.42E-14 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    28  -3315.2625075821 -6.06D-04  2.02D-03  4.82D-03173236.0
1.90D-03 4.16D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07185 T*S= -6.48E-05 nel(1)= 234.02 nel(2)= 234.98

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    29  -3315.2513125068  1.12D-02  1.16D-03  5.75D-03179409.2
1.04D-03 5.74D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995757674
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06935 T*S= -8.02E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    30  -3315.2537958440 -2.48D-03  1.23D-03  4.52D-03185579.9
5.25D-04 4.25D-03

Calculation failed to converge

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
104: task dft optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 3 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode -1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at


Quote:Edoapra Nov 8th 11:41 am
I would use the following input
start Pd26
memory stack 1200 mb heap 200 mb global 600 mb noverify
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000   -2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd   -1.5538225    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914   -2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112   -1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112    1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914    2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130    1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130   -1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894   -2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894    2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.2355827    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236   -4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236    4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000    2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449    2.2197693 

BASIS "ao basis" spherical PRINT
Pd    S
    208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
     22.8525000             -0.0409280              0.0098180             -0.0417810        
     14.2986000              0.1922850             -0.0528760              0.1593620        
      5.4880100             -0.6501040              0.2035110             -0.5231230        
      1.3253200              0.8565530             -0.3639350              1.4917730        
      0.5989570              0.4438760             -0.2582190             -0.7916960        
      0.1209830              0.0178500              0.5704320             -1.5172540        
Pd    S
      0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd    P
     14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
      7.1390600             -0.2040770              0.0546710              0.1098650        
      1.8300700              0.5137680             -0.1661610             -0.3664000        
      0.8583350              0.4942400             -0.1858420             -0.3473160        
      0.3772750              0.1402910              0.0731610              0.4820340        
      0.1256960              0.0051570              0.5861720              0.7096400        
Pd    P
      0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd    D
     19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
     10.5848000             -0.0184110              0.0218380        
      2.4561900              0.2633960             -0.3691550        
      1.0352900              0.4524480             -0.4309590        
      0.4020080              0.3758330              0.3749650        
Pd    D
      0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd    F
      1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2      1.0000000              0.0000000        
Pd S
2     12.79882500           240.26278900       
2      5.80052800            34.72996100       
Pd P
2     11.87469700            56.74692900       
2     11.47433500           113.44441700       
2      5.51599900             9.34563900       
2      5.24804300            18.34544700       
Pd D
2      8.50221200            28.59555400       
2      7.98332400            43.45392100       
2      3.10762800             1.85228600       
2      2.47673400             1.40676500       
Pd F
2      9.67957100           -10.98725500       
2      9.69134900           -14.62619000       

#grid xfine
 xc PBE0
 mult 2
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

set quickguess t
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
The calculation failed! From small basis to biggerï¼?increase the Iter? Disable NR or LEVEl?
With this input, the calculation still cannot converge.
And the
 General Information
SCF calculation type: DFT
Wavefunction type: spin polarized.
No. of atoms  : 26
No. of electrons : 469
Alpha electrons : 235
Beta electrons : 234
Charge  : -1
Spin multiplicity: 2
Use of symmetry is: off; symmetry adaption is: off
Maximum number of iterations: 30
This is a Direct SCF calculation.
AO basis - number of functions: 1144
number of shells: 312
Convergence on energy requested: 5.00D-06
Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
Convergence on gradient requested: 5.00D-04

XC Information
PBE0 Method XC Functional
Hartree-Fock (Exact) Exchange 0.250
PerdewBurkeErnzerhof Exchange Functional 0.750
Perdew 1991 LDA Correlation Functional 1.000 local
PerdewBurkeErnz. Correlation Functional 1.000 non-local

Grid Information
Grid used for XC integration: medium
Radial quadrature: Mura-Knowles
Angular quadrature: Lebedev.
Tag B.-S. Rad. Rad. Pts. Rad. Cut. Ang. Pts.
--- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Pd 1.40 123 20.0 590
Grid pruning is: on
Number of quadrature shells: 3198
Spatial weights used: Erf1

Convergence Information
Convergence aids based upon iterative change in
total energy or number of iterations.
Levelshifting, if invoked, occurs when the
HOMO/LUMO gap drops below (HL_TOL): 1.00D-02
DIIS, if invoked, will attempt to extrapolate
using up to (NFOCK): 10 stored Fock matrices.

                   Damping(45%)  Levelshifting(0.5)       DIIS
--------------- ------------------- ---------------
dE on: 0.10+100 ASAP start
dE off: 0.10D-03 30 iters 30 iters

         Smearing applied: 0.10D-02 (hartree)

Screening Tolerance Information
Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-10
AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc: 12
CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc: 20
XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc: 20
Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

WARNING : Found 2 linear dependencies
S eigenvalue threshold: 1.00000E-05
Smallest S eigenvalue : 7.82575E-06
Largest S eigenvalue : 7.82584E-06

!! The overlap matrix has   2 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
7.83D-06 7.83D-06

Loading old vectors from job with title :


  Time after variat. SCF:     20.4
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= 0.00000 T*S= -1.33E-03 nel(1)= 235.00 nel(2)= 234.00

  Time prior to 1st pass:     21.4

Grid_pts file          = /home/Else/Nwchem/Pd26.gridpts.00
Record size in doubles = 12289 No. of grid_pts per rec = 3070
Max. records in memory = 44 Max. recs in file = 469895

sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.08851 T*S= -6.83E-04 nel(1)=  235.40 nel(2)=  233.60

          Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
Heap Space remaining (MW): 12.52 12520096
Stack Space remaining (MW): 26.20 26201604

  convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d=45,ls=0.0,diis 1 -3314.7794668305 -1.67D+04 6.34D-03 7.14D-02 6272.6
6.80D-03 7.85D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995063300
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09599 T*S= -8.97E-04 nel(1)= 234.79 nel(2)= 234.21

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     2  -3311.2061628053  3.57D+00  3.73D-03  7.23D+00 12445.9
4.22D-03 7.27D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995413709
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09413 T*S= -4.70E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     3  -3314.0465104009 -2.84D+00  2.25D-03  1.76D+00 18534.1
2.62D-03 1.80D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995614652
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09156 T*S= -3.05E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     4  -3314.8891373908 -8.43D-01  1.14D-03  4.53D-01 24709.6
1.16D-03 4.57D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995701027
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09135 T*S= -2.96E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     5  -3315.0788637613 -1.90D-01  7.72D-04  2.39D-01 30898.0
5.31D-04 2.33D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995737090
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09117 T*S= -1.14E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     6  -3315.1384882936 -5.96D-02  3.60D-04  1.98D-01 37133.9
2.38D-04 1.91D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995753172
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09138 T*S= -1.07E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     7  -3315.1606293553 -2.21D-02  1.10D-04  1.91D-01 43369.0
1.19D-04 1.85D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995760006
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09079 T*S= -5.53E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     8  -3315.1689176635 -8.29D-03  2.36D-04  1.90D-01 49621.2
1.94D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759697
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09262 T*S= -1.81E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     9  -3315.1714747116 -2.56D-03  4.19D-04  1.96D-01 55720.5
2.78D-04 1.90D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995764542
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09256 T*S= -2.84E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    10  -3315.1762217964 -4.75D-03  6.57D-04  1.90D-01 61815.5
2.41D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995769012
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.03753 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    11  -3315.1786492606 -2.43D-03  5.04D-03  1.90D-01 68007.9
5.47D-03 1.83D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.05638 T*S= -1.90E-13 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    12  -3315.0448469378  1.34D-01  2.36D-03  2.29D-01 74175.6
2.46D-03 2.24D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06537 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    13  -3315.0610699993 -1.62D-02  1.41D-03  2.76D-01 80427.9
1.52D-03 2.77D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07038 T*S= -6.96E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    14  -3315.1969932261 -1.36D-01  2.64D-03  4.86D-02 86675.6
2.52D-03 4.78D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995731170
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07260 T*S= -3.16E-04 nel(1)= 234.05 nel(2)= 234.95

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    15  -3315.2096610132 -1.27D-02  9.40D-04  2.22D-02 92925.9
1.08D-03 2.18D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995741249
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07240 T*S= -5.29E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    16  -3315.2324696963 -2.28D-02  8.71D-04  8.01D-03 99178.2
5.84D-04 8.05D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995787582
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06791 T*S= -9.91E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    17  -3315.2411622526 -8.69D-03  6.74D-04  1.32D-02105275.1
5.82D-04 1.37D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995756285
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07048 T*S= -3.14E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    18  -3315.2392043561  1.96D-03  3.49D-04  3.16D-02111377.1
2.97D-04 3.15D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759568
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06589 T*S= -9.91E-15 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    19  -3315.2532937849 -1.41D-02  2.30D-03  7.56D-03117617.4
2.35D-03 7.39D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07255 T*S= -2.31E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    20  -3315.2434289601  9.86D-03  1.32D-03  2.53D-03123803.3
1.31D-03 2.53D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761068
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07359 T*S= -2.16E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    21  -3315.2481544452 -4.73D-03  6.23D-04  1.62D-03130059.8
5.90D-04 1.57D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995771967
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07327 T*S= -6.78E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    22  -3315.2540897782 -5.94D-03  9.02D-04  1.57D-03136175.1
2.94D-04 1.43D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774382
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07320 T*S= -2.93E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    23  -3315.2572491664 -3.16D-03  5.62D-04  3.99D-03142360.0
1.39D-04 3.61D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995772819
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07258 T*S= -3.02E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    24  -3315.2595050146 -2.26D-03  4.51D-04  6.18D-03148609.2
8.94D-05 5.72D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774142
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07249 T*S= -4.97E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    25  -3315.2605083734 -1.00D-03  1.55D-04  4.35D-03154706.0
6.68D-05 4.00D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995776343
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07221 T*S= -2.46E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    26  -3315.2612793729 -7.71D-04  2.18D-04  3.92D-03160814.5
9.75D-05 3.55D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995770667
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07186 T*S= -1.05E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    27  -3315.2619016340 -6.22D-04  2.90D-04  4.35D-03166998.6
8.67D-05 3.79D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761283
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07128 T*S= -2.42E-14 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    28  -3315.2625075821 -6.06D-04  2.02D-03  4.82D-03173236.0
1.90D-03 4.16D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07185 T*S= -6.48E-05 nel(1)= 234.02 nel(2)= 234.98

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    29  -3315.2513125068  1.12D-02  1.16D-03  5.75D-03179409.2
1.04D-03 5.74D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995757674
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06935 T*S= -8.02E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    30  -3315.2537958440 -2.48D-03  1.23D-03  4.52D-03185579.9
5.25D-04 4.25D-03

Calculation failed to converge

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
104: task dft optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 3 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode -1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at


Quote:Edoapra Nov 8th 11:41 am
I would use the following input
start Pd26
memory stack 1200 mb heap 200 mb global 600 mb noverify
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000   -2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd   -1.5538225    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914   -2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112   -1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112    1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914    2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130    1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130   -1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894   -2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894    2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.2355827    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236   -4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236    4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000    2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449    2.2197693 

BASIS "ao basis" spherical PRINT
Pd    S
    208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
     22.8525000             -0.0409280              0.0098180             -0.0417810        
     14.2986000              0.1922850             -0.0528760              0.1593620        
      5.4880100             -0.6501040              0.2035110             -0.5231230        
      1.3253200              0.8565530             -0.3639350              1.4917730        
      0.5989570              0.4438760             -0.2582190             -0.7916960        
      0.1209830              0.0178500              0.5704320             -1.5172540        
Pd    S
      0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd    P
     14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
      7.1390600             -0.2040770              0.0546710              0.1098650        
      1.8300700              0.5137680             -0.1661610             -0.3664000        
      0.8583350              0.4942400             -0.1858420             -0.3473160        
      0.3772750              0.1402910              0.0731610              0.4820340        
      0.1256960              0.0051570              0.5861720              0.7096400        
Pd    P
      0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd    D
     19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
     10.5848000             -0.0184110              0.0218380        
      2.4561900              0.2633960             -0.3691550        
      1.0352900              0.4524480             -0.4309590        
      0.4020080              0.3758330              0.3749650        
Pd    D
      0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd    F
      1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2      1.0000000              0.0000000        
Pd S
2     12.79882500           240.26278900       
2      5.80052800            34.72996100       
Pd P
2     11.87469700            56.74692900       
2     11.47433500           113.44441700       
2      5.51599900             9.34563900       
2      5.24804300            18.34544700       
Pd D
2      8.50221200            28.59555400       
2      7.98332400            43.45392100       
2      3.10762800             1.85228600       
2      2.47673400             1.40676500       
Pd F
2      9.67957100           -10.98725500       
2      9.69134900           -14.62619000       

#grid xfine
 xc PBE0
 mult 2
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

set quickguess t
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
The calculation failed! From small basis to biggerï¼?increase the Iter? Disable NR or LEVEl?
With this input, the calculation still cannot converge.
And the
 General Information
SCF calculation type: DFT
Wavefunction type: spin polarized.
No. of atoms  : 26
No. of electrons : 469
Alpha electrons : 235
Beta electrons : 234
Charge  : -1
Spin multiplicity: 2
Use of symmetry is: off; symmetry adaption is: off
Maximum number of iterations: 30
This is a Direct SCF calculation.
AO basis - number of functions: 1144
number of shells: 312
Convergence on energy requested: 5.00D-06
Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
Convergence on gradient requested: 5.00D-04

XC Information
PBE0 Method XC Functional
Hartree-Fock (Exact) Exchange 0.250
PerdewBurkeErnzerhof Exchange Functional 0.750
Perdew 1991 LDA Correlation Functional 1.000 local
PerdewBurkeErnz. Correlation Functional 1.000 non-local

Grid Information
Grid used for XC integration: medium
Radial quadrature: Mura-Knowles
Angular quadrature: Lebedev.
Tag B.-S. Rad. Rad. Pts. Rad. Cut. Ang. Pts.
--- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Pd 1.40 123 20.0 590
Grid pruning is: on
Number of quadrature shells: 3198
Spatial weights used: Erf1

Convergence Information
Convergence aids based upon iterative change in
total energy or number of iterations.
Levelshifting, if invoked, occurs when the
HOMO/LUMO gap drops below (HL_TOL): 1.00D-02
DIIS, if invoked, will attempt to extrapolate
using up to (NFOCK): 10 stored Fock matrices.

                   Damping(45%)  Levelshifting(0.5)       DIIS
--------------- ------------------- ---------------
dE on: 0.10+100 ASAP start
dE off: 0.10D-03 30 iters 30 iters

         Smearing applied: 0.10D-02 (hartree)

Screening Tolerance Information
Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-10
AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc: 12
CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc: 20
XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc: 20
Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

WARNING : Found 2 linear dependencies
S eigenvalue threshold: 1.00000E-05
Smallest S eigenvalue : 7.82575E-06
Largest S eigenvalue : 7.82584E-06

!! The overlap matrix has   2 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
7.83D-06 7.83D-06

Loading old vectors from job with title :


  Time after variat. SCF:     20.4
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= 0.00000 T*S= -1.33E-03 nel(1)= 235.00 nel(2)= 234.00

  Time prior to 1st pass:     21.4

Grid_pts file          = /home/Else/Nwchem/Pd26.gridpts.00
Record size in doubles = 12289 No. of grid_pts per rec = 3070
Max. records in memory = 44 Max. recs in file = 469895

sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.08851 T*S= -6.83E-04 nel(1)=  235.40 nel(2)=  233.60

          Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
Heap Space remaining (MW): 12.52 12520096
Stack Space remaining (MW): 26.20 26201604

  convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d=45,ls=0.0,diis 1 -3314.7794668305 -1.67D+04 6.34D-03 7.14D-02 6272.6
6.80D-03 7.85D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995063300
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09599 T*S= -8.97E-04 nel(1)= 234.79 nel(2)= 234.21

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     2  -3311.2061628053  3.57D+00  3.73D-03  7.23D+00 12445.9
4.22D-03 7.27D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995413709
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09413 T*S= -4.70E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     3  -3314.0465104009 -2.84D+00  2.25D-03  1.76D+00 18534.1
2.62D-03 1.80D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995614652
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09156 T*S= -3.05E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     4  -3314.8891373908 -8.43D-01  1.14D-03  4.53D-01 24709.6
1.16D-03 4.57D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995701027
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09135 T*S= -2.96E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     5  -3315.0788637613 -1.90D-01  7.72D-04  2.39D-01 30898.0
5.31D-04 2.33D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995737090
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09117 T*S= -1.14E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     6  -3315.1384882936 -5.96D-02  3.60D-04  1.98D-01 37133.9
2.38D-04 1.91D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995753172
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09138 T*S= -1.07E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     7  -3315.1606293553 -2.21D-02  1.10D-04  1.91D-01 43369.0
1.19D-04 1.85D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995760006
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09079 T*S= -5.53E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     8  -3315.1689176635 -8.29D-03  2.36D-04  1.90D-01 49621.2
1.94D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759697
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09262 T*S= -1.81E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     9  -3315.1714747116 -2.56D-03  4.19D-04  1.96D-01 55720.5
2.78D-04 1.90D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995764542
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09256 T*S= -2.84E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    10  -3315.1762217964 -4.75D-03  6.57D-04  1.90D-01 61815.5
2.41D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995769012
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.03753 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    11  -3315.1786492606 -2.43D-03  5.04D-03  1.90D-01 68007.9
5.47D-03 1.83D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.05638 T*S= -1.90E-13 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    12  -3315.0448469378  1.34D-01  2.36D-03  2.29D-01 74175.6
2.46D-03 2.24D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06537 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    13  -3315.0610699993 -1.62D-02  1.41D-03  2.76D-01 80427.9
1.52D-03 2.77D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07038 T*S= -6.96E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    14  -3315.1969932261 -1.36D-01  2.64D-03  4.86D-02 86675.6
2.52D-03 4.78D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995731170
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07260 T*S= -3.16E-04 nel(1)= 234.05 nel(2)= 234.95

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    15  -3315.2096610132 -1.27D-02  9.40D-04  2.22D-02 92925.9
1.08D-03 2.18D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995741249
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07240 T*S= -5.29E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    16  -3315.2324696963 -2.28D-02  8.71D-04  8.01D-03 99178.2
5.84D-04 8.05D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995787582
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06791 T*S= -9.91E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    17  -3315.2411622526 -8.69D-03  6.74D-04  1.32D-02105275.1
5.82D-04 1.37D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995756285
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07048 T*S= -3.14E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    18  -3315.2392043561  1.96D-03  3.49D-04  3.16D-02111377.1
2.97D-04 3.15D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759568
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06589 T*S= -9.91E-15 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    19  -3315.2532937849 -1.41D-02  2.30D-03  7.56D-03117617.4
2.35D-03 7.39D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07255 T*S= -2.31E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    20  -3315.2434289601  9.86D-03  1.32D-03  2.53D-03123803.3
1.31D-03 2.53D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761068
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07359 T*S= -2.16E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    21  -3315.2481544452 -4.73D-03  6.23D-04  1.62D-03130059.8
5.90D-04 1.57D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995771967
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07327 T*S= -6.78E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    22  -3315.2540897782 -5.94D-03  9.02D-04  1.57D-03136175.1
2.94D-04 1.43D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774382
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07320 T*S= -2.93E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    23  -3315.2572491664 -3.16D-03  5.62D-04  3.99D-03142360.0
1.39D-04 3.61D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995772819
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07258 T*S= -3.02E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    24  -3315.2595050146 -2.26D-03  4.51D-04  6.18D-03148609.2
8.94D-05 5.72D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774142
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07249 T*S= -4.97E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    25  -3315.2605083734 -1.00D-03  1.55D-04  4.35D-03154706.0
6.68D-05 4.00D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995776343
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07221 T*S= -2.46E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    26  -3315.2612793729 -7.71D-04  2.18D-04  3.92D-03160814.5
9.75D-05 3.55D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995770667
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07186 T*S= -1.05E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    27  -3315.2619016340 -6.22D-04  2.90D-04  4.35D-03166998.6
8.67D-05 3.79D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761283
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07128 T*S= -2.42E-14 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    28  -3315.2625075821 -6.06D-04  2.02D-03  4.82D-03173236.0
1.90D-03 4.16D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07185 T*S= -6.48E-05 nel(1)= 234.02 nel(2)= 234.98

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    29  -3315.2513125068  1.12D-02  1.16D-03  5.75D-03179409.2
1.04D-03 5.74D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995757674
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06935 T*S= -8.02E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    30  -3315.2537958440 -2.48D-03  1.23D-03  4.52D-03185579.9
5.25D-04 4.25D-03

Calculation failed to converge

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
104: task dft optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 3 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode -1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at


Quote:Edoapra Nov 8th 11:41 am
I would use the following input
start Pd26
memory stack 1200 mb heap 200 mb global 600 mb noverify
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000   -2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd   -1.5538225    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914   -2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112   -1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112    1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914    2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130    1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130   -1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894   -2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894    2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.2355827    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236   -4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236    4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000    2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449    2.2197693 

BASIS "ao basis" spherical PRINT
Pd    S
    208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
     22.8525000             -0.0409280              0.0098180             -0.0417810        
     14.2986000              0.1922850             -0.0528760              0.1593620        
      5.4880100             -0.6501040              0.2035110             -0.5231230        
      1.3253200              0.8565530             -0.3639350              1.4917730        
      0.5989570              0.4438760             -0.2582190             -0.7916960        
      0.1209830              0.0178500              0.5704320             -1.5172540        
Pd    S
      0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd    P
     14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
      7.1390600             -0.2040770              0.0546710              0.1098650        
      1.8300700              0.5137680             -0.1661610             -0.3664000        
      0.8583350              0.4942400             -0.1858420             -0.3473160        
      0.3772750              0.1402910              0.0731610              0.4820340        
      0.1256960              0.0051570              0.5861720              0.7096400        
Pd    P
      0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd    D
     19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
     10.5848000             -0.0184110              0.0218380        
      2.4561900              0.2633960             -0.3691550        
      1.0352900              0.4524480             -0.4309590        
      0.4020080              0.3758330              0.3749650        
Pd    D
      0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd    F
      1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2      1.0000000              0.0000000        
Pd S
2     12.79882500           240.26278900       
2      5.80052800            34.72996100       
Pd P
2     11.87469700            56.74692900       
2     11.47433500           113.44441700       
2      5.51599900             9.34563900       
2      5.24804300            18.34544700       
Pd D
2      8.50221200            28.59555400       
2      7.98332400            43.45392100       
2      3.10762800             1.85228600       
2      2.47673400             1.40676500       
Pd F
2      9.67957100           -10.98725500       
2      9.69134900           -14.62619000       

#grid xfine
 xc PBE0
 mult 2
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

set quickguess t
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
The calculation failed! From small basis to biggerï¼?increase the Iter? Disable NR or LEVEl?
With this input, the calculation still cannot converge.
And the
 General Information
SCF calculation type: DFT
Wavefunction type: spin polarized.
No. of atoms  : 26
No. of electrons : 469
Alpha electrons : 235
Beta electrons : 234
Charge  : -1
Spin multiplicity: 2
Use of symmetry is: off; symmetry adaption is: off
Maximum number of iterations: 30
This is a Direct SCF calculation.
AO basis - number of functions: 1144
number of shells: 312
Convergence on energy requested: 5.00D-06
Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
Convergence on gradient requested: 5.00D-04

XC Information
PBE0 Method XC Functional
Hartree-Fock (Exact) Exchange 0.250
PerdewBurkeErnzerhof Exchange Functional 0.750
Perdew 1991 LDA Correlation Functional 1.000 local
PerdewBurkeErnz. Correlation Functional 1.000 non-local

Grid Information
Grid used for XC integration: medium
Radial quadrature: Mura-Knowles
Angular quadrature: Lebedev.
Tag B.-S. Rad. Rad. Pts. Rad. Cut. Ang. Pts.
--- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Pd 1.40 123 20.0 590
Grid pruning is: on
Number of quadrature shells: 3198
Spatial weights used: Erf1

Convergence Information
Convergence aids based upon iterative change in
total energy or number of iterations.
Levelshifting, if invoked, occurs when the
HOMO/LUMO gap drops below (HL_TOL): 1.00D-02
DIIS, if invoked, will attempt to extrapolate
using up to (NFOCK): 10 stored Fock matrices.

                   Damping(45%)  Levelshifting(0.5)       DIIS
--------------- ------------------- ---------------
dE on: 0.10+100 ASAP start
dE off: 0.10D-03 30 iters 30 iters

         Smearing applied: 0.10D-02 (hartree)

Screening Tolerance Information
Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-10
AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc: 12
CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc: 20
XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc: 20
Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

WARNING : Found 2 linear dependencies
S eigenvalue threshold: 1.00000E-05
Smallest S eigenvalue : 7.82575E-06
Largest S eigenvalue : 7.82584E-06

!! The overlap matrix has   2 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
7.83D-06 7.83D-06

Loading old vectors from job with title :


  Time after variat. SCF:     20.4
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= 0.00000 T*S= -1.33E-03 nel(1)= 235.00 nel(2)= 234.00

  Time prior to 1st pass:     21.4

Grid_pts file          = /home/Else/Nwchem/Pd26.gridpts.00
Record size in doubles = 12289 No. of grid_pts per rec = 3070
Max. records in memory = 44 Max. recs in file = 469895

sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.08851 T*S= -6.83E-04 nel(1)=  235.40 nel(2)=  233.60

          Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
Heap Space remaining (MW): 12.52 12520096
Stack Space remaining (MW): 26.20 26201604

  convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d=45,ls=0.0,diis 1 -3314.7794668305 -1.67D+04 6.34D-03 7.14D-02 6272.6
6.80D-03 7.85D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995063300
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09599 T*S= -8.97E-04 nel(1)= 234.79 nel(2)= 234.21

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     2  -3311.2061628053  3.57D+00  3.73D-03  7.23D+00 12445.9
4.22D-03 7.27D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995413709
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09413 T*S= -4.70E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     3  -3314.0465104009 -2.84D+00  2.25D-03  1.76D+00 18534.1
2.62D-03 1.80D+00
Grid integrated density: 468.999995614652
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09156 T*S= -3.05E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     4  -3314.8891373908 -8.43D-01  1.14D-03  4.53D-01 24709.6
1.16D-03 4.57D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995701027
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09135 T*S= -2.96E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     5  -3315.0788637613 -1.90D-01  7.72D-04  2.39D-01 30898.0
5.31D-04 2.33D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995737090
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09117 T*S= -1.14E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     6  -3315.1384882936 -5.96D-02  3.60D-04  1.98D-01 37133.9
2.38D-04 1.91D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995753172
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09138 T*S= -1.07E-04 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     7  -3315.1606293553 -2.21D-02  1.10D-04  1.91D-01 43369.0
1.19D-04 1.85D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995760006
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09079 T*S= -5.53E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     8  -3315.1689176635 -8.29D-03  2.36D-04  1.90D-01 49621.2
1.94D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759697
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09262 T*S= -1.81E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis     9  -3315.1714747116 -2.56D-03  4.19D-04  1.96D-01 55720.5
2.78D-04 1.90D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995764542
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.09256 T*S= -2.84E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    10  -3315.1762217964 -4.75D-03  6.57D-04  1.90D-01 61815.5
2.41D-04 1.84D-01
Grid integrated density: 468.999995769012
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.03753 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    11  -3315.1786492606 -2.43D-03  5.04D-03  1.90D-01 68007.9
5.47D-03 1.83D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.05638 T*S= -1.90E-13 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    12  -3315.0448469378  1.34D-01  2.36D-03  2.29D-01 74175.6
2.46D-03 2.24D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06537 T*S= 0.00E+00 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    13  -3315.0610699993 -1.62D-02  1.41D-03  2.76D-01 80427.9
1.52D-03 2.77D-01
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07038 T*S= -6.96E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    14  -3315.1969932261 -1.36D-01  2.64D-03  4.86D-02 86675.6
2.52D-03 4.78D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995731170
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07260 T*S= -3.16E-04 nel(1)= 234.05 nel(2)= 234.95

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    15  -3315.2096610132 -1.27D-02  9.40D-04  2.22D-02 92925.9
1.08D-03 2.18D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995741249
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07240 T*S= -5.29E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    16  -3315.2324696963 -2.28D-02  8.71D-04  8.01D-03 99178.2
5.84D-04 8.05D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995787582
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06791 T*S= -9.91E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    17  -3315.2411622526 -8.69D-03  6.74D-04  1.32D-02105275.1
5.82D-04 1.37D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995756285
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07048 T*S= -3.14E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    18  -3315.2392043561  1.96D-03  3.49D-04  3.16D-02111377.1
2.97D-04 3.15D-02
Grid integrated density: 468.999995759568
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06589 T*S= -9.91E-15 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    19  -3315.2532937849 -1.41D-02  2.30D-03  7.56D-03117617.4
2.35D-03 7.39D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07255 T*S= -2.31E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    20  -3315.2434289601  9.86D-03  1.32D-03  2.53D-03123803.3
1.31D-03 2.53D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761068
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07359 T*S= -2.16E-05 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    21  -3315.2481544452 -4.73D-03  6.23D-04  1.62D-03130059.8
5.90D-04 1.57D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995771967
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07327 T*S= -6.78E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    22  -3315.2540897782 -5.94D-03  9.02D-04  1.57D-03136175.1
2.94D-04 1.43D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774382
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07320 T*S= -2.93E-07 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    23  -3315.2572491664 -3.16D-03  5.62D-04  3.99D-03142360.0
1.39D-04 3.61D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995772819
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07258 T*S= -3.02E-08 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    24  -3315.2595050146 -2.26D-03  4.51D-04  6.18D-03148609.2
8.94D-05 5.72D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995774142
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07249 T*S= -4.97E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    25  -3315.2605083734 -1.00D-03  1.55D-04  4.35D-03154706.0
6.68D-05 4.00D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995776343
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07221 T*S= -2.46E-10 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    26  -3315.2612793729 -7.71D-04  2.18D-04  3.92D-03160814.5
9.75D-05 3.55D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995770667
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07186 T*S= -1.05E-11 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    27  -3315.2619016340 -6.22D-04  2.90D-04  4.35D-03166998.6
8.67D-05 3.79D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995761283
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07128 T*S= -2.42E-14 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    28  -3315.2625075821 -6.06D-04  2.02D-03  4.82D-03173236.0
1.90D-03 4.16D-03
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07185 T*S= -6.48E-05 nel(1)= 234.02 nel(2)= 234.98

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    29  -3315.2513125068  1.12D-02  1.16D-03  5.75D-03179409.2
1.04D-03 5.74D-03
Grid integrated density: 468.999995757674
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.06935 T*S= -8.02E-09 nel(1)= 234.00 nel(2)= 235.00

d=45,ls=0.0,diis    30  -3315.2537958440 -2.48D-03  1.23D-03  4.52D-03185579.9
5.25D-04 4.25D-03

Calculation failed to converge

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
104: task dft optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 3 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode -1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

driver: task_gradient failed                   0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

driver: task_gradient failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at


Quote:Edoapra Nov 8th 11:41 am
I would use the following input
start Pd26
memory stack 1200 mb heap 200 mb global 600 mb noverify
charge -1
title Pd26
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000   -2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234   -2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449   -2.2197693 
Pd   -1.5538225    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914   -2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112   -1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7769112    1.3456498    0.0000000 
Pd   -1.6177914    2.8020968    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130    1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd   -3.8963130   -1.3540399    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894   -2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.1207894    2.6972861    0.0000000 
Pd    3.2355827    0.0000000    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236   -4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.7755236    4.0513260    0.0000000 
Pd    0.0000000    0.0000000    2.3898578 
Pd   -2.3559749    1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd   -2.3559749   -1.3484216    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201   -2.7145449    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548   -1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    2.3457548    1.3661234    2.2197693 
Pd    0.0102201    2.7145449    2.2197693 

BASIS "ao basis" spherical PRINT
Pd    S
    208.1230000              0.0007270             -0.0001890              0.0008000        
     22.8525000             -0.0409280              0.0098180             -0.0417810        
     14.2986000              0.1922850             -0.0528760              0.1593620        
      5.4880100             -0.6501040              0.2035110             -0.5231230        
      1.3253200              0.8565530             -0.3639350              1.4917730        
      0.5989570              0.4438760             -0.2582190             -0.7916960        
      0.1209830              0.0178500              0.5704320             -1.5172540        
Pd    S
      0.0434590              1.0000000        
Pd    P
     14.0509000              0.0379970             -0.0093130             -0.0186030        
      7.1390600             -0.2040770              0.0546710              0.1098650        
      1.8300700              0.5137680             -0.1661610             -0.3664000        
      0.8583350              0.4942400             -0.1858420             -0.3473160        
      0.3772750              0.1402910              0.0731610              0.4820340        
      0.1256960              0.0051570              0.5861720              0.7096400        
Pd    P
      0.0426590              1.0000000        
Pd    D
     19.2539000              0.0066240             -0.0078390        
     10.5848000             -0.0184110              0.0218380        
      2.4561900              0.2633960             -0.3691550        
      1.0352900              0.4524480             -0.4309590        
      0.4020080              0.3758330              0.3749650        
Pd    D
      0.1370570              1.0000000        
Pd    F
      1.1484000              1.0000000        

Pd nelec 28
Pd ul
2      1.0000000              0.0000000        
Pd S
2     12.79882500           240.26278900       
2      5.80052800            34.72996100       
Pd P
2     11.87469700            56.74692900       
2     11.47433500           113.44441700       
2      5.51599900             9.34563900       
2      5.24804300            18.34544700       
Pd D
2      8.50221200            28.59555400       
2      7.98332400            43.45392100       
2      3.10762800             1.85228600       
2      2.47673400             1.40676500       
Pd F
2      9.67957100           -10.98725500       
2      9.69134900           -14.62619000       

#grid xfine
 xc PBE0
 mult 2
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

set quickguess t
task dft optimize

Forum Vet
You ran out of SCF iterations
Please add the following line to the dft input section

maxiter 999


Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem