theory vs sptheory

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I am new to ab initio calculations so I am still a bit hazy on some of the finer details, but in the DirDyVtSt module there is theory and sptheory and I was wondering, what is the difference?


Forum Regular
The sptheory option is specific to dirdyvtst and allows the user to specify an additional (usually higher) level of theory to do single point calculations in addition to the regular set of calculations for dirdyvtst, see for more information

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So is the theory level in which the reaction path is calculated typically performed using a lower level basis set. For example you would use 6-311g** for the initial geometry optimization and single point energy and 3-21g to calculate points along the reaction path. Is this correct?

Forum Regular
I think the idea is more that you calculate the reaction path at one level and then are interested in energies along that path at a higher level that would not be practical/affordable to calculate the reaction path with. But I could be wrong as I am not familiar with this dirdyvtst module or the program that it generates an input file for. My answer was based solely on a quick reading of the documentation page I linked above.

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