How to calculate polarizability

Clicked A Few Times
In order to obtain refractive index of a compound, I want to calculate polarizability
tensor at a specified frequency (ex. 589.3nm=0.077315 au ) then I made the input file
as shown below. But, an error message has appeared. Could you tell me what is wrong
with this input file.

Best regards,
F. Mohri

start C6H6-POL
title "Polarizability of Benzene"

geometry units angstrom
C -1.209387 -0.698222 0.000000
C -1.209427 0.698262 0.000000
H -2.150069 -1.241320 0.000000
C -0.000014 1.396475 0.000000
H -2.150108 1.241358 0.000000
H -0.000012 2.482676 0.000000
C 1.209387 0.698222 0.000000
H 2.150068 1.241320 0.000000
C 1.209426 -0.698262 0.000000
H 2.150107 -1.241358 0.000000
C 0.000013 -1.396474 0.000000
H 0.000011 -2.482675 0.000000
 XC  b3lyp 
C  library 6-31G*
H library 6-31G*
response 1 0.077315
task tddft energy

Error message
tddft_init: non-Abelian symmetry not permitted 0
There is an error related to the specified geometry

Forum Vet
Add the line

symmetry c6

in your geometry section

geometry units angstrom
 symmetry c6
 C -1.209387 -0.698222 0.000000
 C -1.209427  0.698262 0.000000
 H -2.150069 -1.241320 0.000000
 C -0.000014  1.396475 0.000000
 H -2.150108  1.241358 0.000000
 H -0.000012  2.482676 0.000000
 C  1.209387  0.698222 0.000000
 H  2.150068  1.241320 0.000000
 C  1.209426 -0.698262 0.000000
 H  2.150107 -1.241358 0.000000
 C  0.000013 -1.396474 0.000000
 H  0.000011 -2.482675 0.000000

Clicked A Few Times
Thank you for your reply. But, Symmetry C6 gave the same error message;

tddft_init: non-Abelian symmetry not permitted        0

Instead, I tried Symmetry C1. From this, the error message of non-Abelian symmetry
did not appeared. However, this job abnormally stopped without any error message. 
The last part of the output file is as follows. What is something wrong with the input file?

    1 smallest eigenvalue differences (eV) 

 No. Spin  Occ  Vir  Irrep   E(Occ)    E(Vir)   E(Diff)

   1    1   21   22 a        -0.246     0.004     6.801

 Entering Davidson iterations
Restricted singlet excited states

 Iter   NTrls   NConv    DeltaV     DeltaE      Time   
---- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
1 1 0 0.34E+00 0.10+100 11.9
2 3 0 0.22E+00 0.56E-01 16.8
3 5 0 0.84E-01 0.15E-01 16.9
4 7 0 0.86E-02 0.21E-02 16.8
5 9 0 0.21E-02 0.39E-04 16.9
6 11 0 0.14E-02 0.13E-05 16.9
7 13 0 0.24E-03 0.68E-06 17.1
8 15 1 0.57E-04 0.26E-07 16.9

Forum Regular
I was able to run your input file (with the addition of symmetry c6) without issue using NWChem v6.6 (well almost without issue, the symmetry output for TDDFT produced some unintelligible characters, but the numbers all looked reasonable). Perhaps you have a compilation issue or some other issue that has to do with the system your are running on. Was there another file that might contain error information? If you ran this on a cluster, this would potentially be a file from the scheduler. If you ran this on a personal computer this would have been printed to the screen, unless you redirected standard error to a file.

An additional note, your input will not produce the polarizability. You need to call task dft property not task tddft energy. You also do not need the TDDFT input block to calculate the polarizability.

Clicked A Few Times
Sorry for my late reply. Thanks for your comments, I was successful in the calculation of the polarizability of C6H6.

DFT Linear Response polarizability / au
Frequency  =       0.0773150 / au
Wavelength = 589.3209985 / nm
X 64.1637914 -0.0002708 -0.0000000
Y -0.0002713 64.1628593 0.0000000
Z -0.0000001 0.0000001 22.9828814
Eigenvalues = 64.1638644 64.1627863 22.9828814
Isotropic = 50.4365107
Anisotropic = 41.1804440

The input file is as follow.

start C6H6-POL
title "Polarizability of Benzene"

geometry units angstrom
symmetry C1
C -1.209387 -0.698222 0.000000
C -1.209427 0.698262 0.000000
H -2.150069 -1.241320 0.000000
C -0.000014 1.396475 0.000000
H -2.150108 1.241358 0.000000
H -0.000012 2.482676 0.000000
C 1.209387 0.698222 0.000000
H 2.150068 1.241320 0.000000
C 1.209426 -0.698262 0.000000
H 2.150107 -1.241358 0.000000
C 0.000013 -1.396474 0.000000
H 0.000011 -2.482675 0.000000
 XC  b3lyp 
C  library TZ_(Dunning)
H library TZ_(Dunning)
response 1 0.077315
task dft property

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