NwChem for Cygwin - legacy question

Just Got Here
Dear Developers!
I've recently compiled NwChem 6.0 from sources for Cygwin to run it under i686 Win32 and
included Álvaro Vázquez-Mayagoitia 's "Generator of AIM Wavefunction files NWCHEM" there.
Is it legal now to place obtained .exe file to my homepage so that anyone could download it ?

Thank you in advance

Forum Vet
Sure you can, it's open-source, but we do not provide any support for your version and will point people to you for help.

Better would be to contribute the updated source code into the main development tree, or provide us with a stable binary that we can host on our site.


Aug 20th 2:40 pm
Dear Developers!
I've recently compiled NwChem 6.0 from sources for Cygwin to run it under i686 Win32 and
included Álvaro Vázquez-Mayagoitia 's "Generator of AIM Wavefunction files NWCHEM" there.
Is it legal now to place obtained .exe file to my homepage so that anyone could download it ?

Thank you in advance

  • Guest -
nwchem for win32
Quote:Bert Sep 7th 8:59 pm
Sure you can
stable binary...

Win32 binaries are available for download at http://timn.ho.ua/ccs
along with the brief description of minor source code modifications

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