md error

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hi to everyone i compiled nwchem-6.6 on mac book pro successfully but i am not able to run md examples in every example i found always the same error for example for benzene is:

Created fragment bnz.frg_TMP

Unresolved atom types in fragment bnz

* 0: pre_mkfrg failed 9999
0::Received an Error in Communication
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000000, 9999) - process 0

Please can you help me to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot for your patience



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The prepare module was unable to finish building a fragment file for bnz, but provided a file bnz.frg_TMP that you can use to make corrections. If you copy this file, it may be easy to show how to fix this.

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem