Problems with Resonance Raman Calculation

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Hi all,

I optimised the geometry of the molecule using B3LYP/6-31g* with another package, and am interested in the response near the electronic excitation at 5.4976991E-2 Hartrees (calculated separately using linear response TDDFT). My input file was as follows:

title "3DPP-TT-T trans - Geom from b3lyp/6-31g* Gaussian job. B3LYP sp."
echo "3DPP-TT-T wiggly snake"
memory stack 300 mb heap 300 mb global 600 mb
geometry noautoz units angstroms
H 30.556636 1.116992 0.025631
C 29.511828 0.835426 0.025243
C 28.995938 -0.432741 0.031124
C 27.573987 -0.403253 0.028372
C 27.027208 0.881127 0.020466
C 25.618705 0.922735 0.017654
H 29.603458 -1.329951 0.037065
H 25.006092 1.819794 0.011675
S 26.323949 -1.610170 0.032573
S 28.291320 2.087486 0.016291
C 25.061907 -0.350750 0.023477
C 23.648388 -0.610297 0.022190
C 21.367632 -0.325869 0.016325
C 21.605981 -1.750074 0.024210
C 22.621453 0.338113 0.015274
C 22.383571 1.762551 0.007195
O 23.125497 2.743450 0.003362
O 20.864283 -2.731330 0.027853
N 20.953825 1.875220 0.003858
N 23.036158 -1.862378 0.027566
C 20.340412 0.622657 0.009295
C 23.648257 -3.179355 0.035762
H 24.257668 -3.333535 0.931884
H 22.823586 -3.894779 0.037747
H 24.261467 -3.342891 -0.856093
C 20.342258 3.192244 -0.004594
H 21.167404 3.907187 -0.006859
H 19.733052 3.347071 -0.900850
H 19.729470 3.356922 0.887451
C 18.929385 0.362829 0.007965
C 18.371195 -0.913274 0.013211
C 16.967159 -0.871827 0.010516
C 16.417263 0.413861 0.003353
C 15.006384 0.447487 0.000681
H 18.984939 -1.809606 0.018755
H 14.409559 1.352388 -0.004735
S 15.708095 -2.081865 0.014042
S 17.667148 1.622218 -0.000337
C 14.456621 -0.823707 0.005769
C 13.065307 -1.192698 0.004930
C 12.502233 -2.456887 0.009556
C 11.091491 -2.453842 0.006964
S 11.802288 0.030367 -0.002820
H 13.094702 -3.365522 0.014697
H 10.495158 -3.359975 0.009912
C 10.533869 -1.187251 0.000333
C 9.144321 -0.812264 -0.003805
C 8.600175 0.461522 -0.010088
C 7.189366 0.434173 -0.012620
C 6.633535 -0.849250 -0.008359
C 5.229734 -0.884459 -0.010823
H 9.201074 1.363722 -0.012639
H 4.611919 -1.778028 -0.008258
S 5.945087 1.648252 -0.019933
S 7.887308 -2.064906 -0.001023
C 4.676918 0.394488 -0.017124
C 3.267887 0.660331 -0.020673
C 0.985803 0.384734 -0.022977
C 1.229946 1.808461 -0.028804
C 2.235598 -0.284168 -0.018244
C 1.991418 -1.707934 -0.012447
O 2.729946 -2.691566 -0.007117
O 0.491462 2.792151 -0.034258
N 0.561800 -1.814788 -0.014146
N 2.659563 1.915322 -0.027022
C -0.046521 -0.559805 -0.020347
C 3.276784 3.229835 -0.032245
H 3.889643 3.382645 -0.926324
H 2.454885 3.948457 -0.036630
H 3.887258 3.390868 0.862009
C -0.055577 -3.129228 -0.009268
H 0.766204 -3.847988 -0.005515
H -0.668122 -3.282352 0.884971
H -0.666444 -3.289718 -0.903354
C -1.455462 -0.293837 -0.023266
C -2.007867 0.985316 -0.029378
C -3.411599 0.950648 -0.030594
C -3.968019 -0.332542 -0.025654
C -5.378865 -0.359211 -0.026813
H -1.389763 1.878687 -0.032553
H -5.980248 -1.261083 -0.023791
S -4.664737 2.166916 -0.036578
S -2.724162 -1.547128 -0.019161
C -5.922386 0.914896 -0.032543
C -7.311560 1.291059 -0.034832
C -7.867663 2.558321 -0.043720
C -9.278316 2.563180 -0.043277
S -8.581543 0.075008 -0.025030
H -7.270216 3.463702 -0.050860
H -9.869661 3.472524 -0.050283
C -9.843057 1.299684 -0.034037
C -11.234896 0.933069 -0.030954
C -11.787375 -0.337045 -0.030404
C -13.198110 -0.300531 -0.026636
C -13.745360 0.986374 -0.024419
C -15.149170 1.031061 -0.020815
H -11.192372 -1.243168 -0.033218
H -15.760888 1.928780 -0.018457
S -14.450859 -1.506161 -0.024294
S -12.483865 2.193808 -0.026528
C -15.710413 -0.243863 -0.020165
C -17.121722 -0.500484 -0.016240
C -19.401948 -0.210095 -0.008216
C -19.167769 -1.635016 -0.011229
C -18.147176 0.450547 -0.011788
C -18.381923 1.875835 -0.008177
O -17.637016 2.854662 -0.009676
O -19.912503 -2.614181 -0.010933
N -19.810928 1.992265 -0.002091
N -17.738534 -1.751425 -0.015931
C -20.427601 0.741540 -0.001847
C -17.130300 -3.069967 -0.019760
H -16.516958 -3.232542 0.872300
H -17.957232 -3.782849 -0.018277
H -16.522348 -3.229939 -0.915980
C -20.419446 3.310841 0.001557
H -19.592931 4.024128 -0.002857
H -21.035258 3.471611 -0.889043
H -21.025248 3.471451 0.899049
C -21.838962 0.486069 0.003799
C -22.400600 -0.788355 0.000612
C -23.805023 -0.743456 0.010893
C -24.351010 0.542968 0.021133
C -25.764120 0.580243 0.019389
H -21.789224 -1.686325 -0.007665
H -26.360535 1.485206 0.005035
S -25.069193 -1.948847 0.017601
S -23.098783 1.748245 0.017945
C -26.314610 -0.687730 0.012074
C -27.712626 -1.056445 0.005343
C -28.283491 -2.280645 -0.278533
C -29.703014 -2.279555 -0.192318
S -28.961529 0.116324 0.396883
H -27.700065 -3.151161 -0.559150
H -30.318391 -3.150775 -0.387757
C -30.213676 -1.058520 0.155334
H -31.249298 -0.775701 0.287540

 * library 6-31g*

 iterations 100
 print kinetic_energy
 xc B3LYP

task dft energy]]

 response  1 5.4976991E-2
 damping 0.007
task dft raman

The DFT energy calculation works, but the resonance raman calculation fails with the following few lines:

 hess_init: could not allocate g_rhs      555
  current input line :
   171: task dft raman
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section:

0:0:hess_init: could not allocate g_rhs:: 555
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[cli_0]: aborting job:
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000001, 555) - process 0
(rank:0 pid:32574):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
 hess_init: could not allocate g_rhs      555
  current input line :
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

If anyone has any advice, I would be very grateful! Thanks in advance.

Forum Regular
You do not have enough memory to allocate the needed array. That array has dimensions (number of basis functions)x(number of basis functions)x(3 times the number of atoms). It is a global array so you would need to increase the global memory in order to perform this calculation.


Clicked A Few Times
Thanks, Sean. I will try with higher global memory.



Clicked A Few Times

I retried the same calculation with a significantly higher allocation of memory:

memory total 127000 mb stack 31750 mb heap 31750 mb global 63500 mb

The got a little further, but unfortunately still failed, albeit with a different error message, and with the following lines after the DFT energy calculation:

  stpr_wrt_fd_from_sq: overwrite of existing file:
 stpr_wrt_fd_dipole: overwrite of existing file

 HESSIAN: the one electron contributions are done in     384.6s

 HESSIAN: 2-el 1st deriv. term done in                 15857.4s

 HESSIAN: 2-el 2nd deriv. term done in                  2744.5s

  stpr_wrt_fd_from_sq: overwrite of existing file:
 stpr_wrt_fd_dipole: overwrite of existing file

 HESSIAN: the two electron contributions are done in   19384.2s

0:CreateSharedRegion:kr_malloc failed KB=: 20528
(rank:0 pid:22026):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/memory/shmem.c:Create_Shared_Region():1188 cond:0
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[cli_0]: aborting job:
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000001, 20528) - process 0
rank 0 in job 1   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 0: return code 48
Job terminated normally

I would be very grateful for any advice.

Forum Regular
It looks like another out of memory problem. You don't need much memory allocated to heap, so I would suggest cutting the heap allocation to only about 300 mb and redistributing the rest of the allocation to stack and global.


Clicked A Few Times
Thanks, I am trying that now.

Clicked A Few Times
I tried the same job with two different memory allocations, one with significantly more global memory:

 memory total 127000 mb stack 26700 mb heap 300 mb global 100000 mb 


 memory total 127000 mb stack 63350 mb heap 300 mb global 63350 mb 

Unfortunately both failed at a same stage as the previously reported job (although each stage completed more quickly with the highest global memory allocation).

Perhaps the molecule is simply too large (137 atoms) to calculate Resonance Raman with available resources?

Thanks again,


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