SCF convergence issue

Clicked A Few Times
I am having trouble running several molecules at the HF level using cc-pVTZ basis set. The HF level using cc-pVDZ basis set is running just fine, and I use those results as the starting point for the cc-pVTZ calculations but the SCF won't converge at 200 iterations. Now, I was able to take the results from the cc-pVDZ basis set calculation as a starting point for a DFT calculation with cc-pVTZ basis set, and that ran just fine.
I have tried using the stepper algorithm, turning off the symmetry and automatic Z-matrix, disabling the Newton-Raphson until the maximum value of the orbital gradient (twice the largest off-diagonal Fock matrix element) is less than 0.01 and 0.001, and level shifting by 0.2 and level shifting by 0.2 only until the maximum element of the gradient falls below 0.001. All to no avail.
If there are any suggestions, that do not include increasing the SCF max iterations, it would be much appreciated.

Clicked A Few Times
I can only seem to post pieces of the input/output at a time...

argument 1 = nwch.nw

======================== echo of input deck ========================
scratch_dir /scratch/wardce01
Title "dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-2"

Start dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-2


Memory 200 mw

charge 0

geometry noautosym noautoz units angstrom
N     1.35034     0.316493     -1.48320
C 0.755821 -0.901158 -1.07358
C 0.455453 -2.00724 -1.83380
H 0.721591 -2.05972 -2.88101
C -0.207465 -3.08220 -1.23328
H -0.435153 -3.94694 -1.83718
C -0.566570 -3.03734 0.105361
O -1.21005 -4.02516 0.767250
C -0.257056 -1.90610 0.867316
H -0.530552 -1.89639 1.91300
C 0.400952 -0.855970 0.273371
C 0.895834 0.448054 0.865073
C -1.52699 -5.21327 0.101085
H -2.01818 -5.85044 0.831656
H -0.630955 -5.71868 -0.267187
H -2.21053 -5.03674 -0.733122
C 1.70325 1.02999 -0.299096
O 2.87472 0.584356 0.378269
H 1.74237 2.10326 -0.456297
H 2.07924 0.245255 -2.16835
O 2.13992 0.268657 1.54877
C -0.0799165 1.27784 1.67523
H -0.310678 0.730071 2.59357
C -1.38856 1.60523 0.954564
H 0.416906 2.20133 1.97421
H -2.01242 2.19567 1.61990
H -1.93002 0.691462 0.712226
N -1.21431 2.36062 -0.271339
H -1.06458 1.86565 -1.12418
C -1.19504 3.71696 -0.288277
C -0.973048 4.34888 -1.64431
O -1.32447 4.37640 0.705112
H -1.32547 3.72297 -2.46423
H 0.0962367 4.52724 -1.77775
H -1.48096 5.31007 -1.66671

ecce_print /home/wardce01/nwchem_run/Melatonin_Kladna_gas/Melatonin_Kladna_gas_1/HF-TZ-opt/dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-5/ecce.out

basis "ao basis" spherical print
   33.870000000000     0.006068000000
5.095000000000 0.045308000000
1.159000000000 0.202822000000
    0.325800000000     1.000000000000
    0.102700000000     1.000000000000
    1.407000000000     1.000000000000
    0.388000000000     1.000000000000
    1.057000000000     1.000000000000
15330.000000000000     0.000508000000    -0.000115000000
2299.000000000000 0.003929000000 -0.000895000000
522.400000000000 0.020243000000 -0.004636000000
147.300000000000 0.079181000000 -0.018724000000
47.550000000000 0.230687000000 -0.058463000000
16.760000000000 0.433118000000 -0.136463000000
6.207000000000 0.350260000000 -0.175740000000
0.688200000000 -0.008154000000 0.603418000000
    1.752000000000     1.000000000000
    0.238400000000     1.000000000000
   34.460000000000     0.015928000000
7.749000000000 0.099740000000
2.280000000000 0.310492000000
    0.715600000000     1.000000000000
    0.214000000000     1.000000000000
    2.314000000000     1.000000000000
    0.645000000000     1.000000000000
    1.428000000000     1.000000000000
11420.000000000000     0.000523000000    -0.000115000000
1712.000000000000 0.004045000000 -0.000895000000
389.300000000000 0.020775000000 -0.004624000000
110.000000000000 0.080727000000 -0.018528000000
35.570000000000 0.233074000000 -0.057339000000
12.540000000000 0.433501000000 -0.132076000000
4.644000000000 0.347472000000 -0.172510000000
0.511800000000 -0.008508000000 0.599944000000
    1.293000000000     1.000000000000
    0.178700000000     1.000000000000
   26.630000000000     0.014670000000
5.948000000000 0.091764000000
1.742000000000 0.298683000000
    0.555000000000     1.000000000000
    0.172500000000     1.000000000000
    1.654000000000     1.000000000000
    0.469000000000     1.000000000000
    1.093000000000     1.000000000000
 8236.000000000000     0.000531000000    -0.000113000000
1235.000000000000 0.004108000000 -0.000878000000
280.800000000000 0.021087000000 -0.004540000000
79.270000000000 0.081853000000 -0.018133000000
25.590000000000 0.234817000000 -0.055760000000
8.997000000000 0.434401000000 -0.126895000000
3.319000000000 0.346129000000 -0.170352000000
0.364300000000 -0.008983000000 0.598684000000
    0.905900000000     1.000000000000
    0.128500000000     1.000000000000
   18.710000000000     0.014031000000
4.133000000000 0.086866000000
1.200000000000 0.290216000000
    0.382700000000     1.000000000000
    0.120900000000     1.000000000000
    1.097000000000     1.000000000000
    0.318000000000     1.000000000000
    0.761000000000     1.000000000000

nopen 0
maxiter 200

maxiter 100

task scf optimize

Clicked A Few Times
Job information

   hostname        =
program = /opt/nwchem/bin/nwchem
date = Wed Aug 26 16:34:31 2015

   compiled        = Fri_Dec_12_17:21:39_2014
source = /home/skirkby/nwchem-6.5
nwchem branch = 6.5
nwchem revision = 26243
ga revision = 10506
input = nwch.nw
prefix = dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-2.
data base = ./dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-2.db
status = startup
nproc = 12
time left = -1s

          Memory information

   heap     =   52428794 doubles =    400.0 Mbytes
stack = 52428799 doubles = 400.0 Mbytes
global = 104857600 doubles = 800.0 Mbytes (distinct from heap & stack)
total = 209715193 doubles = 1600.0 Mbytes
verify = yes
hardfail = no

          Directory information

 0 permanent = .
0 scratch = /scratch/wardce01

                               NWChem Input Module


Scaling coordinates for geometry "geometry" by  1.889725989
(inverse scale = 0.529177249)

                            Geometry "geometry" -> ""

Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by  1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

 No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z
---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 N 7.0000 1.35033998 0.31649344 -1.48319945
2 C 6.0000 0.75582098 -0.90115756 -1.07357945
3 C 6.0000 0.45545298 -2.00723956 -1.83379945
4 H 1.0000 0.72159098 -2.05971956 -2.88100945
5 C 6.0000 -0.20746502 -3.08219956 -1.23327945
6 H 1.0000 -0.43515302 -3.94693956 -1.83717945
7 C 6.0000 -0.56657002 -3.03733956 0.10536155
8 O 8.0000 -1.21005002 -4.02515956 0.76725055
9 C 6.0000 -0.25705602 -1.90609956 0.86731655
10 H 1.0000 -0.53055202 -1.89638956 1.91300055
11 C 6.0000 0.40095198 -0.85596956 0.27337155
12 C 6.0000 0.89583398 0.44805444 0.86507355
13 C 6.0000 -1.52699002 -5.21326956 0.10108555
14 H 1.0000 -2.01818002 -5.85043956 0.83165655
15 H 1.0000 -0.63095502 -5.71867956 -0.26718645
16 H 1.0000 -2.21053002 -5.03673956 -0.73312145
17 C 6.0000 1.70324998 1.02999044 -0.29909545
18 O 8.0000 2.87471998 0.58435644 0.37826955
19 H 1.0000 1.74236998 2.10326044 -0.45629645
20 H 1.0000 2.07923998 0.24525544 -2.16834945
21 O 8.0000 2.13991998 0.26865744 1.54877055
22 C 6.0000 -0.07991652 1.27784044 1.67523055
23 H 1.0000 -0.31067802 0.73007144 2.59357055
24 C 6.0000 -1.38856002 1.60523044 0.95456455
25 H 1.0000 0.41690598 2.20133044 1.97421055
26 H 1.0000 -2.01242002 2.19567044 1.61990055
27 H 1.0000 -1.93002002 0.69146244 0.71222655
28 N 7.0000 -1.21431002 2.36062044 -0.27133845
29 H 1.0000 -1.06458002 1.86565044 -1.12417945
30 C 6.0000 -1.19504002 3.71696044 -0.28827645
31 C 6.0000 -0.97304802 4.34888044 -1.64430945
32 O 8.0000 -1.32447002 4.37640044 0.70511255
33 H 1.0000 -1.32547002 3.72297044 -2.46422945
34 H 1.0000 0.09623668 4.52724044 -1.77774945
35 H 1.0000 -1.48096002 5.31007044 -1.66670945

     Atomic Mass 

     N                 14.003070
C 12.000000
H 1.007825
O 15.994910

Effective nuclear repulsion energy (a.u.)    1492.5417539352

           Nuclear Dipole moment (a.u.) 
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
-0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 0.0000000000

           XYZ format geometry
N 1.35033998 0.31649344 -1.48319945
C 0.75582098 -0.90115756 -1.07357945
C 0.45545298 -2.00723956 -1.83379945
H 0.72159098 -2.05971956 -2.88100945
C -0.20746502 -3.08219956 -1.23327945
H -0.43515302 -3.94693956 -1.83717945
C -0.56657002 -3.03733956 0.10536155
O -1.21005002 -4.02515956 0.76725055
C -0.25705602 -1.90609956 0.86731655
H -0.53055202 -1.89638956 1.91300055
C 0.40095198 -0.85596956 0.27337155
C 0.89583398 0.44805444 0.86507355
C -1.52699002 -5.21326956 0.10108555
H -2.01818002 -5.85043956 0.83165655
H -0.63095502 -5.71867956 -0.26718645
H -2.21053002 -5.03673956 -0.73312145
C 1.70324998 1.02999044 -0.29909545
O 2.87471998 0.58435644 0.37826955
H 1.74236998 2.10326044 -0.45629645
H 2.07923998 0.24525544 -2.16834945
O 2.13991998 0.26865744 1.54877055
C -0.07991652 1.27784044 1.67523055
H -0.31067802 0.73007144 2.59357055
C -1.38856002 1.60523044 0.95456455
H 0.41690598 2.20133044 1.97421055
H -2.01242002 2.19567044 1.61990055
H -1.93002002 0.69146244 0.71222655
N -1.21431002 2.36062044 -0.27133845
H -1.06458002 1.86565044 -1.12417945
C -1.19504002 3.71696044 -0.28827645
C -0.97304802 4.34888044 -1.64430945
O -1.32447002 4.37640044 0.70511255
H -1.32547002 3.72297044 -2.46422945
H 0.09623668 4.52724044 -1.77774945
H -1.48096002 5.31007044 -1.66670945


Clicked A Few Times
internuclear distances
center one | center two | atomic units | angstroms
2 C | 1 N | 2.67509 | 1.41560
3 C | 2 C | 2.59902 | 1.37534
4 H | 3 C | 2.04425 | 1.08177
5 C | 3 C | 2.64266 | 1.39844
6 H | 5 C | 2.03908 | 1.07903
7 C | 5 C | 2.62048 | 1.38670
8 O | 7 C | 2.55494 | 1.35202
9 C | 7 C | 2.64297 | 1.39860
10 H | 9 C | 2.04261 | 1.08090
11 C | 2 C | 2.63361 | 1.39365
11 C | 9 C | 2.59693 | 1.37423
12 C | 11 C | 2.86311 | 1.51509
13 C | 8 O | 2.64280 | 1.39851
14 H | 13 C | 2.05363 | 1.08673
15 H | 13 C | 2.06486 | 1.09268
16 H | 13 C | 2.06516 | 1.09284
17 C | 1 N | 2.69624 | 1.42679
17 C | 12 C | 2.89434 | 1.53162
18 O | 17 C | 2.69228 | 1.42469
19 H | 17 C | 2.05116 | 1.08543
20 H | 1 N | 1.89520 | 1.00290
21 O | 12 C | 2.70394 | 1.43087
21 O | 18 O | 2.67893 | 1.41763
22 C | 12 C | 2.86403 | 1.51558
23 H | 22 C | 2.06720 | 1.09392
24 C | 22 C | 2.89016 | 1.52941
25 H | 22 C | 2.06063 | 1.09044
26 H | 24 C | 2.05320 | 1.08650
27 H | 24 C | 2.05874 | 1.08944
28 N | 24 C | 2.74096 | 1.45045
29 H | 28 N | 1.88476 | 0.99737
30 C | 28 N | 2.56357 | 1.35658
31 C | 30 C | 2.85807 | 1.51242
32 O | 30 C | 2.26644 | 1.19935
33 H | 31 C | 2.05992 | 1.09006
34 H | 31 C | 2.06403 | 1.09224
35 H | 31 C | 2.05482 | 1.08736
number of included internuclear distances: 37

Clicked A Few Times
I've decided to skip some sections....

                          NWChem Geometry Optimization


maximum gradient threshold         (gmax) =   0.000450
rms gradient threshold (grms) = 0.000300
maximum cartesian step threshold (xmax) = 0.001800
rms cartesian step threshold (xrms) = 0.001200
fixed trust radius (trust) = 0.300000
maximum step size to saddle (sadstp) = 0.100000
energy precision (eprec) = 1.0D-07
maximum number of steps (nptopt) = 100
initial hessian option (inhess) = 0
line search option (linopt) = 1
hessian update option (modupd) = 1
saddle point option (modsad) = 0
initial eigen-mode to follow (moddir) = 0
initial variable to follow (vardir) = 0
follow first negative mode (firstneg) = T
apply conjugacy (opcg) = F
source of zmatrix =

Clicked A Few Times

        Quadratically convergent ROHF

Convergence threshold     :          1.000E-04
Maximum no. of iterations : 200
Final Fock-matrix accuracy: 1.000E-07

             iter       energy          gnorm     gmax       time
----- ------------------- --------- --------- --------
1 -910.1445749954 1.44D-01 1.02D-02 70113.4
2 -910.1461767862 8.73D-03 6.99D-04 70728.2
3 -910.1461843584 1.52D-03 9.20D-05 72199.4
4 -910.1461844634 7.18D-04 4.66D-05 73578.9
5 -910.1461844635 5.86D-04 4.24D-05 74547.5
6 -910.1461843982 4.33D-04 2.40D-05 75505.2
7 -910.1461843918 3.67D-04 2.18D-05 76439.7
8 -910.1461844107 3.48D-04 2.36D-05 77350.0
9 -910.1461844179 3.52D-04 2.72D-05 78287.3
10 -910.1461844187 2.84D-04 1.69D-05 79021.4
11 -910.1461844261 2.32D-04 1.76D-05 80173.2
12 -910.1461843772 2.63D-04 1.31D-05 80895.4
13 -910.1461843861 2.85D-04 1.63D-05 81581.1
14 -910.1461843581 2.35D-04 1.68D-05 82728.4
15 -910.1461843618 2.85D-04 2.06D-05 83450.2
16 -910.1461843828 2.47D-04 1.40D-05 84594.4
17 -910.1461843925 1.94D-04 1.79D-05 85970.2
18 -910.1461843689 1.77D-04 1.50D-05 87332.2
19 -910.1461843838 1.53D-04 1.41D-05 88257.8
20 -910.1461843767 2.42D-04 1.64D-05 90939.9
21 -910.1461843823 1.59D-04 1.19D-05 93193.2
22 -910.1461843802 1.83D-04 1.19D-05 95180.8
23 -910.1461843634 1.97D-04 1.33D-05 96758.5
24 -910.1461843548 1.79D-04 1.26D-05 98322.6
25 -910.1461843872 1.55D-04 8.91D-06 100551.3
26 -910.1461843855 1.26D-04 6.36D-06 102342.2
27 -910.1461843700 1.31D-04 7.85D-06 103716.6
28 -910.1461843550 2.08D-04 1.54D-05 106369.7
29 -910.1461843544 1.80D-04 9.77D-06 109469.3
30 -910.1461844005 1.94D-04 1.16D-05 111052.9
31 -910.1461843783 1.89D-04 1.47D-05 111979.7
32 -910.1461843677 1.41D-04 1.05D-05 114424.3
33 -910.1461843639 1.53D-04 1.29D-05 118177.2
34 -910.1461843580 1.78D-04 1.38D-05 121060.7
35 -910.1461844023 1.84D-04 1.23D-05 121980.9
36 -910.1461843519 1.47D-04 8.53D-06 124240.3
37 -910.1461844106 2.16D-04 1.75D-05 128660.4
38 -910.1461843391 2.14D-04 1.46D-05 133091.4
39 -910.1461843730 1.35D-04 7.21D-06 135753.0
40 -910.1461844034 1.81D-04 1.27D-05 137558.8
41 -910.1461843615 1.26D-04 7.93D-06 139793.8
42 -910.1461843664 1.45D-04 9.15D-06 142847.2
43 -910.1461844011 1.74D-04 1.30D-05 145963.6
44 -910.1461843442 2.00D-04 1.47D-05 149083.4
45 -910.1461843957 1.53D-04 1.12D-05 151745.5
46 -910.1461843775 2.12D-04 1.03D-05 152878.4
47 -910.1461843795 2.61D-04 1.29D-05 154901.1
48 -910.1461843442 2.52D-04 1.85D-05 156281.4
49 -910.1461844243 1.99D-04 1.43D-05 157434.2
50 -910.1461843688 2.28D-04 1.43D-05 159032.3
51 -910.1461843689 2.41D-04 1.43D-05 160376.3
52 -910.1461843855 2.25D-04 1.50D-05 161091.0
53 -910.1461843843 2.50D-04 1.49D-05 162232.0
54 -910.1461843829 1.58D-04 8.05D-06 163166.1
55 -910.1461843461 1.94D-04 1.08D-05 166047.3
56 -910.1461843576 1.53D-04 8.67D-06 169150.5
57 -910.1461843997 2.72D-04 1.59D-05 173554.5
58 -910.1461844184 2.12D-04 1.25D-05 175131.8
59 -910.1461843434 2.10D-04 1.38D-05 176469.8
60 -910.1461843263 1.96D-04 1.10D-05 178483.8
61 -910.1461843958 1.94D-04 1.50D-05 179620.0
62 -910.1461843801 1.55D-04 7.64D-06 182981.0
63 -910.1461843312 2.12D-04 1.68D-05 184795.9
64 -910.1461843656 1.53D-04 9.11D-06 187025.1
65 -910.1461843993 1.82D-04 1.48D-05 189063.8
66 -910.1461843458 1.71D-04 1.30D-05 191981.5
67 -910.1461844031 1.55D-04 1.09D-05 194651.8
68 -910.1461843182 2.91D-04 2.93D-05 199099.4
69 -910.1461843986 2.47D-04 1.72D-05 199831.0
70 -910.1461843959 2.30D-04 1.58D-05 200999.3
71 -910.1461843821 1.71D-04 1.44D-05 201929.8
72 -910.1461843490 1.89D-04 1.46D-05 203688.7
73 -910.1461843826 1.94D-04 1.43D-05 205734.1
74 -910.1461843839 1.32D-04 1.17D-05 207742.8
75 -910.1461843502 1.68D-04 1.14D-05 209524.4
76 -910.1461843850 1.66D-04 1.43D-05 211986.8
77 -910.1461843423 2.29D-04 1.91D-05 216378.6
78 -910.1461844049 1.80D-04 9.58D-06 217524.8
79 -910.1461844243 2.24D-04 1.61D-05 218903.0
80 -910.1461843444 2.25D-04 1.17D-05 219600.6
81 -910.1461843797 1.69D-04 1.01D-05 220971.8
82 -910.1461843209 2.17D-04 1.85D-05 223011.7
83 -910.1461843863 2.23D-04 1.24D-05 224171.2
84 -910.1461843726 1.90D-04 1.08D-05 225114.4
85 -910.1461843867 2.08D-04 1.65D-05 227366.4
86 -910.1461843242 1.90D-04 1.07D-05 230040.2
87 -910.1461843915 1.66D-04 1.02D-05 231826.3
88 -910.1461843784 1.36D-04 7.45D-06 233430.2
89 -910.1461843529 2.01D-04 1.46D-05 234801.5
90 -910.1461844106 1.99D-04 1.83D-05 239230.7
91 -910.1461843815 1.75D-04 9.06D-06 242991.5
92 -910.1461843909 1.45D-04 1.02D-05 245658.0
93 -910.1461843561 1.60D-04 1.04D-05 247674.5
94 -910.1461843684 1.27D-04 6.75D-06 251399.9
95 -910.1461843802 2.34D-04 1.49D-05 255826.9
96 -910.1461844287 4.09D-04 2.73D-05 260267.3
97 -910.1461843296 3.17D-04 2.51D-05 261181.4
98 -910.1461843919 3.14D-04 1.74D-05 261903.7
99 -910.1461843820 3.19D-04 1.70D-05 262845.6
100 -910.1461843856 3.72D-04 3.07D-05 263580.9

Clicked A Few Times
101 -910.1461843855 2.37D-04 1.79D-05 264519.3
              102     -910.1461843490  2.54D-04  1.99D-05 265676.9
103 -910.1461843812 2.56D-04 1.67D-05 266392.4
104 -910.1461843444 1.89D-04 1.41D-05 267761.1
105 -910.1461843961 1.96D-04 1.18D-05 269118.3
106 -910.1461843636 2.01D-04 1.25D-05 270700.3
107 -910.1461843921 2.21D-04 1.36D-05 271422.1
108 -910.1461843579 2.13D-04 1.24D-05 272762.5
109 -910.1461843933 2.21D-04 1.67D-05 274364.1
110 -910.1461843774 2.02D-04 1.20D-05 275044.3
111 -910.1461843464 2.30D-04 1.40D-05 276189.5
112 -910.1461843569 1.92D-04 1.08D-05 277564.5
113 -910.1461843707 2.36D-04 1.73D-05 278713.7
114 -910.1461843940 2.21D-04 1.34D-05 279858.9
115 -910.1461843767 2.26D-04 1.45D-05 281228.7
116 -910.1461843369 2.17D-04 1.10D-05 282823.2
117 -910.1461844058 1.97D-04 1.51D-05 284184.5
118 -910.1461843799 1.78D-04 9.10D-06 285535.1
119 -910.1461843465 2.30D-04 1.55D-05 286696.3
120 -910.1461843724 2.19D-04 1.44D-05 287857.3
121 -910.1461844080 1.96D-04 1.61D-05 289211.8
122 -910.1461844059 1.59D-04 1.03D-05 290812.5
123 -910.1461843434 1.81D-04 8.70D-06 293691.9
124 -910.1461843714 1.51D-04 1.10D-05 295065.7
125 -910.1461843766 2.10D-04 1.22D-05 299524.0
126 -910.1461844116 1.76D-04 1.46D-05 300667.6
127 -910.1461843740 1.74D-04 1.02D-05 302455.3
128 -910.1461844145 5.16D-04 4.00D-05 306817.7
129 -910.1461843425 2.68D-04 1.79D-05 307731.9
130 -910.1461843510 2.36D-04 1.70D-05 308893.9
131 -910.1461843724 2.43D-04 1.69D-05 309613.7
132 -910.1461843641 1.98D-04 1.13D-05 310767.8
133 -910.1461844011 2.32D-04 1.80D-05 311920.8
134 -910.1461843880 1.69D-04 1.08D-05 313916.3
135 -910.1461843955 1.86D-04 1.20D-05 316143.1
136 -910.1461843835 1.40D-04 1.07D-05 318168.7
137 -910.1461843992 2.38D-04 1.26D-05 320608.1
138 -910.1461843902 2.73D-04 1.68D-05 321318.2
139 -910.1461843371 2.50D-04 1.75D-05 322470.8
140 -910.1461843433 2.49D-04 1.89D-05 323166.3
141 -910.1461843629 2.23D-04 1.62D-05 324532.6
142 -910.1461844320 2.45D-04 2.00D-05 325896.3
143 -910.1461843476 2.29D-04 1.60D-05 327271.5
144 -910.1461844036 2.35D-04 1.49D-05 329527.3
145 -910.1461843954 2.43D-04 1.41D-05 330248.4
146 -910.1461843526 2.16D-04 1.43D-05 331851.9
147 -910.1461843561 2.54D-04 1.64D-05 332568.9
148 -910.1461843771 1.98D-04 1.30D-05 333735.9
149 -910.1461843398 1.99D-04 1.21D-05 335315.8
150 -910.1461843767 1.46D-04 6.94D-06 338161.3
151 -910.1461843988 2.24D-04 1.76D-05 339525.1
152 -910.1461843740 2.15D-04 1.43D-05 341105.9
153 -910.1461843652 2.11D-04 1.55D-05 342021.7
154 -910.1461843488 2.03D-04 1.07D-05 344727.6
155 -910.1461843781 1.79D-04 1.18D-05 346099.0
156 -910.1461843828 1.85D-04 1.07D-05 347665.7
157 -910.1461843519 2.10D-04 1.28D-05 349930.1
158 -910.1461843614 2.04D-04 1.36D-05 351091.5
159 -910.1461843712 2.20D-04 1.54D-05 352676.4
160 -910.1461844146 2.34D-04 1.70D-05 354273.6
161 -910.1461843832 2.18D-04 1.47D-05 354983.7
162 -910.1461843515 2.18D-04 1.32D-05 356368.5
163 -910.1461843573 2.56D-04 1.34D-05 357067.0
164 -910.1461843674 1.74D-04 1.17D-05 358230.0
165 -910.1461843956 1.38D-04 6.79D-06 360235.6
166 -910.1461843739 1.93D-04 1.09D-05 361595.1
167 -910.1461844149 2.46D-04 2.14D-05 363178.1
168 -910.1461843968 1.73D-04 9.72D-06 364525.3
169 -910.1461843380 2.29D-04 1.65D-05 365872.1
170 -910.1461843929 1.65D-04 1.14D-05 367691.7
171 -910.1461843830 1.46D-04 9.92D-06 369044.3
172 -910.1461844000 1.91D-04 1.02D-05 371255.0
173 -910.1461843750 2.15D-04 1.11D-05 372624.6
174 -910.1461843462 1.94D-04 9.32D-06 377016.4
175 -910.1461843920 1.56D-04 8.96D-06 379041.0
176 -910.1461843875 2.34D-04 1.47D-05 381481.4
177 -910.1461843944 1.61D-04 1.06D-05 382621.5
178 -910.1461843794 1.78D-04 9.56D-06 384803.0
179 -910.1461843903 1.56D-04 1.30D-05 386173.7
180 -910.1461843419 1.95D-04 1.45D-05 390592.4
181 -910.1461843599 1.70D-04 8.06D-06 393254.4
182 -910.1461843974 1.58D-04 9.10D-06 397670.0
183 -910.1461843578 1.49D-04 7.36D-06 399227.4
184 -910.1461844167 2.63D-04 1.95D-05 403667.5
185 -910.1461843421 2.21D-04 1.61D-05 405032.3
186 -910.1461843881 1.63D-04 9.40D-06 407052.6
187 -910.1461844035 1.78D-04 9.07D-06 409065.3
188 -910.1461843864 1.54D-04 1.23D-05 412138.5
189 -910.1461843489 1.62D-04 9.06D-06 416529.9
190 -910.1461843786 1.83D-04 1.30D-05 418331.5
191 -910.1461843853 2.22D-04 1.34D-05 420391.3
192 -910.1461843955 1.41D-04 7.70D-06 421536.8
193 -910.1461843494 1.43D-04 8.63D-06 422672.4
194 -910.1461844173 2.49D-04 2.53D-05 427058.8
195 -910.1461843396 2.48D-04 1.71D-05 431452.3
196 -910.1461843809 2.19D-04 1.29D-05 432588.2
197 -910.1461843918 1.56D-04 8.78D-06 434182.5
198 -910.1461844076 2.30D-04 1.71D-05 438605.3
199 -910.1461843460 2.35D-04 1.28D-05 439307.7
200 -910.1461843611 2.52D-04 1.66D-05 440031.9

     Calculation failed to converge

      Final RHF  results 

        Total SCF energy =   -910.146184361141
One-electron energy = -4212.658012265842
Two-electron energy = 1808.346123147437
Nuclear repulsion energy = 1494.165704757265

       Time for solution = 370140.6s

Clicked A Few Times
driver_energy_step: energy failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
driver_energy_step: energy failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
driver_energy_step: energy failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
driver_energy_step: energy failed 0
current input line :
162: task scf optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
driver_energy_step: energy failed 0
current input line :
driver_energy_step: energy failed 0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

Forum Vet
Please try the input below
scratch_dir /scratch/wardce01
Title "dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-2"

Start  dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-2


Memory 200 mw

charge 0

 N     1.35034     0.316493     -1.48320
 C     0.755821     -0.901158     -1.07358
 C     0.455453     -2.00724     -1.83380
 H     0.721591     -2.05972     -2.88101
 C     -0.207465     -3.08220     -1.23328
 H     -0.435153     -3.94694     -1.83718
 C     -0.566570     -3.03734     0.105361
 O     -1.21005     -4.02516     0.767250
 C     -0.257056     -1.90610     0.867316
 H     -0.530552     -1.89639     1.91300
 C     0.400952     -0.855970     0.273371
 C     0.895834     0.448054     0.865073
 C     -1.52699     -5.21327     0.101085
 H     -2.01818     -5.85044     0.831656
 H     -0.630955     -5.71868     -0.267187
 H     -2.21053     -5.03674     -0.733122
 C     1.70325     1.02999     -0.299096
 O     2.87472     0.584356     0.378269
 H     1.74237     2.10326     -0.456297
 H     2.07924     0.245255     -2.16835
 O     2.13992     0.268657     1.54877
 C     -0.0799165     1.27784     1.67523
 H     -0.310678     0.730071     2.59357
 C     -1.38856     1.60523     0.954564
 H     0.416906     2.20133     1.97421
 H     -2.01242     2.19567     1.61990
 H     -1.93002     0.691462     0.712226
 N     -1.21431     2.36062     -0.271339
 H     -1.06458     1.86565     -1.12418
 C     -1.19504     3.71696     -0.288277
 C     -0.973048     4.34888     -1.64431
 O     -1.32447     4.37640     0.705112
 H     -1.32547     3.72297     -2.46423
 H     0.0962367     4.52724     -1.77775
 H     -1.48096     5.31007     -1.66671

ecce_print /home/wardce01/nwchem_run/Melatonin_Kladna_gas/Melatonin_Kladna_gas_1/HF-TZ-opt/dioxetane_R_SR_1295_9s_15_HF-TZ-opt-5/ecce.out

basis "ao basis" spherical print
H    S
    33.870000000000     0.006068000000
     5.095000000000     0.045308000000
     1.159000000000     0.202822000000
H    S
     0.325800000000     1.000000000000
H    S
     0.102700000000     1.000000000000
H    P
     1.407000000000     1.000000000000
H    P
     0.388000000000     1.000000000000
H    D
     1.057000000000     1.000000000000
O    S
 15330.000000000000     0.000508000000    -0.000115000000
  2299.000000000000     0.003929000000    -0.000895000000
   522.400000000000     0.020243000000    -0.004636000000
   147.300000000000     0.079181000000    -0.018724000000
    47.550000000000     0.230687000000    -0.058463000000
    16.760000000000     0.433118000000    -0.136463000000
     6.207000000000     0.350260000000    -0.175740000000
     0.688200000000    -0.008154000000     0.603418000000
O    S
     1.752000000000     1.000000000000
O    S
     0.238400000000     1.000000000000
O    P
    34.460000000000     0.015928000000
     7.749000000000     0.099740000000
     2.280000000000     0.310492000000
O    P
     0.715600000000     1.000000000000
O    P
     0.214000000000     1.000000000000
O    D
     2.314000000000     1.000000000000
O    D
     0.645000000000     1.000000000000
O    F
     1.428000000000     1.000000000000
N    S
 11420.000000000000     0.000523000000    -0.000115000000
  1712.000000000000     0.004045000000    -0.000895000000
   389.300000000000     0.020775000000    -0.004624000000
   110.000000000000     0.080727000000    -0.018528000000
    35.570000000000     0.233074000000    -0.057339000000
    12.540000000000     0.433501000000    -0.132076000000
     4.644000000000     0.347472000000    -0.172510000000
     0.511800000000    -0.008508000000     0.599944000000
N    S
     1.293000000000     1.000000000000
N    S
     0.178700000000     1.000000000000
N    P
    26.630000000000     0.014670000000
     5.948000000000     0.091764000000
     1.742000000000     0.298683000000
N    P
     0.555000000000     1.000000000000
N    P
     0.172500000000     1.000000000000
N    D
     1.654000000000     1.000000000000
N    D
     0.469000000000     1.000000000000
N    F
     1.093000000000     1.000000000000
C    S
  8236.000000000000     0.000531000000    -0.000113000000
  1235.000000000000     0.004108000000    -0.000878000000
   280.800000000000     0.021087000000    -0.004540000000
    79.270000000000     0.081853000000    -0.018133000000
    25.590000000000     0.234817000000    -0.055760000000
     8.997000000000     0.434401000000    -0.126895000000
     3.319000000000     0.346129000000    -0.170352000000
     0.364300000000    -0.008983000000     0.598684000000
C    S
     0.905900000000     1.000000000000
C    S
     0.128500000000     1.000000000000
C    P
    18.710000000000     0.014031000000
     4.133000000000     0.086866000000
     1.200000000000     0.290216000000
C    P
     0.382700000000     1.000000000000
C    P
     0.120900000000     1.000000000000
C    D
     1.097000000000     1.000000000000
C    D
     0.318000000000     1.000000000000
C    F
     0.761000000000     1.000000000000
xc hfexch
vectors input atomic output dft.mos
convergence energy 1d-8
task dft ignore
  nopen 0
  maxiter 200
vectors input atomic output hf.mos

  maxiter 100

task scf optimize

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