Memory problem

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I have a problem and I think it is due to memory. The simulation always cut off early and I have tried to increase the memory but it is still cutting off early. Can some on help me with that? If not memory problem, can someone point me the direction of the solution? Thank you.

Here is my simulation input file:

start ZnMOF-74
title "ZnMOF-74"
memory stack 100000 heap 100000 global 100000 mb
Zn 0.2934 0.7066 0.7066
Zn 0.2934 0.7934 0.7934
Zn 0.2066 0.7066 0.7934
Zn 0.2066 0.7934 0.7066
Zn 0.7934 0.7066 0.7934
Zn 0.7066 0.7066 0.7066
Zn 0.7066 0.7934 0.7934
Zn 0.7934 0.7934 0.7066
O 0.25 0.75 0.75
O 0.75 0.75 0.75
O 0.2819 0.7181 0.634
O 0.2819 0.7819 0.866
O 0.134 0.7181 0.7819
O 0.366 0.7181 0.7181
C 0.4731 0.7171 0.7171
H 0.45106 0.69007 0.69007
O 0.2181 0.634 0.7819
O 0.2181 0.866 0.7181
O 0.7819 0.7181 0.866
O 0.7819 0.7819 0.634
O 0.7181 0.634 0.7181
O 0.7181 0.866 0.7819
O 0.634 0.7819 0.7819
C 0.5269 0.7829 0.7829
H 0.54894 0.80993 0.80993
O 0.866 0.7819 0.7181
O 0.7181 0.7819 0.866
O 0.7181 0.7181 0.634
O 0.866 0.7181 0.7819
O 0.634 0.7181 0.7181
C 0.5269 0.7171 0.7171
H 0.54894 0.69007 0.69007
O 0.7819 0.866 0.7181
O 0.7819 0.634 0.7819
O 0.2181 0.7819 0.634
O 0.2181 0.7181 0.866
O 0.2819 0.866 0.7819
O 0.2819 0.634 0.7181
O 0.366 0.7819 0.7819
C 0.4731 0.7829 0.7829
H 0.45106 0.80993 0.80993
O 0.134 0.7819 0.7181
C 0.25 0.75 0.6113
C 0.25 0.75 0.5538
C 0.25 0.75 0.8887
C 0.25 0.75 0.9462
C 0.1113 0.75 0.75
C 0.0538 0.75 0.75
C 0.3887 0.75 0.75
C 0.4462 0.75 0.75
C 0.25 0.6113 0.75
C 0.25 0.5538 0.75
C 0.25 0.8887 0.75
C 0.25 0.9462 0.75
C 0.75 0.75 0.8887
C 0.75 0.75 0.9462
C 0.75 0.75 0.6113
C 0.75 0.75 0.5538
C 0.75 0.6113 0.75
C 0.75 0.5538 0.75
C 0.75 0.8887 0.75
C 0.75 0.9462 0.75
C 0.6113 0.75 0.75
C 0.5538 0.75 0.75
C 0.8887 0.75 0.75
C 0.9462 0.75 0.75
H 0.28603 0.7708 0.53909
H 0.21397 0.7708 0.53909
H 0.25 0.70839 0.53909
H 0.03909 0.70981 0.76077
H 0.03909 0.76077 0.70981
H 0.03909 0.77942 0.77942
H 0.26077 0.53909 0.70981
H 0.20981 0.53909 0.76077
H 0.27942 0.53909 0.77942
H 0.20981 0.96091 0.76077
H 0.26077 0.96091 0.70981
H 0.27942 0.96091 0.77942
H 0.78603 0.7708 0.53909
H 0.71397 0.7708 0.53909
H 0.75 0.70839 0.53909
H 0.76077 0.53909 0.70981
H 0.70981 0.53909 0.76077
H 0.77942 0.53909 0.77942
H 0.70981 0.96091 0.76077
H 0.76077 0.96091 0.70981
H 0.77942 0.96091 0.77942
H 0.96091 0.76077 0.70981
H 0.96091 0.70981 0.76077
H 0.96091 0.77942 0.77942
H 0.28603 0.7292 0.96091
H 0.21397 0.7292 0.96091
H 0.25 0.79161 0.96091
H 0.78603 0.7292 0.96091
H 0.71397 0.7292 0.96091
H 0.75 0.79161 0.96091
 * library aug-cc-pVDZ-DK
 xc m06
task dft energy
task esp

Forum Vet
Please post the error message

Clicked A Few Times
There was no error message, the simulation just stop and marked as complete on internal system. It was not clock out by the internal system because the simulation just finished in couple of hours.

Clicked A Few Times
Hi Vet

There was no error message, the simulation just stop and marked as complete on internal system. It was not clock out by the internal system because the simulation just finished in couple of hours.

Forum Vet
Did you have a look at the kernel log?
Could you spot any OOM killler entry?

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