CCSD(T) createfile: failed ga create size=*********

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Hi guys,

I am trying to run a CCSD(T) calculation on a Mo complex, however, I get the infamous
 createfile: failed ga_create size=*********

error. I have read many posts related to this but did not manage to get this one fixed.
My output file is shown below.

Thank you, any advice is highly appreciated.

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I posted the output file on

Gets Around
You should use "basis spherical" with the Dunning basis sets. It will save a bit of space and your SCF will finish faster. How many nodes are you trying to run across? I don't have enough RAM to run it to completion but I get to "createfile: failed ga_create size/nproc bytes 27656265208". It needs to allocate ~27 GB but only has ~6 GB available in GA memory. It seems like you need to run this across at least 5 nodes, possibly more, to fit everything in memory with the memory settings you have supplied. I don't know why you are seeing asterisks instead of numbers with your ga_create failure, but you might consider upgrading to a newer NWChem. 6.1 was released in 2011.

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I will add the keyword "spherical", thanks!
I am running this job on 8 cores and I request 16 GB per core. With the heap, stack, global settings I currently have, this should add up to 8 * 6 GB = 48 GB GA memory, right?
Further, I will try to update to the latest version of NWChem.

Thank you for your help!

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