scf energy error

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I have been trying to do intial geometry optimization using Hartree Fork. But i am getting following error:-

scf_gradient: scf energy failed 0
scf_gradient: scf energy failed        0

My input file is as below:-


start molecule

title "Title"
charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz autosym
  C        0.07866        0.40142       -0.82732
C -0.60818 1.61063 -0.19064
C 1.24006 0.39967 -0.52411
C 2.18721 1.22161 0.21145
C 4.36093 0.59709 -0.81391
C 3.63280 1.36103 -0.04907
C 5.85123 0.67804 -1.14040
C 6.36058 1.60327 -0.56986
C -0.21625 2.55446 0.61753
C -0.64573 3.89660 0.56984
C 1.29627 2.51292 0.79959
C 2.12037 3.68559 0.15598
C 4.36286 2.52889 0.67172
C 3.61084 3.79070 0.35810
C 5.91006 2.62676 0.32901
C 6.37305 3.97059 0.38887
C -0.16779 5.10116 0.48344
C -1.07619 6.28431 0.36200
C 1.25810 5.09661 0.03307
C 2.21933 6.17891 0.17708
C 4.35245 5.05281 -0.17047
C 3.41931 6.14721 0.13814
C 5.79802 5.14018 0.33257
C 6.70052 6.35387 0.29410
O 4.38857 4.89709 -1.60159
H 4.74714 5.73328 -1.95382
O 1.59576 4.21602 -1.06928
O 4.30789 2.39250 2.09226
H 3.96236 1.50612 2.30007
O 1.84117 1.45787 1.58335

 * library 6-311++G** file /nodes/c3-7-1/nwchem-6.1.1-src/src/basis/libraries/

task scf optimize

Kindly let me know what needs to be done to fix the issue.


Gets Around
I would suggest 3 things:

1) Do a preliminary geometry optimization with a smaller basis set, unless you have already tried that and it finds the wrong local minimum
2) Use spherical functions with "basis spherical"
3) Increase the maxiter for scf solution, e.g.

 maxiter 999

Before any "task scf".

EDIT: and you may need more geometry steps too, e.g.

 maxiter 999

before your optimization task(s).

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Thanx, I will try these options.

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