Density matrix and properties of specific excited state in TDDFT.

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Dear all,

I need to have relaxed density matrix in specific excited state, also properties and charge density

but I can not find the proper switches to generate this data after a TDDFT run.
Furthermore I need these properties in vertical excitation and not the optimized geometry of excited states.

Any answer appreciated in advance.

Computational and Theoretical Physics Group, AEOI, Tehran, Iran

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Have a look at

For just the vertical excitation use
task tddft gradient
instead of
task tddft optimize


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Dear Sean,

Thanks for your time and consideration,

If this task write "relaxed density matrix of excited state" in output , or any separated file? and I was wondering if there is any verbosity level or switch needed to do this?


Forum Regular
For any TDDFT gradient/optimization calculation, regardless of print level, the excited state density is written to a file with the suffix .dmat


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