cc-pCV6Z for 2nd row (Al-Ar) in error

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looks like the cc-pCV6Z basis sets for the whole 2nd row are not quite right. For NWChem format they contains an extra s-type contraction which makes them linearly dependent. The molpro format is completely off. Do I need to download another set to replace them?


Forum Vet
Could you please upload a new set?
Thanks, Edo

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Sorry Edo, I didn't realized that you'd replied to this. I just tried to upload a replacement but I get a "Stream not marked" error on step 2 of the upload.

Forum Vet
The whole problem for the Al-Ar series seems to be due to the fact that the BSE entry is built by grafting extra functions on top of the cc-pV6Z basis and the cc-pV6Z basis contains that (third?) contractions that causes the linear dependence you mention.
I will see what I can do to fix the problem. Let me know if my understanding of the problem is correct

Forum Vet
BSE updated
I have just introduced a new entry for cc-pCV6Z and renamed the old one to cc-pCV6Z (old).
Could you please check if the Molpro and NWChem output make sense?
Thanks, Edo

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it still looks wrong to me, e.g., the NWChem entry has 2 HF p contractions and the Molpro ones look different but odd. Can you define the cc-pCV6Z set independently of cc-pV6Z?
thanks, -Kirk

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you can see what I generate for Molpro (also NWChem) on my website (which is essentially the same Molpro input as what I re-submitted last week):


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sorry, I wasn't looking from the contributor side before. Now I see your new ones. I think these are now good to go!

thanks, -Kirk

Forum Vet
New try. I have uploaded your data.
The new finding is that the seems to neglect coefficient smaller than a certain threshold (10-3 ?)

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The one on the contributor site marked cc-pCV6Z (2nd row) seems to be correct to me.


Forum Vet
Quote:Kipeters Oct 17th 10:55 am
The one on the contributor site marked cc-pCV6Z (2nd row) seems to be correct to me.


Sure, that's the one you uploaded. Are you happy with the truncation of the small coefficients, too?

Forum Vet
new update
Could you please have a look at what you get right now using the "cc-pCV6Z" basis set?

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The Molpro format looks a bit strange to me. For example, the s-type functions have two contractions running from exponents 1 to 21 and then instead of uncontracting functions 12 through 21, the primitives are duplicated (yielding 22 through 31). A similar thing also happens with the p's. Compare this to what I uploaded in cc-pCV6Z (2nd row).

Forum Vet
I have merged your changes (cc-pCV6Z (2nd row)) into cc-pCV6Z

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