ECCE gives no properties with ecce formatted nwchem output

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I compiled the latest version of ecce and when I load the ecce output from an nwchem job I don't get to see any properties except the calculation summary. I don't get the job properties (vibrational frequencis, geometry trace, etc.) from any job. The perl parsers in $ECCE_HOME/scripts/parsers seem to be working okay (i.e. - if I run nwchem.vibfreq < ecce.nwchem.out I get output that looks okay) and there are no errors that show up in the log. I've even tried using the binary from a very similar system that does display the properties and it installs correctly and runs without errors, but still doesn't display any job properties.

Is there some way I can log more information when ecce starts? The only time anything ever goes to stdout is when the apache server starts and that appears to be normal. Any thoughts?

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You can enable ECCE_RCOM_LOGMODE in apps/siteconfig/site_runtime and apps/siteconfig/RemoteServer/site_runtime, which I think should give you messages as the file is read (it does on my system).

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Thanks, Ohincha. That was helpful. For some reason, the ecce parser is identifying my jobs as MetaDyn rather than NWChem. I can't figure out what script actually identifies what kind of job was run. Do you happen to know which script does that identification?

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No idea, but you might want to dig around in /apps/scripts -- hopefully it's provided there rather than being hardcoded...

UPDATE: looking at your earlier post I can see that you've obviously poked around in this directory already. Hopefully Gary will come along at some point and point us in the right direction.

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I got frustrated with the inability to open gaussian 09 files in ECCE and ended up solving it (mostly):

The key was to look in apps/data/client/cap/ and XML/edml files there.

Maybe it will be of help in your case too.

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Quote:Ohlincha Jun 4th 5:06 am

Maybe it will be of help in your case too.

Thanks for the reference. I'll have to wait until the no builder issue is sorted out before I can try again.

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Looking at your previous posts I know you sorted out the freetype issue. What's the issue you're referring to re 'no builder issue'?

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This one: Problem Opening ECCE Builder

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Odd. When I compile it ECCE works fine for me on all my systems (nvidia, nvidia-legacy or intel). The binaries don't work, but that's been the case on and off for a variety of distros; however, if you compile ECCE yourself it /should/ work.

Either way, there'll be no official fix -- as far as I understand ECCE isn't actively developed at the moment. It'll be up to us users to work these things out and sharing our fixes.

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Quote:Ohlincha Jul 10th 10:28 am
Odd. When I compile it ECCE works fine for me on all my systems (nvidia, nvidia-legacy or intel). The binaries don't work, but that's been the case on and off for a variety of distros; however, if you compile ECCE yourself it /should/ work.

Either way, there'll be no official fix -- as far as I understand ECCE isn't actively developed at the moment. It'll be up to us users to work these things out and sharing our fixes.

Recompliling after the upgrade fixed the problem with builder not opening and the mismatched jobtype identification on one machine. Haven't tried it with the other yet, but I'm optimistic.

That's too bad that there won't be more development. After a quick glance at the terms of the license agreement, it seems like it'd be okay to copy the latest version of ecce to a github repo and actually distribute modified versions with your patch script and updated locations for the freetype library locations.

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