Diffuse Basis set error

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Hi, I am trying to run "aug-cc-pVDZ-DK Diffuse". However when I ran it an error come up:

atomscf:atomd: error in atom scf        0
This error has not yet been assigned to a category
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 
No section for this category

Can someone help me with it because I do not know what is wrong.

My input file is:

start MgMOF-74
title "MgMOF-74"

memory 5000 mb
C 8.64517792 17.24987852 15.31748901
O 7.77321624 17.91037618 14.93342122
O 9.51870827 16.58925147 15.70155680
Mg 7.88418289 20.67609980 14.51097681
  • library "aug-cc-pVDZ-DK Diffuse"
charge 2
task scf


Forum Vet
"aug-cc-pVDZ-DK Diffuse" is not a full basis set, but just a set of diffuse basis functions.
You might want to try the following

* library aug-cc-pVDZ-DK
* library "aug-cc-pVDZ-DK Diffuse"

Clicked A Few Times
Thank you. Now it is working. Can I ask one more question? Is there any reason that aug-cc-pVDZ doesn't work with DFT calculation but work with HF and MP2?

Clicked A Few Times
Thank you. Now it is working. Can I ask one more question? Is there any reason that aug-cc-pVDZ doesn't work with DFT calculation but work with HF and MP2?

Forum Vet
Quote:Btam125 Mar 25th 4:09 am
Thank you. Now it is working. Can I ask one more question? Is there any reason that aug-cc-pVDZ doesn't work with DFT calculation but work with HF and MP2?

I am not able to reproduce any DFT failure with the geometry you reported and the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set.
Could you post the input and output files your got?

Clicked A Few Times
My input file:

start MgMOF-74
title "MgMOF-74"

memory 5000 mb
C 8.59886355 17.68912997 15.23024421
O 7.79422064 18.43388815 14.85345853
O 9.40505759 16.94410501 15.60704709
Mg 7.88418289 20.67609980 14.51097681
charge 2
basis nosegment
 * library aug-cc-pVDZ-DK
 xc m06
iterations 100
task dft energy

and the output error:

  1. quartets = 1.397D+05 #integrals = 7.990D+06 #direct = 0.0% #cached =100.0%

MA_verify_allocator_stuff: starting scan ...
stack block 'ibf_ao', handle 50, address 0x2aab4d69fc38:
current right signature 105 != proper right signature 1431655765
stack block 'l', handle 49, address 0x2aab4d69ffd8:
current checksum 46915226567021 != stored checksum 46915226566822
0:Segmentation Violation error, status=: 11
(rank:0 hostname:node-097 pid:10833):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/signaltrap.c:SigSegvHandler():310 cond:0
node-097:0.MPID_Abort: node-097:0.MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
node-097:0.MPID_CH_Abort: node-097:0.Aborting program!

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dft energy failed                                                                       0
This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching
convergence criteria
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:

Gets Around
Is there a reason you used "nosegment"? When I remove that option the job terminates normally.

Clicked A Few Times
Thanks again! I was using "nosegment" to increase the speed of energy calculation.

Forum Vet
the nosegment option was removed in NWChem 6.5

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