executable has been created but not successful to run

Just Got Here
May be I am asking stupid question
I have compiled Nwchem 6.5 with as instructed in INSTALL. executables has been created in LINUX64/bin. But I cant run any job. It shows error showing" no network for out of band communication. I have opensuse 64 OS. I found the same problem when try to run DALTON after compilation with mpi.
Any help will be appreciated

Forum Vet
You might want to try to compile a simple MPI code and run it with mpirun to better diagnose the problem.
For example you could try the following

wget http://git.mpich.org/mpich.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/examples/cpi.c
mpicc -o cpi.x cpi.c
mpirun -np 2 ./cpi.x

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Compiling NWChem