URL structure for NWChem documentation

Gets Around
This is the current documentation for density functional theory in NWChem, and you will reach it if you browse starting from the "Documentation" menu bar item at the top of pages on this site: http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/Release65:Density_Functional_Theory_for_Molecules

This is the page that shows up if you search for DFT using the search box at the top of site pages, or if you search the site for DFT with external search engines:


It is about 2.5 years behind the documentation for the current version of the software according to the page last-edited time. I think it is for NWChem release 6.0.

Is it possible to update the URL structure so that unprefixed topic URLs always point to the latest version of the documentation, and viewers would need to provide a version prefix only to see old versions, e.g. http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/Release60:Density_Functional_Theory_for_Molecules ?

Forum Vet
Work in progress.
Some of the pages have been fixed.

Gets Around
Thanks for the improvements. I can see that the top results for external search engines too are shifting to the newest documentation revisions.

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