Hi,I'm having some trouble running a QM/MM optimization on a system of a large protein.I just simplify it into a smaller system that ATP interacted with the surrounding of the residues.I define the ATP segment as qm region and the rest as mm region. First,I take a task of preparestart reac Media:Example.ogg permanent_dir ./perm scratch_dir ./data charge -2 prepare source atp.pdb new_top new_seq new_rst center orient modify segment 952 quantum update lists ignore write reac_ref.rst write reac_ref.pdb end task prepare Then, I use the reac.top and reac_ref.rst files obtaining from the prepare task to make optimization.I possibility set some parameters smaller so that it can quickly verify.start reac permanent_dir ./perm scratch_dir ./data md system reac_ref end basis
dft xc b3lyp end qmmm bqzone 20.0 region qm mm maxiter 10 1000 ncycles 2 density espfit xyz foo end task qmmm dft optimize prepare read reac_ref.rst write reac_opt.pdb end task prepare The errors in the output file like this: Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: convergence iter energy DeltaE RMS-Dens Diis-err time................. |
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