qmmm dynamics

  • Guest -

I have a question about qmmm dynamics calculations. Below is part of my input. I tried to fix the QM region. But I checked the set of rst files and found that the coordination values of QM ions keep changing. I am very confused about that. Could anyone give me some comments or suggestions? Thank you.


record rest 500 keep

region mm  
density espfit
task qmmm dft dynamics

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This should not be happening. Could you send me your run to
marat dot valiev at pnl dot gov

  • Guest -
I just rechecked the set of rst files. The coordinate changes of the QM region are due to the translations of all of the QM ions. That means there is no internal movement of the QM ions. But I am still confused why there are translations between dynamics steps. Thanks again. Roy

  • Guest -
Sounds like your solute gets recentered during dynamics, and default is not to do that.
I am yet to try your simulation.
Meanwhile you could add the following line to the md block
update center 0

See http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/MD for more information

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