BSSE energy coming too high !!

Gets Around
I am trying to calculate the interaction energy between two monomers connecting with NH---OC. My following code is giving an energy value of 0.047Hartree or ~25kcal/mol, seems impossible for electrostatic interaction.

title 'r_Hb_e'
start dimer
geometry units angstrom
  C 2.965 23.359 58.764  
  C 1.892 22.522 58.067  
  O 2.178 21.539 57.399  
  C 3.074 22.934 60.212  
  C 4.384 23.352 60.901  
  N 4.641 24.608 61.248  
  C 5.423 22.607 61.249  
  C 5.863 24.629 61.854  
  N 6.338 23.431 61.871  
  H 3.814 23.193 58.326  
  H 6.286 25.383 62.197  
  H 5.515 21.694 61.097  
  H 4.129 25.286 61.117  
  H 2.989 21.969 60.262  
  H 2.328 23.310 60.705  
  N 2.739 24.753 58.631  
  H 2.603 25.170 59.371  
 O 2.533 26.305 61.093  
 C 2.375 27.069 62.059  
 N 0.276 24.751 62.891  
 C 0.008 26.050 62.356  
 C -0.203 26.009 60.830  
 O -0.082 24.982 60.186  
 C 1.059 27.102 62.775  
 O 3.249 27.900 62.464  
 H 1.049 24.613 63.117  
 H -0.829 26.341 62.751  
 H 0.671 27.982 62.652  
 H 1.229 26.997 63.724    

basis "ao basis"
  * library 6-31G
  bqN library N 6-31G
  bqH library H 6-31G
  bqO library O 6-31G
  bqC library C 6-31G

  mult 2 
  xc pbe0
  iterations 1000

  mon first 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
  mon second 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 mult 2
task dft energy

Can't diagnose the reason for such high energy output.
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.

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