Problems starting ECCE

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Hello, I have problems starting ECCE, it gives this message:

INFO BrokerService - ActiveMQ 5.1.0 JMS Message Broker (localhost) is starting
javax.jms.JMSException: Could not connect to broker URL: tcp://lamma-KGP-M-E-D16:8095. Reason: Connection refused

 ERROR: The ECCE application software cannot
establish a connection to the ECCE Server
at this time.

 Please contact your ECCE administrator to check
that the ECCE Server is running and that the
ECCE application software configuration file
contains the correct URL for your ECCE Server.

INFO BrokerService - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (localhost, ID:fjordforsk-KGP-M-E-D16-36427-1418492334259-0:0) started

The network is on. What is the cause of this?


Gets Around
How are you trying to start ECCE? The message tells you that the ECCE server isn't running in the background yet.

Put something like this in your ~/.bashrc
export ECCE_HOME=/media/highio/ecce-v7.0b/apps
export PATH=${ECCE_HOME}/scripts:${ECCE_HOME}/scripts/parsers:${PATH}
alias stopecce='/media/highio/ecce-v7.0b/server/ecce-admin/stop_ecce_server'
alias startecce='/media/highio/ecce-v7.0b/server/ecce-admin/start_ecce_server' 

(change the paths to match your system, obviously)

The you can launch the server (and server only) by running startecce

Once the server is up, you can then launch ecce (in this case /media/highio/ecce-v7.0b/apps/scripts/ecce)

Note that normally it should be enough to just run ecce without starting the server separately before, but for some reason it doesn't always work.

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