Problem in HWLOC

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Hello, I am having some difficulty running NWChem on a 24 core AMD computer. I get the following repeatedly:

hwloc has encountered what looks like an error from the operating system.

  • object (L3 cpuset 0x000003f0) intersection without inclusion!
  • Error occurred in topology.c line 853

  • Please report this error message to the hwloc user's mailing list,
  • along with the output from the script.

  • hwloc has encountered what looks like an error from the operating system.

  • object (L3 cpuset 0x000003f0) intersection without inclusion!
  • Error occurred in topology.c line 853

  • Please report this error message to the hwloc user's mailing list,
  • along with the output from the script.

Installation went well, so there should be something wrong with the file? It is generated in Avogadro.


Forum Vet
I have noticed that there are some posts reporting similar hwloc error messages on the OpenMPI mailing list.
If you are indeed using OpenMPi, the OpenMPI forum might be a better place to ask for help.

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Hi Edo, I uninstalled Open MPI, so it should not be active . However, does NWChem and Ecce have a way to bypass Open mpi? (use an alternative eventually)


Forum Vet
You need a working MPI installation to use NWChem. It could be either Mpich, OpenMPi or whatever you prefer.

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Hi Edo, it seems Open mpi doesn work at all. Installed version 1.8.3 with no problems, and the error changed to :

  • Hwloc has encountered what looks like an error from the operating system.

  • object intersection without inclusion!
  • Error occurred in topology.c line 594

  • Please report this error message to the hwloc user's mailing list,
  • along with the output from the script.

Should I install mpich? Will NWCHem automatically use MPICH?

Forum Vet
Please look at the web page for compiling NWChem for more details

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OK, I will reinstall NWChem following this for MPICH. thanks

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Running NWCHEm
Dear Edo, I took Mernst advice on using the debian version of NWchem instead of the recent 6.5, in order to avoid this problem with open mpi. It worked.

i am however curious if there is a way to update the debian version to the 6.5 version without destroying the well-working mpi configuration?


Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem