How to convert AMBER(xleap) format atom name to NW amber format

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I used xleap tool (from AMBER package) to generate the force field parameter files for MD simulation(using NAMD as the running package).
Right now, I want to use NWCHEM to calculate the single point energy difference of purely MM and QM/MM.
From the NWCHEM amber parameter files, i know that the NWchem AMBER atom name is different from the AMBER(xleap).

Does here anybody has suggestion for converting atom name from AMBER to NWCHEM, or other possible useful advices?

Thanks very much!


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Typically NWChem uses Amber force field atom names for standard residues. If you are generating something new then you need to construct fragment file (that among other things maps atom names into atom types) and parameter file that defines parameters for these new types.

You can also take a look at for some parameter conversion routines

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