Constrained DFT in NWCHEM

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Dear everyone,

Recently i installed the NWCHEM 6.5 and tried to do some calculations base on the Constrained DFT method, however, i do not know how the keyword "spin" represents, the spin quantum number "s" or the total spin "s(s+1)" ? The NWCHEM manaul (NWCHEM6.5_Documentation.pdf) does not show me the answer.

Any response will be appreciated.


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At least for SCF and DFT block the following is true. Not sure about CDFT (feel it should be the same though). So in SCF you specify "singlet/doublet/triple...." as a result of "2s+1" where s is n*(1/2) for n unpaired electron. In DFT you say 1 for singlet 2 for doublet and so on. So if it is H atom, you have one unpaired electron so it is 2(1/2)+1=2 which is a doublet.

Forum Vet
I have just discovered that the CDFT implementation had a pretty problematic bug since version 6.3.
I have found the fix for it, and the patch for 6.5 is available at

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