Convergence issue with smear tag

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title "cluster"
geometry autosym

basis "ao basis" cartesian
Pd library lanl2dz_ecp file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/

Pd library lanl2dz_ecp file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/

vectors input cluster-3.movecs output cluster-smear.movecs
iterations 3000
mult 1
XC xpbe96 cpbe96
convergence ncyds 3000
grid fine
tolerances accqrad 20
smear 0.001



task dft energy

I already have an optimized geometry which did not include any smearing. However when I use that optimized geometry in the above input file, the the scf cycles don't converge at all. Part of the output is shown below whose deltaE is always b/w D-01 and D+01 (even for ~ 100 cycles).

d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 1 -2563.1088837131 -1.07D+04 1.71D-02 1.02D+01 207.6
Grid integrated density:     367.999970645462
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.07880 T*S= -4.45E-05 nel(1)= 368.00 nel(
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 2 -2562.7372814973 3.72D-01 5.69D-02 5.25D+00 389.4
Grid integrated density: 367.999952201265
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.14160 T*S= -1.62E-04 nel(1)= 368.00 nel(
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 3 -2483.8130328019 7.89D+01 4.61D-02 3.72D+02 576.9
Grid integrated density: 367.999968493405
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.14870 T*S= -2.08E-04 nel(1)= 368.00 nel(
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 4 -2550.5940778012 -6.68D+01 3.07D-02 8.44D+01 762.3
Grid integrated density: 367.999971195797
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
sigma= .10D-02 eFermi= -0.14698 T*S= -1.90E-04 nel(1)= 368.00 nel(
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 5 -2545.8670568312 4.73D+00 2.81D-02 1.09D+02 947.5

Thanks for any guidance.

Forum Vet
A way converge this is case is to first converge the closed-shell molecule with a plus one charge,
then use this orbitals for the neutral doublet.
A word of caution: the basis set you have chosen exhibits linear dependence.

charge +1
 xc pbe0
 iterations 999
 vectors input atomic output Cu23_plus.movecs
 convergence lshift 0.2
set quickguess t
task dft 

charge 0
 mult 2
 vectors input  Cu23_plus.movecs output Cu23_neutral.movecs
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
Thank you for your response.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that my system already is a closed shell with transition metal cluster having ethanol adsorbed. So do you still think I should make my closed shell system +1 charge and proceed with your given input file? Following is my complete input file if you want to look over it.

title "cluster"

geometry autosym
  1. geo optimzied
Pd -3.22878706 2.81149077 0.75340399
Pd                   -0.45704722     3.20883783     0.77273295
Pd 2.31469261 3.60618489 0.79206191
Pd -4.27032308 0.21267956 0.70668192
Pd -1.50388322 0.61576568 0.73287763
Pd 1.27574771 1.01724638 0.75517366
Pd 4.04489640 1.40472073 0.76466880
Pd -2.54011930 -1.98878459 0.67928880
Pd 0.23964499 -1.58776657 0.74282917
Pd 3.00336038 -1.19409048 0.71794673
Pd -0.80991550 -4.19024875 0.65189569
Pd 1.96182433 -3.79290170 0.67122464
Pd -1.71747674 2.24694320 -1.53526968
Pd 1.05426309 2.64429025 -1.51594073
Pd -2.75901278 -0.35186802 -1.58199176
Pd 0.01272706 0.04547904 -1.56266280
Pd 2.78446689 0.44282610 -1.54333384
Pd -1.02880898 -2.55333217 -1.60938488
Pd 1.74293085 -2.15598512 -1.59005591
C -0.38788185 -0.51148103 3.77152084
C -0.77881090 -0.79465830 5.21257262
H -1.23393133 -0.07986040 3.19679913
H 0.45362467 0.19317299 3.70666471
H -1.08517192 0.13922353 5.70993533
H 0.06533156 -1.22529683 5.77159028
H -1.62871698 -1.49436465 5.26747987
H -0.64824848 -2.35386007 3.05825989
O 0.08896011 -1.71126376 3.10195854

basis "ao basis" cartesian
Pd library lanl2dz_ecp file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
C library 6-311G** file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
O library 6-311G** file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
H library 6-311G** file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/

vectors input cluster-3.movecs output cluster-smear.movecs
iterations 3000
mult 1
XC xpbe96 cpbe96
convergence ncyds 3000
smear 0.001
grid fine
tolerances accqrad 20


task dft energy

Clicked A Few Times
So I was able to get the calculation going for a similar system but after 20 ionic steps it again stops converging; change in energy between each scf cycle (deltaE) keeps shuttling between d+1 and d-1 as shown in the first post.
It should also be mentioned that for these cases doing a vacuum runs okay (basically for different systems, it sometimes converges when using smear and sometimes when I don't use smear it converges; no idea why). But for SMD, the already converged vacuum wavefunctions doesn't help converge the COSMO gas phase calculations and most often (here also) it is the COSMO gas phase that stops converging.
title "cluster"
start cluster
geometry autosym
Pd 1.70943005 -2.14308979 0.89662505
Pd -1.06559264 -2.51414462 0.94528092
Pd 2.77348016 0.40093843 0.41029405
Pd -0.00175805 0.04718270 0.54937384
Pd -2.77656521 -0.34117121 0.50760582
Pd 1.06250759 2.57391181 -0.02738105
Pd -1.71251512 2.20285699 0.02127484
Pd 0.23318027 -1.97942240 -1.47712719
Pd 1.29723038 0.56460581 -1.96345816
Pd -1.47779230 0.19355100 -1.91480229
C 0.40882077 1.91696584 3.35410663
C -0.25397607 2.54962114 4.55944859
H 0.43806335 2.62591555 2.50097303
H 1.44010328 1.60533040 3.57263399
H 0.30156279 3.45405187 4.85532314
H -0.26743193 1.85650399 5.41503530
H -1.28948898 2.84430813 4.32565940
H -1.21072521 0.95787029 2.75550044
O -0.28187350 0.70205456 2.93749940
basis "large" cartesian
Pd library lanl2dz_ecp file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
C library 6-311G** file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
O library 6-311G** file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
H library 6-311G** file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
Pd library lanl2dz_ecp file /usr/local/NWChem/data/libraries/
set geometry:actlist 4 11:19
set "ao basis" "large"
vectors output pbe0.movecs ?#?tried? SCF, B3LYP too which didn't converge but PBE0 went on to give me 20 ionic steps
iterations 500
convergence ncyds 500
smear 0.001
task dft
vectors input pbe0.movecs output dft.movecs
iterations 1000
mult 1
XC xpbe96 cpbe96 ?#?pbe96? is the final XC I want to use
convergence ncyds 1000
smear 0.001
do_cosmo_smd true
solvent water
dielec 80.4
set cosmo:map cosmo-bondi.par
task dft optimize

Clicked A Few Times
I could not post the whole thing together. So when I do "grep @ output_file"

@ Step Energy Delta E Gmax Grms Xrms Xmax Walltime
@ ---- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
@ 0 -1422.46927315 0.0D+00 0.00597 0.00119 0.00000 0.00000 8681.7
@ 1 -1422.46981948 -5.5D-04 0.00743 0.00228 0.02413 0.12849 17517.0
@ 2 -1422.47044524 -6.3D-04 0.00803 0.00190 0.02796 0.12531 26755.1
@ 3 -1422.47118389 -7.4D-04 0.00496 0.00162 0.03045 0.08617 39807.3
@ 4 -1422.47153302 -3.5D-04 0.00533 0.00139 0.02118 0.08575 68618.6
@ 5 -1422.47196273 -4.3D-04 0.00987 0.00282 0.03740 0.11470 75591.6
@ 6 -1422.47231723 -3.5D-04 0.00502 0.00113 0.01022 0.03380 84140.3
@ 7 -1422.47269121 -3.7D-04 0.00659 0.00174 0.03798 0.09107 92429.5
@ 8 -1422.47299636 -3.1D-04 0.00323 0.00101 0.01293 0.03605 105150.5
@ 9 -1422.47317946 -1.8D-04 0.00573 0.00169 0.02867 0.07629 117606.4
@ 10 -1422.47332189 -1.4D-04 0.00306 0.00080 0.00720 0.02312 160223.1
@ 11 -1422.47353210 -2.1D-04 0.00490 0.00135 0.03030 0.10080 167589.6
@ 12 -1422.47370703 -1.7D-04 0.00459 0.00109 0.01810 0.06483 201010.9
@ 13 -1422.47385470 -1.5D-04 0.00415 0.00122 0.03116 0.10145 214450.8
@ 14 -1422.47392198 -6.7D-05 0.00324 0.00082 0.00516 0.01597 218354.7
@ 15 -1422.47404269 -1.2D-04 0.00533 0.00131 0.03172 0.11620 226441.3
@ 16 -1422.47421307 -1.7D-04 0.00259 0.00065 0.01231 0.04168 235024.9
@ 17 -1422.47429355 -8.0D-05 0.00705 0.00138 0.03656 0.13893 279233.8
@ 18 -1422.47441467 -1.2D-04 0.00202 0.00061 0.00879 0.02289 286687.5
@ 19 -1422.47445428 -4.0D-05 0.00997 0.00174 0.06015 0.23781 301495.8
@ 20 -1422.47459086 -1.4D-04 0.00171 0.00056 0.02224 0.08821 310739.6
@ 21 -1422.47473261 -1.4D-04 0.00366 0.00086 0.03085 0.11152 318049.1

Similarly just for Pd cluster with ethanol, it went till 70 steps and then the same problem.

Forum Vet
After looking at the 21 optimization steps, I don't see any problem in this geometry optimization. It just seems a hard case to optimize.

Clicked A Few Times
Thak you for your response. So the 21 steps are fine. But for the next (22nd step) the electronic SCF does the following:

d= 0,ls=0.0,diis     1  -1422.4228059610 -4.24D+03  2.62D-02  4.72D-02324599.5
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 2 -1419.3656492454 3.06D+00 1.96D-02 2.58D+01324638.6
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis    20  -1421.6291504436 -3.12D+00  1.57D-02  5.37D+00325277.5
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 21 -1422.0141945978 -3.85D-01 1.37D-02 3.07D+00325316.7
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 22 -1422.2203634481 -2.06D-01 1.45D-02 1.74D+00325355.1
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 23 -1421.9293534908 2.91D-01 1.15D-02 3.34D+00325394.8
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 24 -1422.3858426713 -4.56D-01 7.86D-03 3.69D-01325431.6
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 25 -1422.2879766300 9.79D-02 9.54D-03 1.00D+00325467.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 54 -1414.7170046919 2.52D+00 3.35D-02 5.40D+01326493.0
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis    55  -1414.5033236239  2.14D-01  3.04D-02  4.31D+01326527.7
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 56 -1415.7564851070 -1.25D+00 3.14D-02 4.20D+01326561.7
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 57 -1413.1572689243 2.60D+00 3.76D-02 6.64D+01326595.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 58 -1401.2257986795 1.19D+01 4.13D-02 4.76D+01326630.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 59 -1401.7042682279 -4.78D-01 3.50D-02 5.91D+01326668.2
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 132 -1394.0935913883 -1.11D+01 5.51D-02 6.82D+01329417.5
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   133  -1393.9825069211  1.11D-01  2.82D-02  1.60D+02329453.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 134 -1403.5399975205 -9.56D+00 5.92D-03 1.17D+02329494.0
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 135 -1400.4911030725 3.05D+00 5.00D-02 1.12D+02329533.0
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 136 -1385.1628955159 1.53D+01 5.79D-02 1.41D+02329573.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 155 -1325.1747422602 8.04D+01 6.48D-02 3.89D+02330299.1
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   156  -1345.7669300301 -2.06D+01  4.55D-02  2.34D+02330331.6
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 157 -1388.2766727841 -4.25D+01 6.26D-02 9.78D+01330364.6
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 158 -1376.4337595372 1.18D+01 9.10D-02 1.67D+02330397.4
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   244  -1396.9068848743  1.75D+01  4.19D-02  5.55D+01333354.4
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 245 -1399.9061871473 -3.00D+00 3.54D-02 5.40D+01333387.5
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 246 -1418.5992062226 -1.87D+01 3.07D-02 2.50D+01333420.8
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   375  -1397.2718083660  1.77D+01  3.82D-02  5.91D+01338645.7
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 376 -1412.8643753581 -1.56D+01 2.87D-02 4.62D+01338681.5
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 377 -1417.4775320464 -4.61D+00 3.07D-02 2.98D+01338716.8
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 378 -1418.5810586490 -1.10D+00 3.68D-02 2.66D+01338750.4
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   382  -1405.6183330736  7.18D+00  3.90D-02  9.01D+01338889.0
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 383 -1400.8098202537 4.81D+00 4.29D-02 5.17D+01338923.7
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 384 -1395.4073309806 5.40D+00 4.29D-02 5.40D+01338959.6
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   421  -1407.6589098064  1.00D+01  3.69D-02  7.70D+01340273.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 422 -1399.3046011525 8.35D+00 3.08D-02 4.87D+01340311.1
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 423 -1420.9746433833 -2.17D+01 3.30D-02 9.05D+00340353.4
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 424 -1403.6049952363 1.74D+01 3.90D-02 7.17D+01340390.6
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 425 -1406.3224562101 -2.72D+00 3.85D-02 6.70D+01340426.5

d= 0,ls=0.0,diis   515  -1398.6148617789 -1.50D+00  3.93D-02  6.10D+01344002.3
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 516 -1398.0746506544 5.40D-01 4.00D-02 6.58D+01344043.0
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 517 -1398.7168932119 -6.42D-01 4.79D-02 5.73D+01344081.3

Thank you for your time and help.

Forum Vet
My suggestion is the following:
Extract the last geometry from the output file and start the calculation from scratch

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