CCSD(2) keyword

Gets Around

What task runs by CCSD(2) keyword?

Forum Vet
Here is the reference

A second-order perturbative correction to the coupled-cluster singles and doubles method: CCSD(2)
Gwaltney, Steven R. and Head-Gordon, Martin, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 2014-2021 (2001),

Gets Around
Thank you.

In the documentation there are some inconsistencies (
CCSD(2)_T: CCSD and perturbative CCSD(T)T correction,
CCSD(2)_TQ: CCSD and perturbative CCSD(2) correction,
CCSDT(2)_Q: CCSDT and perturbative CCSDT(2)$_Q$ correction. 

CCSD(2)_TQ keyword is not running.

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