Geometry dependent GIAO NMR calculation error

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I am running DFT GIAO NMR shielding calculations.

When the input is this, the calculation finishes fine:


start molecule

title "isomerA2002"
charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz autosym
  C       -5.39320       -0.89060       -0.36820
H -5.13760 -1.73170 -1.02440
C -4.75950 0.41410 -0.93920
H -5.16810 1.25980 -0.36880
C -4.17510 -1.81160 3.68060
C -4.98620 -0.70560 3.43390
C -5.38610 -0.41000 2.12900
C -4.97900 -1.21600 1.05340
C -4.16610 -2.32960 1.31850
C -3.76640 -2.62410 2.62430
H -3.86520 -2.04290 4.69640
H -5.31210 -0.07480 4.25680
H -6.02970 0.44880 1.94880
H -3.83770 -2.97650 0.50800
H -3.13700 -3.48920 2.81710
O -6.82240 -0.80400 -0.35730
H -7.06730 -0.33200 -1.18220
C -5.16290 0.61780 -2.42610
H -4.75790 -0.20040 -3.03330
C -3.23080 0.41420 -0.79160
H -2.79330 1.35300 -1.14300
H -2.92500 0.31100 0.25400
H -2.78090 -0.40630 -1.36060
C -4.70340 1.95310 -3.00700
H -5.11230 2.09590 -4.01350
H -5.06900 2.78810 -2.39940
H -3.61480 2.01810 -3.07840
O -6.59070 0.55930 -2.54250
H -6.81150 0.72960 -3.47820

 * library 6-31G**

 xc b3lyp
mult 1

task dft energy

task dft property


Clicked A Few Times
But when I supply this input file, the calculation ends with an error. Input:

start molecule

title "1confnwinp001"
charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz autosym
  C        3.52630       -0.35110       -0.06330
C 4.21410 0.82950 -0.33660
C 3.57420 2.05780 -0.18350
C 2.24540 2.10550 0.24370
C 1.53960 0.92420 0.52620
C 2.19730 -0.30440 0.36370
C 0.09550 1.00500 0.96520
C -0.85760 1.25120 -0.19780
C -2.13420 0.63010 0.31320
C -1.59400 -0.60720 1.02430
O -0.34630 -0.20440 1.61910
H -0.00530 1.80060 1.71440
H -0.52980 0.74510 -1.11560
H -0.96550 2.31260 -0.44360
H -2.63340 1.30660 1.01750
O -3.03090 0.30590 -0.73430
C -2.54700 -1.14440 2.09220
H -1.37930 -1.40120 0.29700
C -2.00160 -2.40790 2.76360
C -2.97030 -2.94700 3.80500
H -1.82050 -3.18120 2.00800
H -1.04130 -2.19480 3.24670
H 4.02380 -1.31040 -0.18180
H 5.24850 0.79210 -0.66860
H 4.11010 2.97930 -0.39680
H 1.76270 3.07430 0.35600
H 1.67650 -1.23700 0.57230
H -2.70140 -0.37960 2.86370
H -3.52220 -1.36050 1.63990
H -3.14950 -2.20880 4.59320
H -3.93200 -3.20480 3.35000
H -2.56220 -3.84940 4.27090
H -3.25040 1.13400 -1.19720

 * library 6-31G**

 xc b3lyp
mult 1

task dft energy

task dft property

The DFT single point energy works fine, but the NMR calculation fails. The relevant part of the output:
Wrote CPHF data to ./molecule.shieldcphf

Calc. par tensor-> nonrel
get_dia: nga_create failed g_h11 all 0
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 4 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode -1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

0:0:get_dia: nga_create failed g_h11 all:: -1
(rank:0 hostname:moley pid:14832):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0

Does anyone has any ideas what is going wrong here? Any help would be much appreciated.

Forum Vet
You are running out of global memory.
Please add the following line at the beginning of your input file

memory stack 600 mb heap 200 mb global 1000 mb

Clicked A Few Times
Thank you very much, it worked! Spent 2 days trying to figure this out.

I guess a little less cryptic error messages might have helped.

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