Difference for functional with dispersion correction between NWCHEM 6.1 and 6.3

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I have a problem when I am trying to compute a CH4 + H system with DFT. I use the fonctional PBE0 and take into account the dispersion correction from Grimme.

I tested 2 different versions of NWCHEM ( 6.1 and 6.3) and I have 2 different results for the energy.

Here is my input in both cases :

H1 C r1
H2 C r2 H1 h
H3 C r2 H1 h H2 120.0
H4 C r2 H1 h H2 -120.0
X H1 rx C 90.0 H2 0.0
H5 H1 rq X 90.0 C 180.0
r1 1.089
r2 1.089
h 109.5
rx 1.0
rq 10.0

 charge 0

  H library 6-31g**
  C library 6-31g**

    mult 2
    xc pbe0
    disp vdw 3 s6 1.00

task dft energy

and here is my output for NWCHEM 6.1 :

          s6 scale factor  =        1.000000000000
          s8 scale factor  =        0.928000000000
          sr6 scale factor =        1.278000000000
          sr8 scale factor =        1.000000000000
              vdW contrib  =       -0.000085129806

         Total DFT energy =      -40.961508464208
      One electron energy =      -81.323611922722
           Coulomb energy =       33.599927702454
    Exchange-Corr. energy =       -7.162775212205
 Nuclear repulsion energy =       13.925036098071

 Numeric. integr. density =       11.000001670723

and for NWCHEM 6.3 :

         Total DFT energy =      -42.396050185008
      One electron energy =      -80.870874434116
           Coulomb energy =       33.373566689696
    Exchange-Corr. energy =       -7.162775212673
 Nuclear repulsion energy =       13.698659623376

    Dispersion correction =       -1.434626851290

 Numeric. integr. density =       11.000001541627

     Total iterative time =      5.5s

Can you tell what is wrong?

Thank you very much!!


Forum Vet
The 6.1 number is the correct one.
If you replace the z-matrix geometry with a cartesian one and run it through NWChem 6.3 again,
you will see that now the 6.3 and 6.1 energies agree
C 0.00000000 1.00795027 -0.00000000
H 0.00000000 -0.08104973 -0.00000000
H 1.02653658 1.37146594 -0.00000000
H -0.51326829 1.37146594 -0.88900676
H -0.51326829 1.37146594 0.88900676
H 0.00000000 -10.08104973 -0.00000000

The bug present in 6.3 was fixed in 6.5 that was just released a few days ago.
I strongly encourage you to move to NWChem 6.5

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Thank you very much!

Have a nice day,

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