How to do BCCD(T) computation in NWChem?

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Hi all,

Can anyone, please, tell me how to do BCCD(T) calculation in NWChem? I did not find any option in the documentation page.

Thank you,


Gets Around
I don't think it is currently possible in NWChem. Only the undocumented and I-can't-figure-out-how-to-build-it Lucia code contains any reference to Brueckner orbitals. If you need free software that can do these computations you might try Psi4:

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Thank you Mernst! That means treatment of singlet organic biradical intermediates in the NWChem is not at all easy going. Meanwhile I tried to to apply broken symmetry approach and getting the exact solution of BS-DFT is also very difficult. In gaussian or psi4 life is very much simpler for the cases of biradicals.

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The Bruckner orbital based CCD(T) approach is not available in NWChem.
For singlet organic biradicals you may want to use NWChem implementations of the
multi-reference CC methods (Brilloiun-Wigner/Mukherjee). For biradicals these methods
works pretty good and are not that expensive - usually 2 active electrons in 2 active orbitals
provide a reasonable model space.

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Thank you Karol for your response. I tried one test run for bwccsd but I found the following error:

Summary of "ao basis" -> "" (spherical)
Tag Description Shells Functions and Types
---------------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------------------
O cc-pvdz 6 14 3s2p1d
H cc-pvdz 3 5 2s1p

tce_input: unknown directive 0
current input line :
21: bwccsd
There is an error in the input file

Following is my compilation script. Please tell me what modification is needed.

  1. !/bin/bash

export NWCHEM_TOP=/home/gh404/Nwchem-6.5
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/intel/64/1.6.5
export MPI_LIB=$MPI_LOC/lib64
export MPI_INCLUDE=$MPI_LOC/include
export LIBMPI="-lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77 -lmpi -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil"
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all drdy"

cd src
  1. make realclean &>make.log
make nwchem_config
export FC=ifort
export F77=ifort
export CC=icc

Thank you in advance.


Gets Around
Hi Anup,

It looks like you are trying the first input example in this part of the wiki:

Is that right?

You built with MRCC_METHODS enabled so I am not sure what the problem is. I was able to run that example with a recently compiled 6.5 build. I compiled it just as shown in the last post of this thread:

If you type "which nwchem" in the shell, is the NWChem found on your path the same one you just compiled with MRCC support?

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Hi Mernst,

yeah, it was the first example. As your suggestion I looked on your installation script and I modified my script little bit.

After compilation I tried both the first and second example but both of them are showing same error. Then according your suggestion I typed "which nwchem" and I got the following:

which: no nwchem in (/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/intel/64/1.6.5/bin:/cm/shared/apps/intel/13.1/composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080/mkl/bin/intel64:/cm/shared/apps/intel/13.1/composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080/mkl/bin:/cm/shared/apps/slurm/2.5.7/sbin:/cm/shared/apps/slurm/2.5.7/bin:/home/gh404/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin:.:/cm/shared/apps/intel/13.1/bin)

Now, please suggest me how to solve the problem.

Thank you.


Gets Around
If nwchem is not found on your path, are you supplying an absolute path when you run it? What do you actually type in the shell to run a calculation?

My suspicion is that somehow the machine may be invoking a different version of NWChem that was not compiled with MRCC support, instead of the MRCC-enabled version that you just compiled. That would explain why the bwccsd directive is not understood by the NWChem program that is running.

Gets Around
Quote:Mernst Sep 12th 1:15 am
I don't think it is currently possible in NWChem. Only the undocumented and I-can't-figure-out-how-to-build-it Lucia code contains any reference to Brueckner orbitals. If you need free software that can do these computations you might try Psi4:

CFOUR is another free (as in beer, not GPL) code that supports Bruekner CC methods.

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