Using Fragment Guess to get coupling between MOs?

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Hello All,

I sort of stated this question earlier but was not particularly clear the first time so let me try again. I am attempting to get off-diagonal elements of the hamiltonian matrix between Molecular Orbitals of two different fragments.
My test system right now is two Helium atoms. When I do the two helium fragment calculations and read them into a dimer calcultions with "print debug" in my input file, I find the fock matrix printed as such:

Direct Fock builds =          1
Atom quartets computed = 0 ( 0.00%)
Shell quartets rejected = 0 ( 0.00%)
Shell quartets computed = 0 ( 0.00%)

Integral file          = ./He2_dir_test_rhf.aoints.0
Record size in doubles = 65536 No. of integs per rec = 43688
Max. records in memory = 2 Max. records in file = 1373608
No. of bits per label = 8 No. of bits per value = 64

int2e_file: wrote     40 integrals in record    1 of     1.
Symmetrized combined AO fock matrices

global array: rohf: cfock[1:4,1:4],  handle: -990

           1           2           3           4
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 -0.07072 -1.11782 0.00396 -0.03237
2 -1.11782 -0.50026 -0.03237 -0.07256
3 0.00396 -0.03237 -0.07072 -1.11782
4 -0.03237 -0.07256 -1.11782 -0.50026

global array: rohf_init: FCV[1:4,1:4],  handle: -996

           1           2           3           4
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 -0.92466 0.00000 0.00393 -0.00000
2 0.00000 -0.88165 -0.00000 -0.00474
3 0.00393 -0.00000 1.97472 -0.00000
4 -0.00000 -0.00474 -0.00000 2.21186

To my dismay this states that the "rohf_init" is indeed the AO Fock matrix and not the Fock matrix between the MOs of fragments, even though what I read in was the Molecular orbitals from each fragment. Is the best option just to get all of the MO coefficients and AO integrals and do the four-index transformation myself, and put the pieces together for what the off diagonal of the Hamiltonian are?

I am only interested in HOMO-LUMO couplings so this seems kind of like overkill to me, and there might be an easier way.

Thank you for your time,

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