New user needing help with NWChem

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Hi, my name is Henrique, I’m from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.

I am finishing my graduation as a chemist and I have developed a great interest in Inorganic Chemistry. That is why I decided to write a thesis comparing various characteristics of [Fe(OH2)6]2+ and [Fe(OH2)6]3+, mostly using Ab Initio softwares and comparing results with the literature available.

Most of my calculations where performed using MOPAC2012, but I’d love to use NWChem to generate UV-vis spectra and, in this matter, I’m having a really bad time.
Here is my input file:

title "H12O6Fe"


charge 2

Fe 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
O -0.37300000 0.22600000 1.90100000
H 0.23200000 -0.27800000 2.43400000
H -0.34900000 1.14100000 2.15600000
O 0.38000000 -0.22200000 -1.90100000
H 0.97200000 0.44300000 -2.23400000
H -0.40700000 -0.23400000 -2.43400000
O -0.00600000 -1.93600000 0.23200000
H -0.77500000 -2.22400000 0.71200000
H 0.04700000 -2.38900000 -0.60200000
O 0.00400000 1.93800000 -0.22500000
H 0.87400000 2.31400000 -0.15000000
H -0.38300000 2.21000000 -1.05000000
O -1.90900000 -0.04700000 -0.39400000
H -2.16500000 -0.79100000 -0.92800000
H -2.24000000 0.76400000 -0.76300000
O 1.91200000 0.03800000 0.38800000
H 2.15700000 0.70900000 1.01500000
H 2.45300000 0.08900000 -0.39100000

basis noprint
 * library 6-31G*

  noprint "final vectors analysis"
  mult 5
  xc hfexch

  nroots 10

task tddft energy

And this is the end of my output:

 Superposition of Atomic Density Guess
 Sum of atomic energies:       -1716.63448140

 Renormalizing density from      86.00 to     84
      Non-variational initial energy

 Total energy =   -1692.948019
 1-e energy   =   -3715.536900
 2-e energy   =    1301.767054
 HOMO         =      -1.021910
 LUMO         =      -0.951845
   Time after variat. SCF:     14.6
   Time prior to 1st pass:     14.6

 Integral file          = /scratch/webmodemo/webmo-4350/163087/input.aoints.0
 Record size in doubles =  65536        No. of integs per rec  =  43688
 Max. records in memory =      0        Max. records in file   = 492162
 No. of bits per label  =      8        No. of bits per value  =     64

 #quartets = 2.722D+06 #integrals = 5.547D+07 #direct =  0.0% #cached =100.0%

           Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
           Heap Space remaining (MW):       13.06            13057712
          Stack Space remaining (MW):       13.11            13105058

   convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
 ---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- ---------  ------
 d= 0,ls=0.0,diis     1  -1712.5508075294 -2.43D+03  6.68D-02  1.30D+01    58.0
                                                     4.33D-02  1.80D+01
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Inappropriate ioctl for device
forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)
0:Terminate signal was sent, status=: 15
(rank:0 pid:8155):ARMCI DASSERT fail. signaltrap.c:SigTermHandler():463 cond:0

I'm using to perform my calculations with NWChem (nwchem-5.1.1) because it is faster.

I’d really appreciate any help with this.
Thank you in advance.
Henrique C. S. Junior
Inorganic Chemist - UFRRJ - Rio de Janeiro

Gets Around
It's possible you are hitting resource limits, though this job didn't appear especially difficult when I ran it locally. All I had to do was raise the allowed SCF iterations to get normal completion, though that can't be your problem because the job dies far too early. 5.1.1 is a pretty old version of the software. In any case here is a completed output for your job, run with the latest 6.3 snapshot:

Just Got Here
Thank you, that worked!
I was able to reproduce your results.
What software do you use to read your results? At my end Gabedit was not able to generate a UV-vis graphic for the data contained in this output.

Gets Around
You can use contrib/parsers/ to generate data for plotting like this:

python < nwchem-logfile.log > data.dat

There are a number of adjustable options if you read the code in, but the defaults will produce something that looks OK. Then just plot the output data with your favorite plotting system. Here's a quick crude image from gnuplot:

Clicked A Few Times
I'm very sorry for my delay, your hint worked.
Thank you very much.

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