Geometry optimizations that won't converge

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This is a question that isn't really specific to NWChem, since I think all codes struggle with this. I am working with a benzaldehyde dimer (28 atoms total, 14 in each molecule) that is failing to converge in the geometry optimization; it is not going wild, it is just getting to a reasonable place and then making tiny changes and never totally converging. This is a DFT run with the BLYP functional. Are there any thoughts (with this case, and in general) on how to handle these failures to converge with a geometry optimization? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Forum Vet
Could you post the input file?
Cheers, Edo
PS By the way, BLYP might not be the best XC functional for a system that is likely to have hydrogen bonds.

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Quote:Edoapra Aug 21st 4:18 pm
Could you post the input file?
Cheers, Edo
PS By the way, BLYP might not be the best XC functional for a system that is likely to have hydrogen bonds.

Could you please tell me more about picking a good functional for a system with hydrogen bonds?

Here is the input file:

title "benz"
memory total 8000 stack 2000 heap 2000 global 4000 mb
scratch_dir ./scratch
geometry noautosym units angstroms noautoz
C -0.0104264112060349 1.2217277514897262 -0.0067215915170059
C 1.3532236922262595 1.0376207989405550 -0.0100473424117131
C 1.8827338023761457 -0.2427426217894013 -0.0047394994210278
C 1.0450793476024702 -1.3417295269712477 0.0038063008011855
C -0.3226230587407987 -1.1576391608095158 0.0071742984298133
C -0.8588428428176198 0.1217738325711968 0.0019385807161303
C -2.3141267455224108 0.2958852986137319 0.0059091006174388
O -2.8806249352935782 1.3636886481992183 0.0030452114213137
H 2.0212406382283934 1.8993024513319567 -0.0170051706955214
H 2.9650290473933638 -0.3837195354887875 -0.0074984890651671
H 1.4654738778600864 -2.3478515703138321 0.0080308956664231
H -0.9941868126164205 -2.0194959957310901 0.0141343124104505
H -2.9034663695358489 -0.6674590749110183 0.0128044859411187
H -0.4484831321651365 2.2206487109982476 -0.0108410920382612
C -0.0104264112060349 1.2217277514897262 2.4932784084829942
C 1.3532236922262595 1.0376207989405550 2.4899526575882871
C 1.8827338023761457 -0.2427426217894013 2.4952605005789721
C 1.0450793476024702 -1.3417295269712477 2.5038063008011857
C -0.3226230587407987 -1.1576391608095158 2.5071742984298133
C -0.8588428428176198 0.1217738325711968 2.5019385807161303
C -2.3141267455224108 0.2958852986137319 2.5059091006174388
O -2.8806249352935782 1.3636886481992183 2.5030452114213135
H 2.0212406382283934 1.8993024513319567 2.4829948293044786
H 2.9650290473933638 -0.3837195354887875 2.4925015109348330
H 1.4654738778600864 -2.3478515703138321 2.5080308956664230
H -0.9941868126164205 -2.0194959957310901 2.5141343124104507
H -2.9034663695358489 -0.6674590749110183 2.5128044859411189
H -0.4484831321651365 2.2206487109982476 2.4891589079617389
* library 6-311G*
 maxiter 400
#BLYP functional
xc becke88 lyp
iterations 400
task dft optimize

Forum Vet
I have found no problem running your input file.
What version of NWChem have you been using?
Could you post your output file to a website?
There might be issue with the NWChem installation you are using

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Quote:Edoapra Aug 22nd 9:39 am
I have found no problem running your input file.
What version of NWChem have you been using?
Could you post your output file to a website?
There might be issue with the NWChem installation you are using

I am using version 6.1.1. Do you have any suggestions on a website that I could post my output file to? I am not sure how to do this.

Thanks very much for your help.

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Quote:Edoapra Aug 22nd 9:39 am
I have found no problem running your input file.
What version of NWChem have you been using?
Could you post your output file to a website?
There might be issue with the NWChem installation you are using

I tried running this on another computer and had no trouble, so it seems that you are right that it is an installation issue. Thank you very much for your help.

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