defining multi-atom monomers for BSSE

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I am trying to define 2 different amino acid residue(or monomers) in nwchem using their cartesian coordinate obtained from crystal structure file(.pdb) as :
geometry units angstrom
  #symmetry c1
  N 2.739 24.753 58.631  #His N
  H 2.603 25.170 59.371  #His H
  C 2.965 23.359 58.764  #His CA
  C 1.892 22.522 58.067  #His C
  O 2.178 21.539 57.399  #His O
  C 3.074 22.934 60.212  #His CB
  C 4.384 23.352 60.901  #His CG
  N 4.641 24.608 61.248  #His ND1
  C 5.423 22.607 61.249  #His CD2
  C 5.863 24.629 61.854  #His CE1
  N 6.338 23.431 61.871  #His NE2
  H 3.814 23.193 58.326  #His HA
  H 2.328 23.310 60.705  #His HB2
  H 2.989 21.969 60.262  #His HB3
  H 4.129 25.286 61.115  #His HD1
  H 5.515 21.694 61.097  #His HD2
  H 6.286 25.383 62.197  #His HE1

  O 2.533 26.305 61.093  #Asp OD1
  C 2.375 27.069 62.059  #Asp CG
  N 0.276 24.751 62.891  #Asp N
  C 0.008 26.050 62.356  #Asp CA
  C -0.203 26.009 60.830  #Asp C
  O -0.082 24.982 60.186  #Asp O
  C 1.059 27.102 62.775  #Asp CB
  O 3.249 27.900 62.464  #Asp OD2
  H 1.049 24.613 63.117  #Asp H
  H -0.829 26.341 62.751  #Asp HA
  H 0.671 27.982 62.652  #Asp HB2
  H 1.229 26.997 63.724  #Asp HB3

Now from this two residues I'm trying to find the dft energy of the Hydrogen bond formed between [HisN HisH]---[Asp OD1 Asp CG].
How can I get the possible bsse corrected energy for this hydrogen bond with aug-cc-pvdz basis set and xc: M06-2x !?
Basically I was following
, HF-dimer calculation code. But getting a bit lost defining this one.

A little help would be very nice.
Thank you.

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