Null Pointer Resource in ECCE organiser

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I installed ECCE 7.0 on Debian 7 in VMWare workstation. I compiled and installed from the source distribution and everything is working!

However, I try to create a new NWCHEM calculation in the ECCE organiser but I have this message when I want to create the file :

Null Pointer Resource

I checked a little bit on internet an the forum but I did not see a solution...

Could you help me to resolve this problem?

Thank you!


Gets Around
I have successfully built ECCE 7.0 on the latest Debian 7 (Debian 7.5), and I am using it along with a locally compiled version of NWChem. I am using the 64 bit version of Debian and I have compiled ECCE and NWChem as 64 bit applications.

Where are you trying to create your calculation? It needs to be somewhere that the current ECCE user can write to. For example, in my setup I have one user 'niels' in ECCE and I have set up ECCE for local access only. I log in as niels to the Debian desktop, start ECCE as niels in a terminal and log in to ECCE as niels, and then I can create and run calculations.

In the organizer I can create a new calculation under the home location of niels, but if I try to create a new calculation one level up under 'users' I get prompted to log in to ECCE again, and my local password for niels does not work. When I cancel the login attempt trying to create a calculation under 'users' I get the Null Pointer Resource error. This is not a very good error message, but if your case is similar it could mean that you are trying to create a calculation somewhere that your ECCE user cannot write to, or that perhaps you are having problems with authentication or directory ownership.

On my system I have installed ECCE to /opt/science/ecce/. The actual projects for niels are found under /opt/science/ecce/server/data/Ecce/users/niels/ and that directory is owned by the 'nobody' user in the root group, indicating that the ECCE server process owns it rather than any ordinary user account.

Find your ECCE users directory, the equivalent of my '/opt/science/ecce/server/data/Ecce/users/' above. What does ls -l show for that directory? Do you see your ECCE user's directory under that users directory?

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I think it is the problem. I start the ECCE server via the terminal as root and superuser. I log in and start ECCE as root. Normally, ECCE does not have problem to create a new file in a directory.
How can I change the permissions to allow ECCE to create file?

ls -l does not show anything. The only file I see it is a .htaccess with ls -la. What can I do?

Thank you!

Gets Around
If you don't see anything with ls -l then I think you have not generated an ECCE user account yet. I have never started the ECCE client as root. Try starting the server as root, then start the ECCE client as a normal user. The first time you start the ECCE client as a normal user it should create an ECCE account for the user.

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I tried to start the server as root and start the ECCE client as user but I have the same problem :

Null pointer ressource...

This time I have 2 account and two directories with a ls -l. The first one corespond to my root account and the second one is the normal user account...

If I am starting the ECCE server and the ECCE client as root I have the same problem evenif the two accounts are now created.

Somebody have a solution?

Thank you!

Gets Around
I have uploaded a virtual machine with ECCE installed and functioning, plus the latest NWChem snapshot installed and configured for use through ECCE:

The image is a 64 bit Debian Wheezy system. It was created in VirtualBox but it should be possible to import in VMWare also.

You can log in to the system as Niels Bohr, password science. This account has sudo enabled without password if you need to do anything as superuser. The ECCE server is automatically started. You can start the ECCE client from a terminal and then log in to ECCE as niels, password also science. It is hard to guess what might be interfering with operations on your system without access to it, so I hope that this working implementation allows you to find the problem by comparison.

Gets Around

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Thank you very much!

I will check that but I need time due to the size of the file.


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