Post Hartree-Fock HOMO-LUMO gap

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Hello NWChem community,

I am attempting to estimate HOMO-LUMO gaps (and UV absorption wavelength) with NWChem.

However, the module does not print HOMO-LUMO after the SCF cycle (for example, MP2, DFT, and CCSD(T) on H2 molecule).

How can I get NWChem to print out the HOMO-LUMO gap post-Hartree Fock energy for H2?

Also,is there a way for NWChem to print out whether HOMO-LUMO is sigma-sigma* or pi-pi* or anything like that?

Here is my input (last line modified for CCSD or SCF)


start molecule

title "Cytosine optimization"
charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz autosym
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 0.74

* library aug-cc-pVQZ

scratch_dir scratch


xc ssb-d

task dft energy

Forum Regular

Indeed the code does not print the HOMO-LUMO gap explicitly. However, at the end of the SCF or DFT calculation it will print the orbital analysis. For H2 (I have used SCF instead of DFT so I could simply use "task ccsd energy", and I used the cc-pvdz basis set) I got:

Vector    1  Occ=2.000000D+00  E=-5.924110D-01  Symmetry=a1g
MO Center= 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, -4.0D-17, r^2= 7.1D-01
Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function
----- ------------ --------------- ----- ------------ ---------------
1 0.403665 1 H s 6 0.403665 2 H s
2 0.173763 1 H s 7 0.173763 2 H s

Vector    2  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.974400D-01  Symmetry=a2u
MO Center= 3.3D-17, 6.2D-17, -9.0D-16, r^2= 2.7D+00
Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function
----- ------------ --------------- ----- ------------ ---------------
2 1.958656 1 H s 7 -1.958656 2 H s
1 0.150244 1 H s 6 -0.150244 2 H s

In this table "Occ" refers to the orbital occupation and "E" to the corresponding orbital energy. So it is relatively easy to identify vector 1 as the HOMO and vector 2 as the LUMO, giving a HOMO-LUMO gap of 0.19744 - -0.59241 = 0.78985 Hartree. Of course if you want you can write a little script to extract that information. I am more than happy to put that in our contrib directory, so you have it in future.

Best wishes, Huub

Just Got Here
What should you do if you want gaps that are 0.1 hartree or less?

Just Got Here
What should you do if you want gaps that are 0.1 hartree or less?

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