sym geom project: sym center map is inconsistent with requested accuracy

Just Got Here

When I use NWChem to do geometry optimization, I met this problem:
sym_geom_project: sym_center_map is inconsistent with requested accuracy.

I find the subroutine sym_geom_project(geom, tol) give this error messeage, there is a comparsion between the calculated value and the "tol". So I want to know is there any option to set the value of the "tol"?


Forum Vet
Can you please post the input deck so we can look at what is going wrong.


Quote:Xiongxiaogen Apr 13th 9:26 am

When I use NWChem to do geometry optimization, I met this problem:
sym_geom_project: sym_center_map is inconsistent with requested accuracy.

I find the subroutine sym_geom_project(geom, tol) give this error messeage, there is a comparsion between the calculated value and the "tol". So I want to know is there any option to set the value of the "tol"?


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