Compiling with GotoBLAS2

  • Guest -
I've seen a posting about using BLAS here, but there was no answer. I can build NWchem-6.0 with GotoBLAS and Intel compiler, using the build_nwchem script with added HAS_BLAS=yes and BLASOPT="/mypath/libgoto2-intel.a -lpthread". It does link OK. But then almost every QA test fails for bad DGEMM in the autosym procedure. Is it possible to fix this?

With best regards,
Grigory Shamov

Forum Regular
Hi Grigory,

Can you send us your output file ?


Niri Govind
NWChem Developer

  • Guest -
Dear Niri,

Thank you, I've just sent my output and build_nwchem to your email!

With best regards,
Grigory Shamov

  • Guest -
Same thing with gfortran and corresponding GotoBLAS2
The BLAS library seem to be OK in itself, for I was able to build GAMESS-US with it.

With best regards,
Grigory Shamov

  • Guest -
Could be an i8 problem in GotoBLAS
Quote: Apr 7th 10:10 pm
The BLAS library seem to be OK in itself, for I was able to build GAMESS-US with it.

With best regards,
Grigory Shamov

  • Guest -
Could be an i8 problem in GotoBLAS
GotoBLAS by default is compiled with the -i4 option (or the corresponding option) and therefore won't take 64-bit array pointers.

Forum Vet
How to link NWChem against GotoBLAS on 64-bit platforms
There are two alternatives for linking NWChem against GotoBLAS2 on 64-bit platforms

Install GotoBLAS2 with 64bit integers. This is accomplished by compiling the GotoBLAS2 library after having by edited the GotoBLAS2 Makefile.rule file and un-commenting the line containing the INTERFACE64 definition. In other words, the line
needs to be changed to

On the NWChem side, you simply need to set the environmental variable BLASOPT to the GotoBLAS2 library location

If GotoBLAS2 has not been compiled with 64-bit integers (and I cam guessing it is the case for Grigory), then you need
to use the 64_to_32 procedure described in the $NWCHEM_TOP/install file

1) cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
2) make clean
3) make 64_to_32
4) make USE_64TO32=y HAS_BLAS=yes BLASOPT=" optimized BLAS"

e.g. for IBM64: make USE_64TO32=y HAS_BLAS=yes BLASOPT="-lessl -lmass"

More details were recently discussed in the following post

  • Guest -
Dear Edoardo,

Thank you; I've compiled NWChem specifying the 64bit pointers explicitly in MKL, as follows:

export BLASOPT="-L$MKLROOT/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm"

And it seems to work now. Previously, I let the compiler choose with simple -mkl switch, and it perhaps picked the 32bit ones.

Grigory Shamov

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Compiling NWChem